Chapter 4: I'm What...
{Sorry if you don't like what's going to happened in this chapter. if you don't pls don't hate on me, but if u do like it mind voting it really makes my day! ^w^}
Ritchie woke up to coughing and wheezing, he opened his eyes not seeing his brother on the other side of the bed, he got up and made his way to the bathroom, the coughing stopped only to see his brother throwing up, he turned around not wanting to gross out, not a minutes later he didn't hear vomiting just wheezing.
Ritchie went to his brother and rubbed his back, "I hate it," leaning back on his brother.
"Sorry i didn't help out," Ritchie said whipping his brothers down face.
"It's fine, now get out, i need to take a shower," Brandon said flushing the toilet, Ritchie nodded and headed back to lay on their bed.
The twins where doing paper work for about three-five hours until they heard the door open, Ritchie looked up to see Raindrop coming in with papers, Brandon finished his paper work and looked up to see his lover.
"morning love-," he stopped and looked at the paper work.
Lucas nervously laughed, "sorry me and David-," just about when he was finished Ritchie and Brandon said, "How much," Lucas placed the paper on the table and thought, "this one for the quest being done, two, no three files of papers for 'Descent expoger',".
Ritchie groaned with Brandon signed the mission paper, "i'll sling his head off some day," Brandon grunted, David walked in.
"What was that boss, didn't hear you," the half naked man said.
"Nothing David keep walking and talking," Brandon said with a calm voice.
Lucas looked at Brandon in shock, he wasn't expecting his love to say that, he thought he would shout at him for not wearing clothes or the files he gave them, "Babe you good, you didn't shout at David for not wearing clothes in your office,".
Lucas felt his loves four-head only for it not to be warm or hot, "what's the point, he'll strip down later, wast of time and my voice," Brandon said signing more paper work.
"He was emotional yesterday and as you can see now, and he threw up this morning," This took Lucas back, so he asked something just to make sure his hunch was right.
"Was their anything else wired he did too," Rithcie thought for a moment.
"Now you mention it yeah, he wanted honey for breakfast and he doesn't like honey," Lucas started to panic, Brandon glanced up from his paper work and saw Lucas.
"Lucky you good?" Brandon asked worried for his lover.
"Yeah, just need to call someone, I'll be back," like that Lucas made his way down, Brandon and Ritchie just continued with paper work, and David having a beer.
Lucas called Bri right after he got down and she said she'll be their in a few, Bri arrived and saw Lucas walking back and fourth, she made her self known, "THANK god your here," Lucas said walking up to her.
"So you said that Brandon has sighs of being Pregnant," she asked raising an eyebrow, while Micheal came foreword, "what did he show exactly?,"
Lucas took a breather and calmed down, "well Ritchie said that he was on an emotional roller coaster at the party and i saw it myself, and he threw up this morning and ate honey," Bri was shocked while Micheal clapped.
"Congrats on the baby," Lucas just stared at him, Bri started to clap as well, Lucas started to panic, his boyfriend was pregnant, with his child, how are they going to raise a baby, their not ready for this step, how is Brandon going to react that he's pregnant.
"Lucas calm down, your going to burst a brain cell," Bri said.
"Yeah, you won't be able to see your baby if you do that," Micheal said calmly, Lucas stopped from walking in his panic circle and looked at Micheal.
"Calm down, YOU'ER TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN!? Micheal how am i spouse to calm down? this isn't even possible, he isn't even transgender," Lucas screamed in a way that both leaders can hear him, not the others inside the guild hall.
"Easy, he's one of the 5% of Devil slayer boys to get pregnant or at lest his Demon can and since Brandon has a Demon that can get pregnant so is he," Micheal said with Lucas tried to prosess what the shadow god slayer has said.
"And you could have told us before!" Lucas screamed alerting the others inside.
"Well how am i spouse to know that Brandon could get Pregnant?" Micheal said then noticed someone behind Lucas, more like the hole guild behind him, Micheal waved and said, "oh Brandon congrats, your having a baby,"
Lucas looked behind him and saw his guild and lover, Brandon was shocked as well as the others, Lucas walked over to Brandon and held his hand, "I'm what..?" Brandon said looking at Lucas.
Lucas sighed, "babe your pregnant." Lucas said rubbing Brandon.
"H-how," Brandon stuttered out witch surprised some of them.
"Easy," Micheal stepped onto view and Continued , "and to put it short, your Demon is one of the 5% Demon boy that can," the place went silents for a few minuets.
"Brother-," Ritchie tried to place his hand on his brothers shoulder only for him to back up.
"I need sometime alone," Brandon said blunt and walked to his and Ritchie's house.
"Lucas?," Ritchie asked looking at his member, friend, and a close person to him.
"Huh!?, I'm not the one pregnant he is, he's the one that needs space not me," Lucas said and walked off somewhere, Micheal stepped beside his lover.
"Since their not ready do you think he'll do 'it' or-," Ritchie looked down at his lover.
"How are you so calm munchkin?, Brother will think twice before doing 'it'," Ritchie said while Micheal shrugged at the first part.
Brandon was left alone for the next part off the day, no one came in or knocked the door, surprisingly Jupiter hasn't Spock to him either, 'if i do 'it' i mite regret it in the future and live with it my hole life, but if i don't then... I, no, we could have are own family, me and lucky and, the baby, but i'm a guild leader, how am i going to protect my guild, while trying to protect the two of us' Brandon ground as million thought came to his head.
After another hour of thoughts, Brandon made his decisions.
"I'll protect you with all i have, I will not let anyone harm you or my Family while i'm alive and well, My sweet little baby bean," Brandon said with his right hand on his stomach.
He got up and went to his boyfriends house, David was asleep on the couch half naked, he shock his head and walked up to his lovers room, Brandon found Lucas on his side, facing the wall, Brandon went and layed on the bed and cuddled him, Lucas turned around and looked in his eyes, Brandon toke his hand and placed it on his stomach, "we're keeping them," Brandon said
When he finished Lucas had a wide smile and started to tear up, his dream of having a family with his true love came true, Brandon chuckled, "Hey, I'm spouse to make it rain, not you," he said whipping away his tears, Lucas chuckled at his bad... whatever he did, Brandon cuddled his lover closely while Lucas rubbing his stomach.
{1234 words, we be doing numbers here xD, i don't really know why i made Brandon say that, it just came to mind, anyways if you have any questions on this chapter feel free to send them my way, i won't answer spoiler UwU, (you'll hate me for what i'm going to do in chapter 12 'w') anyways hope you wolfie's enjoyed this chapter and their will be more to come so stay tune, BYE wolfie's}
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