Chapter 3: Grand party
Sab was waiting for her dad to come out of the bathroom so they could get going or at lest try too, "Do i have to ware this," Micheal said, a blush of embarrassment on his cheeks.
Sab looked at her dad, "dad you look great," she said holding back her laughter, "i'm sure papa will love it,".
Micheal crossed his arms at his daughter, "yeah huh, he would love to see me in a dress," Sab nodded, Micheal let out a sigh, "why so we have to wear this. i rather wear my usual,".
Sab looked at her dad and squinted, "No," she said darkly, Micheal guessed that came from him, "besides, uncle Austin said so in the invitation," Sab hold out a peace of paper and Micheal toke it.
"Ugh, fine, BUT no way in hell i'm wearing this to the party,".
Sab sighed and said, "I knew you'd say that, good thing is i had another pear on your bed," with a smirk and it quickly faded as it appeared.
Micheal smiled then asked, "but i thought those where for Devin?,".
Sab shock her head, "Nah, uncle Dev left earlier, and mite i say he looked sharp!," {don't ask why a 5 year old said that -w-} "and if you saw what you were wearing, why did you wear it?," Sab asked her dad.
"Cuase i didn't want you to be sad, and cry cus i didn't wear it," he answered rubbing his neck.
"Aw, you didn't have to, but you did, thank you," she said happily and Micheal nodded and left to change... again.
Micheal came back after changing, He didn't quite have a smile on his face, he just grumped his way to his daughter and posed an 'un-wanting to wear this' poss.
He Had The same style as his Rode but as a shirt with a black skirt up to his keens and white socks with tow black strips on the top.
"I did not agree to this!," he said with some annoyances in his tone, Sab couldn't help but chuckle.
"WELL to Bad Daddy, this is what Grimshade will have in common, so suck it Up," She said putting her hands on her hips proudly.
Micheal was a Bit annoyed at her but that annoyances went when he was what she had.
A white shirt with black sleeves going up to her short non existent color, A Gray skirt that looks like Fish nets but it's not, And she had the brightest smile that could make anyone's day!.
Sab and Micheal Appeared in front of the party building, they both went in and went where Colin. seek and Lily where.
Colin had a dark purple shirt with a lighter purple skirt, purple short socks and black shose.
Seek Had a black jacket with green strips on both his up-er arms a green shirt, he had his green socks with black tow black strips on both of them, And his light green sneakers.
Lily Had her hair on a bone with a flower in the middle of it, A light purple top that covered most her up-er body with sort sleeves, a black skirt till her knees with fancy socks till her keens and black heels.
"Aunt Lily you look stunning," Sab said hugging Lily.
Lily hugged the child back "Omg you look stunning your self, same with you Micheal trying to impress someone~," she said, teasing her guild leader.
Micheal blushed then brushed it off, they chatted for a while until they decided to go where Divinus Magia were, well part of them were at, Grimshade found Mario, Kit, Inmo and Tapioca, they all had a them going on, guessing they wanted it like that.
Mario was wearing A dark Gray long Jacket with yellow fabrick under his left shoulder, a small one on his right elbow, a big on the wast on the Jacket part and a middle on in the end of the right side, White shirt, Gray jeans, brown shoes, and his dirty gold bandana and over it a lighter gold color flower crown.
Tapio who was on top of Mario-who got down when Grimshade came- had a dark green Jacket a White shirt, and Black pants, and no -foot prisons- shoes.
Kit who was in front of Mario and on his left, had a light Red tank top with 'X' Strips over her chest, black jeans and a Orange and Red flower crown and her feather.
Inmo who was on the right side of Mario had his Jacket on and a Dark-ish green shirt with dirty golden pants, and his normal-everyday-shoes, A light purple flower crown.
"WOW is that Micheal WEARING a SkIrT!, all off you" Inmo said shocked.
"You look great is what he meant, same goes for the rest of you," Mario said, hitting the back of Omni's head.
"Did you have to do that pebble brain," Imno mumbled, not realising he said it out loud and clear.
"Would you like to repeat the or get swung half way throw Atlantide," Inmo backed up not wanting to be flong.
Ritchie then zapped in making Kit jump, since he did zap behind her, "sorry Kit, thought you'd be use to that by now" he told her and cussed her to mumble, "want to say that louder, couldn't hear ya," Ritchie asked, tightening his bandana while at it.
Ritchie had a black shirt a Blue Jacket with yellow strips from the color till the end of it, and yellow sleeves, Gray jeans, light brown shoes, and on top of his Bandana an yellow and blue flower crown.
She just shock her head and hid behind Mario, Mario just shock his head, Sab noticed her papa(Ritchie) and hugged him, Ritchie chuckled.
"Nice to see you to Sabrina, and you too munchkin, and your guild," greeting his lover and his guild, "now is-," Before Ritchie could finish he herd a thud.
He didn't look Surprised on who it is, he looked up to see a flying man smiling on what he did, "Brother," Brandon looked at his brother.
Brandon Had a dark-ish purple Jacket with white sleeves and light purple strips from his coler till the end of the long ish sleeves, Light Gray jeans, Dark brown shose, he had a purple and White flower crown.
"What, he was annoying me so Lucky told me to go ahead and drop him off, so i did" He said shrugging David ground and got up, rubbing his face from the fall.
"But you didn't have to drop me on my face," David walked beside him.
David had a white open Jacket with light blue sleeves with black buttons, the color has the light blue and the end of the Jacket has tow strips of the color, light Gray Pants, with Black shose, he had an Ice color flower crown.
"How else would I've shut you up," Brandon said clearly annoyed, "how about i glue you moth next," he looked at the devil slayer, smirking and raising an eyebrow.
David backed away, not wanting his guild leader to glue his moth, how could he kiss Mario- what was he thinking, he made his thoughts shut up then he saw Raindrop, surprisingly not wet.
David hid behind Lucas and said, "your demon husband want's to glue my moth too," you could see both boyfriends blush madly.
Lucas Had a dark-ish blue Jacket that had pockets and tow dark blue strips on his arm, he had some Bandages on his left top arm, and Bark blue Jeans and his normal shose and a water blue flower crown.
"I-I-....," Lucas manged to studder out until he faced the ground, "i think i Brock your wife Brandon," Brandon was just blushing even more, if that's possible, with wide eye's.
"David you moron, you Brock my brother and Raindrop," Ritchie screamed, while Micheal holding him back.
"David piss off," Brandon said, as the blush on his face faded away, he walked up to his boyfriend and hugged him, witch Lucas hugged back, "me and Lucky aren't ready for that yet," Brandon said.
"BUT you two have been dating for a long time," David said flinging his hands in the air.
"And I've been gone for a long time, i wouldn't expect it for another year or two,".
After that they all hung out, until the twins and Micheal want to see Bri and Austin, Brandon said his goodbye to his love for now.
The three meat with a Stunning Bri and Austin.
Bri Had a peachy Pick dress till her knees and fancy socks till under her knees, Dark peachy Heels, her hair was tied up in a bun.
Austin who had his Normal clothes but in a Lighter color with a Top Hat/
"well you guys look great," Bri commented, looking at her friends.
"same goes for you two," Ritchie smiled at them.
the five friends sat on the stage, Brandon on the left(<- if ur facing their backs) then Ritchie, Micheal, Bri and the Austin, Ritchie then had a question for his brother.
"Brother i have a question?," the others stopped talking to see or hear Ritchie's question.
"go on," Brandon said looking at his brother.
"Did Jupiter take over or did you let him?," Ritchie asked, Brandon went wide, and looked away, as the seens come back to mind.
"I let him take over," Ritchie and the others were shocked, Why would he let his Demon take over?, "why would you do that? to me to yourself?," Ritchie said in a soft voice, he try to hug his brother only for Brandon to hope of the stage.
"I was weak, I couldn't fight my counter part, I couldn't kill him with out full control of my powers," Ritchie jumped of the stage and hugged his brother.
"DON'T ever say that about your self, and don't think i believe that lie you said," Brandon pushed his brother away, all four of them where surprised at this.
"well maybe i wasn't thinking for once," Brandon said angrily, witch toke them back.
"okay i think that enough, Brandon calm down your going to make a seen," Micheal said while Brandon looked away, Micheal and Ritchie decided to go back and sit down, while Brandon sat on air where he was.
Ritchie was somewhat talking with the others, But mainly focusing on his Brother, Brandon has something to say but couldn't bring himself to say it, witch was strange since he always say's or points out something on his mind, Ritchie had enough and jumped of the stage and pulled his brother somewhere privet.
Ritchie made sure on one enters, "so, what's on your mind brother, you've been looking stressed and wanting to say something since the short fight we had," Ritchie said softly.
Brandon looked at his brothers eyes, the eyes that would make him safe, the eyes that could bring the storm and calm the other storms(not really good at Describing things =w=' Ps: still not!), Brandon let out the tears he was holding back since the fight.
"I'm sorry i screamed at you," Ritchie pulled his brother into a hug, witch Brandon gladly hugged back tighter but not to tight, "I don't know what came over me it's just a lot of emotions running throw my head, it's new, I don't like it," Brandon said tears still going down, but stopped, Ritchie rubbed his brothers back and telling him it's going to be alright, and it's okay to feel like this sometimes.
After both where done they went only a few people left, they toke longer then expected, both said their goodbyes, and Brandon apologised for how he was earlier, they understood it and all was good, and both guilds including Austin went on their way.
{1377 words,{ PS 1961 words}i wanted to say a huge thank you to my friend on discord chocolate_Chip2242 for doing the clothes, it was a hug help <3, second of thank you wolfies for the support and love you give me it helps to know that people enjoy my writing and 15 followers (now over 20-)thank you so much, really never thought i would get this much, i know i said it somewhere but people keep following and adding some of my books (especially my nun-sense book <3)to their reading lists, BUT ANYWAYS i hope u enjoyed this chapter, and i hope it made you day better or much better, stay safe, BYE wolfies}
{day's toke to write: 3/10- 8/10}
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{PS: I would really like to thank all of you who waited for this to come out and being patient with meh QWQ, and i would really love to see ur love and support for this book for being published after tow more months, have a GREAT day/night BAI~}
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