Chapter 1: Divorce
On Micheal's travels on finding his wife and daughter was with no luck, excpet today. He stumbled upon a village, well more like a town, he went inside only to find no one, no kids running around, shop's closed, and a few grades not a lot,' something must be happening here' thought the god slayer, he walked for a few minutes until he saw a crowed, he got close to the crowed, he could he feint voices, he couldn't see what the people where seeing, so he went throw the crowd of people, he started to hear the person who was talking, 'is this a wedding' as Micheal came close he saw two people, 'so this is a wedding, interesting place for it' Micheal thought as he saw a man that was decked out, he must be the person who's running this town, as the priest finished both off the wedds turned to each other, Micheal waited to see both their faces, he didn't know why he did tho, as the man toke off the braids cover thing (I HAVE NO SHIT IDEA WHAT THAT'S CALLED) he could he the females face, he was shocked on how she looks like his wife, the priest said the women's name ' lilac???' , Micheal darkened as he heard that, is it really her, no it couldn't their's a lot with that name, Micheal thought for a few until he saw something the resembles his wife, he saw the tattoo oh his guild, the old one, not the new one, (Not the NEW NEW one ^^) guess she forgot to cover the up, anger went throw this vines, his site begin to go Red, he calmed down a little, not to 'Unintentionally' kill her in front off everyone, something told him to shout at her for her betrayal, CHEATING on behind his back with another man, while spends MONTHS searching for her.
" YOU BITCH, how could you do this to me," Micheal finally snapped, turning everyone's attentions to words him, the people backed up, seeing as his marks started to come and go, " How dare you Interrupted my wedding," a man in Black said to the god slayer, "MICHEAL!," the women he once called wife asked, "yes it's me lilac, Micheal, leader Of Grimshade, your husbanded that you cheated on BEHIND his back, the one that spends MONTHS looking for a Slut like you," Micheal screamed with every second getting louder, he wanted to ripe her soul so badly but couldn't, at least not in front of the people, " Daddy," someone said from the corner off his eye, he looked where he heard that, he saw those eyes off his little Daughter, "Sabrina," Micheal says tears forming in his eyes, Sabrina ran and hugged her father, Micheal gladly hugged back, "Get you hands off my Daughter," the man said angrily, Micheal pulled away from the hug and looked at the man in black, "your daughter, HA, don't make me laugh, she's MY daughter, and if you want her, then i suggest getting a layer, i'm divorceing this so called 'angle' off a wife i had," he said, both with a threatening tone and a glad one.
"Wait, you can't do that, she's my kid, I've been with her my hole life, where have you been," lilac said looking at Micheal, not scared off him, "well i guess i did," he said, papers show up on his hands, he walked up to his ex-wife and handing out his hand, "Singh them," he said in a dark tone ready to kill her on sight, she did so and cussed him out, "but never with you," he said smirking, "oh by the way, i have full custity of my daughter, so say you goodbye's, cus you'll never see her again," he went up to his daughter and picked her up, "say goodbye to her, if you want that is," he said looking at his Daughter with soft and safety of his eyes, Sabrina toke a moment the said, " burn in hell you child abuser," tearing up, Micheal is just shocked on what his Daughter said, not the cussing part, that she said 'child abuser', he hugged her tightly not letting anyone touch or let her see her 'mother'.
He looked at his Ex for one last time and spoke up, " I'll make sure your death is painful and burn in hell fire," as he walked off he could her the sweet scream of conquer coming from her, " I'll protect you with all i have, now lets go home," and like that the shadows toke him and Sabrina to their home.
{ 777 words up their, so as i said i'll 'try' and make these chapters as short as can be, but i don't think my mind will be able to, cus i like writing and it helps my spelling, so i would just write on an' on an' on, you get what i mean, SO hope u wolfies/beans/bros, all u wonderful people enjoyed this chapter, (i don't care if u didn't i really don't care who sees this, BUT i appreciate who reads my books, it means a lot <3) hope all of u are having a great day, if not hope this made you day a bit better ^w^, Well have an amazing Day/Night, bye wolfies :)}
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