The Ambrosius's?
Gwaine, as always, was late.
It was good three days after most people had arrived in Ambrosia before Grettir contacted him telling that 'strength' was here. And that today was the 5th day that the Dragonlord had been keeping a watch.
Balinor, Merlin had been told, had been keeping an eye on the kingdom. Trying to find ways to breach the border without letting the elf know.
He wasn't succeeding.
Merlin understood why his father was being cautious but 5 days was just taking it too far and that is why he had decided to take a wyvern instead of Gemini this time. Maybe his father would finally show himself in the presence of kin.
When Merlin reached the border, he could feel his father looking at him from behind the trees, when he was greeted by Gwaine. Or rather Gwaine's sword.
He was just like Merlin remembered him to be, if not a bit younger and more hot-tempered. Merlin had come that particular judgement when Gwaine put the sword against Merlin's throat without any kind of greeting and asked,
"Who are you," sorcerer? The wyvern behind Merlin growled at Gwaine but quieted when Merlin raised a hand - to stop. Gwaine cast a wary glance at the wyvern but didn't move the sword from Merlin's throat, in fact, pushed it harder.
"I am a friend," Merlin replies, making his voice as calm as possible. Behind him the wyvern twitched, Merlin knows any sign of pain from him and the wyvern will attack Gwaine without a second thought. This species was very protective.
So, he pretends that the sword on his neck is not about to draw blood.
Gwaine snorts at that and then looks at him from head to toe. When he meets Merlin's eyes again, there a wicked glint.
"I may have shagged you, pretty boy" his tone teasing before turning threatening again, "but I don't become friends with Nobles." Merlin's eyebrows had risen at the 'boy' comment but he refrained from showing any other indication that would confirm that they had in fact shagged, that too not once but multiple times.
"I am not a noble. Just a peasant who got lucky. But we are friends. If you follow me, maybe I can show you." Merlin knew Gwaine.
Knew that he was as curious as a cat and was considering Merlin's offer but, he could still say no, and once Gwaine had decided, there was no changing his mind.
So just to make him choose the right thing, Merlin added,
"So, what do you say, Gwaine. You up for the challenge?" Raising only one of his eyebrows. Baiting him. He also knew that Gwaine never backed down from a challenge.
He was one of the biggest adrenaline junkies Merlin had ever met, and he had met a lot of them.
Gwaine gritted his teeth and looked away. Then very slowly he removed his sword from Merlin's throat and nodded.
"Fine, 10 minutes. That's all you have before I run you through."
Merlin smirked and nodded. He only needed 5.
He could feel Balinor trying to sneak in with them, but the border won't allow it.
They made our way into the lands, which Gwaine, previously knew as the perilous lands. He could see Gwaine's eyes widen and his mouth drop open, but Gwaine's pride won't allow him to ask Merlin questions regarding this change in scenery.
Merlin led them towards the waterfalls and sat on the bench in front of the majestic view. Gwaine turned to him, eyes still trying to soak in the nature around them.
He saw animals, that flew and spewed fire at the same time.
Children playing skip rope and performing magic side by side.
His eyes were wide with disbelief.
Merlin gave him a moment and then said, "I can show you exactly how I know you. But for that, I will have to give you access to my memories through physical contact." Gwaine just looks confused. The boy was very sharp when he had to be, but the rest of the time, he was just thick.
Merlin just grabs his neck, Gwaine stiffens on contact but does not pull away and leans their heads together. Once Merlin's and Gwaine's foreheads are pressed against each other, he connects their minds and starts sharing all his memories of Gwaine, all that they had been through together.
Merlin shows him the bar fight, the impromptu trip to the perilous lands to save Arthur's backside. Showed him how he was the only one Gwaine ever told his noble past to, he showed him saving Gaius, showed him Percival, Lancelot, Elyan and Leon but most importantly he showed him, Arthur.
The king that he would become, the prince that he was, our destinies together. Showed him how Courage, Magic and Strength belonged together.
When they finally opened their eyes, Gwaine looked at him, not with the suspicious eyes people often had whilst looking at sorcerers but with the eyes of a friend.
Hopefully, that means that Gwaine believes him.
"You were my only friend." Says Gwaine and Merlin exhales in relief. For a minute Merlin had been scared that Gwaine would just accuse him of ensorceling him and leave. Merlin wouldn't have stopped him.
Merlin looks at Gwaine, really looks at him. The rogue had been alone for a very long time. When Merlin had met Gwaine in the past the knight had always covered up his real feelings with humour and sex, and Merlin though was the closest to Gwaine - he was guilty of being too involved in Arthur to pay too much attention to his other friends.
They had become closer when they started 'shagging' but that was usually for stress relief and Arthur still had been first, in Merlin's priorities. Merlin doesn't think he deserves Gwaine looking at him with such adoration. So, he replies Gwaine with,
"Only at first, and then you became friends with Percy and Lance." Merlin pauses here and adds, "You even considered Arthur a friend." He looks at Gwaine and they both laugh when Gwaine mutters a "Princess".
Merlin became reacquainted with Gwaine over the next few days and finally gathered the courage to ask him if he would like to be a knight for his kingdom until they left for Camelot.
To which Gwaine grinned and said,
"I was waiting for you to say that. And yes, Merlin. I will be your knight, but..... Only on one condition." Gwaine was very serious for a second, which prompted Merlin into seriousness as well, and then,
"Only if you point me towards the closest tavern." Merlin laughed and called for an elf, he was sure would have a tonne of mead. "Mindy", the elf as Merlin had been told, brewed the best meads and wines in the land, and the best part. They had no adverse effects, that means no damaging the liver and though there was a hangover, it could be easily cured with water.
"Yes, my lord," Mindy replied when she appeared out of thin air prompting Gwaine to unsheathe his sword. Merlin raises a hand in front of the knight to stop and addresses the elf,
"Could you please get Sir Gwaine and me, a tankard of your best mead." The elf blushes and nods furiously and vanishes, only to come back laden with a full tankard of mead, glasses, grapes and cheese.
Merlin and Gwaine get drunk that night, he replies to all the questions Gwaine asks about their life in Camelot, except one- where he still wants to know whether he and Merlin ever shagged.
Merlin just rolls his eyes and changes the topic.
They laugh so hard that by the end of the night both of them have tears leaking their eyes. The memories and the ideas of all the pranks they could play on Gaius and the Knights- the possibilities were endless.
And it is the first night in many to come when Merlin falls asleep with a smile on his face.
The castle and the town look beautiful. The theme of Blue and Gold suits the landscape, clashing nicely with the waterfalls and the bright sunshine- which is a constant in the Kingdom of Ambrosia.
Merlin takes a walk in his castle and sees high ceilings with beautiful mirrors engraved in them and the blue silk draped over the walls with gold linings.
Long floor to ceiling windows, enchanted to be unbreakable.
The hallway shines with the sunshine hitting multiple facets of mirrors and creating a rainbow on Merlin's skin. Everywhere people are immersed in doing something or the other. Busy settling into their new lives.
The court Physicians chambers are accessible to all public and they look so similar to Gaius's chambers that it brings back so many memories and moisture to his eyes.
His mother is busy guiding the elves about the chandeliers and the dinner on the right and beyond her every flag has the vigil of Ambrosia threaded on it.
The gardens surrounding the castle have flowers of so many colours that if Merlin was to paint them all, it would rival a rainbow.
All the people of the Ambrosia were in good spirits, especially the elves that looked beyond happy while wearing the kingdom uniform.
Will was amongst some boys and girls, aspiring to clear basic training for being a knight, the next batch was with Gwaine, training a bit more extensive sword moves and further, they had Ruadan and Alator- teaching war magic on the grounds, along with the magic warriors.
It is when Merlin looks further, he sees Rigga. Everything else blurs except for the ancient woman- who now that Merlin notices, seems to be saying something- eyes unfocused.
He makes his way to her and tries to call her attention,
"Rigga?" she doesn't seem to hear him, so he moves closer in order to hear what she is murmuring.
"Beware of the blonde witch, Emrys."
Merlin wakes to his name being called and the weird feeling of the warning still ringing in his head.
"Emrys" he hears and judging by the exasperation in the voice he knows not the first time he's been called.
He sits up and replies,
"What is it, Grettir?" he asks the elf, still a bit disoriented.
"The Dragonlord is asking for you." the elf replies his exasperation, either aimed at Merlin or Balinor. Probably both.
Finally. Merlin thinks to himself but replies to Grettir with,
"I will be there in a few minutes."
He decides to walk to the border this time rather than calling on Gemini or Rawr (He thought the name fitting for the wyvern) to take him across.
He needed some time to gather his thoughts.
Merlin sees the people in the market selling wares and colourful dresses, along with mouth-watering foods and other daily-need requirements.
The castle had enough money to continue comfortably for years, but after starting the school they might have to decide on a proper taxing system and construct a bit more around the city as more people were starting to come in every day.
Merlin nodded at people who tried to catch his eyes.
He even indulged the kids on his way by swinging one of the girls into the air before gently depositing her back on the land and playing a bit of skip rope with the others.
When Merlin made their rope a bit longer to accommodate more jumpers, they squealed loudly, making him laugh and glad that he had decided to walk instead of just flying.
He failed to notice how the people had all stopped and stared with awe in their eyes, watching Emrys laugh and play with their kids. They were happy to have such a King. You could see in each Ambrosian's eye that they adored their king and were proud to be his subjects. All except one. Manon.
Merlin was going to have a chat with her soon.
He visited each of the market stalls and they all tried to hand Merlin a freeware. He smiled and took some and humbly declined some- when his hands were as full as his stomach and vanished all the wares to his room, telling Friggo to take care of them.
Merlin reached the border and took a deep breath before stepping out to greet his father. The dragonlord.
Balinor had his sword out but at least wasn't pointing it at him. Ready to defend and suspicious but also ready to listen. But, Merlin has planned this. He is going to wait for his father to ask questions.
"You are a Dragonlord." It was not a question. Balinor said it as if he was stating a fact- which he was. But still, Merlin nods and waits for his father to say something else.
Who, Merlin notices, is shaking his head in disbelief as if he refuses to believe that it's possible. Looking at the ground, he continues,
"But that is not possible," now he looks at Merlin, his sword hand, shaking. "Uther murdered each and every one of them." Balinor's face contorts in grief at this but he recovers in less than a second, so fleeting was his loss of control.
Merlin knows that his father requires some explanation. Some words that will make him feel... not alone?
"Not all of them, obviously." He looks pointedly at Balinor.
He then continues with a formal introduction, "My name is Merlin. Known to some as Emrys. Born to Hunith of Ealdor, son of .... The last dragonlord." Balinor's hands start to shake, and they drop the sword that had been on the side when Merlin says, "It's good to see you, Father."
"My son?" Balinor whispers questioningly, ironically this is his first question since they started talking.
Merlin just smiles and nods.
Balinor does not hesitate to follow Merlin into the Kingdom anymore. Without Merlin saying anything, they both travel in silence.
He thinks that his father is in shock, both with the knowledge that he has an heir and from the beauty of this Kingdom. He is also sure that the fact that he is Emrys plays a part in the shocking process.
Merlin feels the need to explain, "You had already left when I was born and mother never told me who my father was. B- but eventually, I found out through someone else and I knew I had to find you." Here he chances a glance at his father, who is already looking at him.
Merlin knows it's an inevitable question, so he shoulders on and asks, "I was hoping that you would.... Would like to stay with us. Here."
Balinor looks like he wants to ask so many questions, but then he settles on one.
"Us?" Merlin knows who he is asking after. He won't torment the man further.
"Us... as in me and my mother." Merlin replies and Balinor instantly turns his head towards the castle as if he would be able to see her if he concentrates hard enough. So eager.
When they do reach the castle, Balinor stops and takes a deep breath before entering, its already lunchtime and his mother would be waiting in the Dining hall at this moment.
Merlin had expected that Balinor would need a moment to clean himself up and then come to face his mother, so he calls on Friggo and asks him to escort Balinor to the room Merlin had asked him to prepare this morning and he himself heads to the dining hall.
The dining hall, Merlin reckons is his favourite part of the castle- the ceiling of the dining hall is made of enchanted glass that shows the clear afternoon sky and chandeliers float in mid-air.
Magic is wonderful.
He greets his mother with a kiss on the cheek and takes a seat at the head of the table. It is a private afternoon, Merlin had planned it specifically keeping in mind that Balinor would be joining them today.
Also, because he knows that his mother has been wanting to spend some quality time with him.
"Well, isn't this nice. I have missed you so much, Merlin." Says Hunith, Merlin just smiles in response and lets her know that this is his best part of the day.
Royalty suits his mother, she looks beautiful in her cream gown, Balinor won't know what hi him.
"How are you settling in the castle, mum?" Merlin asks her, he knows she misses Ealdor, but Merlin needs her here.
"I am settling in well, my boy..... I have been meaning to tell you that I am so proud of you." His mother looks at him, pride in her eyes, Merlin blushes but does not break eye contact. Thankfully though, his mother changes the topic when she sees him getting flustered.
"Also the druids are wonderful people and the elves are so efficient at what they do, especially Dinky here." The elf serving us blushes and stammers a quiet thank you to Hunith. Merlin smiles at Dinky and bows his head in gratitude for keeping his mum happy and busy. And then remembers something.
"Oh, Dinky. Would you mind setting up another chair and showing our guest into the dining hall?" Dinky bows and vanishes and then a minute later another chair and plate is ready opposite Hunith. She looks at Merlin in confusion and Merlin explains,
"I have invited a guest for lunch, mum. I called him here for.... you." Merlin hopes his mum does not hate him for hiding this from her. She is about to say something when the door opens to reveal Balinor.
Balinor has cleaned up well, is Merlin's first thought. He has shaved and trimmed his hair and donned a perfect attire for lunch.
Merlin looks at his mother and sees that she is shell-shocked. She is so still that Merlin fears she has stopped breathing.
He then glances at Balinor once, but even he is looking quite transfixed.
It's up to him then.
"Mum," Merlin calls out, but Hunith is still not looking away from Balinor, so Merlin tries to get Balinor's attention.
"Father," Merlin says it a bit more loudly than he intends to and Balinor drags his eyes away for mum. "Let's sit and have lunch?"
"Ah, yes." He looks at my mother again and says, "Hello, Hunith." His mother had come out of the daze when he had addressed Balinor as his father.
"Yes, Hello." She said to Balinor, dismissively and then calls Dinky to serve the food. Lunch had never been tenser.
Merlin could see that Balinor was trying to catch his mother' eyes but after getting over the shock she was actively ignoring him.
After the lunch, Merlin took his leave and left them to it, this was for them to sort out. And he had his first council meeting to get to.
Merlin had decided on the council members.
These were the people who would help him run the Kingdom on a daily basis. They would stay in the chambers allotted to them in the castle and it had been decided that the meetings would take place every other day at a specific time unless there was an emergency.
Merlin had also chosen a roundtable as the council table, it reminded him of Arthur and would encourage him to be a better leader, he hoped.
Slowly the people started filing in and Merlin was brought out of his musings. The table sat in the middle of the room and Merlin sat directly opposite to the doors of the council chambers.
The first ones to enter were Iseldir and Alator. Iseldir who would be managing the school and advising Merlin sat at Merlin's left. Alator who was looking after the magical combat training sat beside Iseldir.
Next to come were Grettir and Ruadan, who Merlin could hear were discussing the border patrols. Ruadan nodded at Merlin before sitting beside Alator and comparing some notes regarding the combat training. Friggo was called by Merlin and looked surprised to be there, he looked disbelievingly at Merlin for a moment but turned when Grettir called him to take the seat beside him. Merlin didn't miss the look of gratitude on Friggo's face before he sat down. Alice and Rigga entered together- apparently, both of them had been getting on well- they sat beside Friggo.
Both of them smiled at me maternally and took part in the conversation taking place between Friggo and Grettir. Gwaine and Will entered and they took their places beside Rigga. Two more spaces were left.
One directly on Merlin's right and the one beside it, Merlin had assigned those chairs to his Mother and Balinor who had still not arrived. Merlin waited for 10 more minutes before he gave up and decided to start the meeting.
"Welcome Everyone to the First council meeting of The Kingdom of Ambrosia. I hope you all-,"
It was at that moment that the doors opened and in came his mother and Balinor. They both looked quite dishevelled and Merlin didn't want to go into the details of what made them look so un-put together.
His mother sat beside him and Balinor took the seat beside her. He could see that they were holding hand under the table. Merlin smiled mentally, happy that they had sorted their problems and continued.
"As I was saying before, I hope you all have settled into your new homes nicely." He waited until everyone smiled and nodded their answers. Before resuming,
"Everything that will be discussed here will not leave this room, and if it does, the crime will be treated close to treason." Merlin gives them a minute to digest that. "Each and every one of you holds my utmost trust, do not break that." He looks fleetingly at every face in the room. "I will be allotting duties related to what some of you have already been doing. This meeting is just to make that title and job official."
Merlin looks at Iseldir and says, "Iseldir your main task, apart from advising me on magical problems, is to take care of the school as the head and let me know at the end of each council meeting, what progress each student makes and if there are any problems. I want to know if someone is having trouble with something or if you need some extra help at the school."
He moves on only when Iseldir nods and confirms with "Yes, my lord.".
"Alator and Ruadan. You both are responsible for teaching the knights magical combat. Our knights should be ready for anything. And as a magical Kingdom, they should be able to protect it from any foe, magical or otherwise." He takes a deep breath here, "Alator, you will teach them the ways of the Catha and Ruadan, you will teach them every evasive technique you knew from your renegade days." Both the council members bow and Merlin moves on to Grettir.
"Grettir, you have to continue doing what you already have been doing. Your magic is like a shield around this kingdom- I know- I have felt it on multiple occasions. You are responsible for keeping our borders safe, along with the wyvern and gryphon unit. If you feel anything on our borders, it is your duty to let Balinor know."
Grettir nods and replies with "You already have my allegiance, Emrys but I will repeat for the council's sake." Grettir looks at every face on the table, "I will keep this Kingdom and its King safe, I promise on my life." Merlin blushes at that but tilts his head in gratitude, before moving to Friggo.
"Friggo, the elves are under your leadership. You are the household manager and your job is to take care of everyone's needs and make sure that the Kingdom has enough food to hold off a siege. You will need to coordinate with the Lady Hunith occasionally regarding the castle events and their requirements." Hunith and Friggo nod at each other. Merlin continues,
"Your management is essential for the castle to run smoothly. You also take care of the elves themselves, they trust you to take care of them, and I trust you to tell me if they need anything or complain against anyone who isn't treating you and the rest with the respect they deserve."
The elf looks at him with tears in his eyes, he doesn't say anything but nods fervently, prompting Merlin to smile and he moves further down the table.
Alice is already waiting for her turn when he addresses her, she sits with her back straight and her hands on the table.
"Alice, I have heard amazing things about your talent in the healing arts. I want you to use them for this Kingdom. You should take on an apprentice- my mother," Merlin nods towards Hunith, "can help you in choosing one. You should make your rounds daily, seeing if everyone is healthy in the Kingdom. Your job is also to let me know if there is any magical malady or curse that would require my attention."
Alice nods and Merlin moves to look at Will and Gwaine.
"You two are responsible for training the same knights that Ruadan and Alator train, but in Physical combat. You will be working with every weapon you know. But that is not the only job you have. You both do not have magic, that makes you both perfect representatives for the people who do not have magic in this Kingdom. I know there are quite a few. You need to let me know if they face any problems."
Both Will and Gwaine had nodded and accepted their tasks. Merlin knew that people who didn't have magic were a bit wary of approaching him directly thus Gwaine and Will made the perfect median for the people without magic to talk to him.
Next is Rigga, "Rigga, you are the most powerful seer I have come across in my lifetime" For many that was maximum 25 years, but Rigga knew that Merlin was older than all of them combined. So, she took it as a compliment it was. "I want you to take care of our Kingdom. Keep your eyes open, your visions could save this Kingdom from grave peril."
The power of the seers was unparalleled than any magical power. It was painful but if people mastered looking into the future, then they could very well be the most powerful allies or the biggest enemies. He thinks of Morgana but is jarred from that thought when Rigga replies,
"I am at your service, Emrys. What I see, you see it as well." She closes her eyes -in a makeshift bow- and Merlin moves to the next person on the table.
He takes a deep breath and starts, "Considering that you will be staying in this Kingdom," Merlin makes his tone playful, looking pointedly at his parents adjoined hands, "You would be responsible for all the Magical Creatures."
Balinor's eyebrows shoot up but before he can say anything, Merlin holds up his hand in a 'wait' gesture and continues, "the wyverns can be easily tamed with Dragon tongue, and all the other creatures are quite self-handling. The gryphons are good friends with the elves, thus when training them, take an elf with you. Same goes with the hippogriffs. These three creatures would be used for military purposes, as they can't be harmed with metal weapons." Merlin looks on and continues, he knows the next part of the job is even more challenging than the previous one.
"Along with that, your main job is to train the riders. There are volunteers from among the knights and some druids who want to be trained in this art. All animals respond to mind-speak, thus give orders through that median." His father still looks anxious but nods nonetheless. He knows there will be questions later.
Which brings him to the last member of the table, his mother.
"Hunith," it feels weird to address her such, but he knows that his mother appreciates it,
"your job is to look after the Kingdom's finances and help Friggo with problems regarding the food supply." His mother looks unsure, so he reassures her in a way he knows he can.
"You have lived alone all your life and thus have experience in taking care of Ealdor's food supply and finances whilst you were also singlehandedly responsible for my upbringing." He can see Balinor flinch from the corner of his eyes, but this is necessary for Hunith to maintain her confident persona. He likes her this way. His mother is an extremely capable and intelligent person but rarely has she been complimented for that.
Merlin adds, "The kingdom's coffers will only be open to you and I. Anyone who needs finances, will come to you directly. You need to prepare a report for the council meeting at the end of every month, calculating the average expenditure of Ambrosia and the money coming into the kingdom from trade and taxes."
His mother takes a deep breath and exhales before nodding once. He knows she can do it.
"Well then, council dismissed."
After dinner Merlin didn't feel like going to bed yet so he did what he used to when he was feeling a bit low in Camelot - He went to the highest tower in the castle, in his castle.
He looked down at his Kingdom. Merlin had never in his wildest dreams ever thought that he would be King, he knew he had a responsibility to the Druids but only now did he realise to what extent he responsible not just to the druids but to all that was magic.
He feels something come towards him and recognises it as the Pegasus - Gemini. She and Merlin had bonded over these past months.
She was a wonderful creature and he had told her about all Arthur. Speaking of whom...
He stroked her soft mane and wondered what Arthur was doing at this moment. A strong feeling of longing hit him hard in the chest.
He was so close and yet so far. All he had wanted to do since he had come back in time was to see his golden prince.
The longing Merlin felt was too strong to ignore on some days. Today was one of those days. But he had no other choice.
Even while Merlin had been with different people which included both women and sometimes men, Arthur had always been at the forefront of his mind.
And when Arthur had married Gwen...... something had changed. In both, him and Arthur. Merlin had felt bitter towards Gwen and then hated himself for it afterwards. He had hated every minute he had spent outside Arthur's chambers in the morning, hoping that he wasn't going to interrupt something. Arthur had stopped roughhousing with Merlin and those fond looks that Merlin had craved so much had also stopped.
For a few days, even the knights had thought that they were having an argument, but really that had been the new 'normal'.
He knew that he had always been possessive about Arthur, and surely that was just a side-effect of the 'two sides of the same coin' business. At least Merlin hoped it was.... a side effect. He wasn't romantically in love with Arthur or anything, just....he liked it more when it was just Arthur and Merlin and not so much when it turned to Arthur and Gwen.
Merlin looks down at the city and tries to get himself out of this mood. The lanterns floated in the sky above the market, giving it a soft glow.
Gemini had fallen asleep to Merlin's gentle ministrations and even the people below were walking home after a long day at work and Merlin...... Merlin thought that perhaps it was time for him to retire too.
The next morning Merlin wakes up to his mother sitting at the edge of his bed, waiting for him to wake. He pushes himself up and leans against the headboard, silently giving her the 'go ahead'. She looks at him and smiles, it's a happy smile Merlin notes, not the smile she sometimes fakes when she is trying to hide something from him.
"How did you know, Merlin?" he knows what she is asking, how did he know that Balinor was his father. He doesn't know how to tell her that in a few years' time, Gaius will tell him that the last dragon lord was his father and how later he dies because of Merlin. So, he tells her this,
"The Great Dragon told me." Hopefully, she won't go looking for any great dragons in the near future. His mother nods and then says, recalling.
"He and I were going to marry." It was said in a mere whisper as if a huge secret she had held close to her all her life.
"He had come to Ealdor in search for shelter from Uther's laws and he... was wounded. I helped him heal, but he stayed even after he was well enough to run." Here she smiles and continues,
"I was happy about that, for some reason. I wanted his to stay with all my heart and soul....It was then when I realised that I felt something towards him, that- that I loved him."
She looks me in the eyes and pauses as if counting the similarities between him and Balinor.
He had often wondered what that look was for when his mother would just gaze at him. Now she knew that she saw Balinor's likeness in his features.
She continues before he says anything, "He was a bit gruff on the outside, but he had the gentlest of hearts." His mother pauses and looks down at her lap.
He can see that she is readying herself to tell him something, "It was good, I was happy. We both loved each other and wanted to tell each other the extent of our feelings ....But then he had to leave because Uther wouldn't give up in his search for the last dragonlord." A tear escapes his mother's eyes.
"He left that night and stayed away all these years to keep me safe, to keep us safe."
Her voice wobbles and Merlin leans forward to clutch her hand in his. She squeezes my hand once and continues,
"I never got to tell him that I was expecting and I never could speak to you about him because it hurt so much. But Merlin I still love him and I was hoping that if it was alright with you... maybe- maybe we could give this a chance? Give our family a chance."
His mother is looking at him with such hopeful eyes that he would have given her anything at that moment.
He beams at her and says, "About time, mother." And then hugs her to him, hard. His mother deserved another chance at life, she deserved someone to love her.
She had given birth to Merlin at such a young age that she had the rest of her life left to live. But unlike last time when she spent all her life alone, this time she was going to have someone who would cherish her and love her. And maybe he will find out what it was like to... have a father?
After speaking with his mother, Merlin got ready and had his breakfast and then headed for training. He sparred with Gwaine and Alator mostly – sometimes together and won most of time.
His sword hand was a bit rusty but he was getting better. Gwaine was an excellent swordsman but Merlin had been a swordsman for centuries.
He had more experience.
The perks of being an immortal are that you are generally good at almost everything, and Merlin knew that. Sometimes the magic warriors and the physical warriors would attack Merlin all at once- now that was what he called- a challenge.
The council meetings had been going splendidly, apart from the fact that he had to keep reminding himself that he was the King and that meant him leading the council. Merlin spoke and sparred with Balinor too, the old man was a very skilled swordsman and a sorcerer.
He got to know his father better and told him about his plans of travelling to Camelot in the future.
Balinor had disapproved greatly at first but then remembered that he was not only his son but also, Emrys.
He had given in after that and promised to take care of Ambrosia in his absence.
His school was also almost constructed and classes had started taking place. He had already planned the curriculum. Iseldir, Finna and Rigga were going to help him teach the children.
Iseldir was going to be head of the school in his absence and he was to teach them everything the druids knew, about the land, the old religion and the balance.
Finna's lesson was going to be about discipline and courage, she was also going to educate them in the ways of the Catha.
Rigga had been a new addition to the teaching group as there were a lot of Children having nightmares of the future.
The topic of nightmares had also reminded Merlin about Morgana. He had already asked Rigga to make something for Morgana that will help her with her visions. She would have it ready for him when Merlin was about to leave for Camelot.
He had also not forgotten the dream-Rigga's warning,
"To beware of the blonde witch"
Merlin had a fair idea who it could be, and he had been made aware of her presence closer to the borders recently by Grettir.
So, he was going to wait until Morgause contacted him first.
He was going to give her the benefit of the doubt but until her loyalties were made clear he would have to conceal his identity. He could not give Morgause a chance to recognize him if she chose to be his enemy. His face had to remain a secret from his enemies.
It had been good 8 months that Merlin had travelled back in time and the changes that he had made since were miraculous.
One of the biggest changes was- Ambrosia.
Then, he knew for a fact that Thomas and Mary Collins now owned a flower stall in the market. They sold flowers that didn't wilt for months and Candles that kept burning for longer.
Edwin Muirden, who had tried to kill Uther and Morgana with his beetles was now helping Alice with her patients (He was the new apprentice, he and Alice worked well together). He had been very bitter when he had entered Ambrosia but since coming here, his soul had started to heal with the help of Alice who treated Edwin like a son.
Gilli was in Ambrosia as well, he had been training with the knights. His ring, though provided him with some real advantage, he didn't want to use it. He wanted to learn combat without the help of his ring.
Even Kara, who kept asking Merlin for 'more red' was settling in well with the children in the school, even though he had to ask Iseldir to convince Manon to send her niece to classes. She really hated him for some reason he could not fathom.
Everything( except that) was coming along perfectly. He wanted to make sure that everyone and everything was settled and protected before he left for his destiny. He had amped the security at the borders, his magic along with Grettir's already existing magic, had formed a shield between Ambrosia and the rest of the world.
Now, no one could enter his Kingdom without his specific permission and when he left the border will listen to his parents and his closest advisors as they will be the ad-hoc rulers in his absence.
He had also created an area where people who hadn't been allowed to enter Ambrosia but wanted an audience with him could wait.
But before Merlin planned any further for the future, he had one particular job that he needed to do.
He needed to break into Camelot.
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