Freshman Year - Part 3
Every year on the last night of camp, we have a party, usually held in whatever meeting place we had at the time. This year, we had music playing, a bunch of snacks (each section was assigned to bring something), a disco-light-ball-thing, and then a group of people in the corner playing poker.
Let me just tell you right now: I'm LDS. I don't gamble.
Instead of using poker chips and real money, we "bet" gummy snacks that the trombone section had been assigned to bring. I wasn't really paying attention all that much and was pretty much putting down random cards and snacking on the gummies that I was supposed to be betting (I wasn't the only one).
Going off on a tangent here, the drum captain asked me to dance at some point. I was confused but I still agreed. He looked really surprised and excited, but I didn't really do anything. I sat down when he started doing the worm.
Eventually, the band moms (including mine), stepped out into the room and told us to turn off the music so they could sleep. We did, but the group I was playing with had the brilliant idea to take the party to the cafeteria. I didn't know that we weren't supposed to be there, so I agreed to follow them.
When we got there, it became more like the traditional poker game - we got the different sugar packets you could put in coffee and assigned them points. By this point, I kind of stopped playing.
One of the clarinets, who had become the assistants drum major my sophomore year, walked into the cafeteria and said my mom was coming. I decided to start leaving because I knew she wouldn't be hyped about what I was doing, even though I wasn't really participating. She got to us as I was walking out, and got mad at all of us for being out after curfew.
Apparently a bear had been wandering around due to all the food in the cabins. Food wasn't allowed in the cabins, but no one followed it. I was stuck with all of the guard girls in my cabin since they didn't know who I got along with (just because my sister is in color guard doesn't mean I am friends with or much less know all of the guard girls), and some of them had gone even further to break the rules by rolling up a candy wrapper and using a lighter to set the tip on fire like a cigarette. If you're curious, they dropped it and I briefly freaked out because I thought they'd burn the cabin down.
My mom never found out about the poker game. I've never played poker with the band since.
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