Freshman Year - Part 2
I have two older siblings (we'll call them Greg and Sarah) who have been in the band that I was in. By the time that I got to high school, Greg had already graduated (he played french horn), and Sarah, who was in the color guard, was in her junior year. I visited the band and had watched them perform numerous times before I joined, but for some reason, not even those who had seen me around and had talked to me a lot knew my name, so they just called me either "Greg's sister" or "Sarah's sister."
Being the youngest child in my family, this was very annoying because it seemed as if my entire identity evolved around my siblings' existence. Not to mention, being the younger sibling of two siblings that had the reputation of being bossy and condescending, many people in the band assumed that the next generation would act the same. As a result, a lot of people didn't like me, and quite a few of them had been giving me a hard time because of it.
Additionally, my name is very similar to another famous name, and a lot of people mix it up because the other one is more common and easier to pronounce, so they assume that my name is just an alternate spelling. For example, say your name is "Saria." The correct pronunciation is "suh-rye-uh," but everyone pronounces it "sayr-ee-uh" (or vice versa).
During the first night at band camp, we have a "bondfire" where we introduce ourselves (name, section/instrument, year, three goals for this year), and then roast s'mores over a fire. I was tired of everyone comparing me to my siblings and/or pronouncing my name wrong, so instead of stating my name like everyone else, I stood up (shaking half to death, of course) and said, "Okay, for those of you who don't name is not Sarah's sister."
The entire band burst into laughter. I started laughing myself even, as I was so nervous. A few people shouted back, "No, it's Greg's sister!" which I had expected, to be honest. I continued, "It's not [insert incorrect pronunciation of name here], it's [insert correct pronunciation of name here]!"
To this day, people in the band are still pronouncing my name wrong to set me off.
I also wanted to say that I "didn't play flute," since apparently the ocarina = flute in everyone's minds, but I was too nervous to bring it up.
It's going to have to wait until next year.
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