Chapter Two ~ Its Going To Be Okay
*Lins POV*
"Hey, Lin," Anthony greeted with a smile when we walked into the theatre. "How's it going man?"
"I'm alright..." I sat with a small frown, phillipa put her hand on my back.
"It's okay..." She said with a sympathetic smile.
"Wait.. somethings wrong- what's wrong?" Anthony asked and Daveed heard coming over.
"Something's wrong-?" Daveed asked.
"What's wrong-?" I heard Jasmine ask coming over.
"Wrong- what's happening?" I heard Javi ask.
"Hey Lin are you Okay?" Oak asked walking in.
"Okay, Okay.." I said heading to the stage, "We are having a meeting, I might as well tell all of you at once. I want everyone in the house.." I tell them going to the stage.
I expect Pippa to go to sit in the house with everyone else but she followed me instead.
"Hey pip, aren't you going to go with everyone else..?" I asked.
"I know what you're about say.. I thought you might need some support.." She told me taking my hand giving it a little squeeze.
"Alright... Thank you.." I said to her and we went to the stage. "Now, Umm hello everyone.. I'm telling you all this because I thought you should know.. Vanessa left me, we are now divorced... I just thought you should know, but that will not effect our let's get to work."
-Time Skip-
I head back to my dressing room after the show sitting on the couch tired. All day, everyone continuously said to me, 'It's going to be okay..' over and over again that's all people told me.
I know they were only trying to help, but I was starting to hate hearing that.
"Hey, Lin.." Phillipa greeted poking her head in.
"Hey pip.." I said yawning.
"Hey, it's g-.." she starts but I cut her off.
"If you say going to be okay.." I said in an annoyed tone of voice.
"It's getting late.. you should go home, get some rest." She said and I instantly felt bad for being annoyed with her.
"I don't wanna go home.." I grumbled with a small frown.
"How come?" She asked me sitting down on the couch.
"I just don't feel like going home yet.." I lied looking at the ground, and from the corner of my eye I could tell she knew I was lying.
"Well alright, you want to get some pizza with me?" She asked, I was surprised I was expecting a lecture of some sort. Or maybe her telling to not lie and giving me a stare down.
"Uh-Umm I guess.." I said, I wasn't sure if she wasn't going to lecture me or not.
*Pippas POV*
"Well alright, you want to get some pizza with me?" I asked, I knew he was lying but he didn't need a lecture. He needed to get his mind off of everything.
"Uh-Umm I guess.." he said and he seemed unsure of himself.
"Come on then." I said motioning for him to come with me.
We went to my car and drove to the pizza place, we made our way in silence.
We walked in and ordered a pizza as we waited I saw how sad Lin still looked. Seeing him like this made my heart ache and I wasn't exactly sure why.
"Lin, Hey.. I know you don't want to hear this, but it's going to be okay.." I tell him placing my hand on his.
"No, it won't be.." I heard him whisper.
"Why do you think that?" I asked my eyebrows furrowing.
"You May be happy pippa, but my wife jut left me.. you don't know what that's like." He said looking down.
"That doesn't mean things wont get better, of course it won't be okay right now... but it will be." I tell him holing his hand. "Everything will work out."
Just then,
Flash, click
A camera went off, when I looked up I saw a man with a camera.
"This'll be worth something, cheaters always get me quiet a lot of money.." he said walking away.
"We are just friends!" Lin yelled after the man, though this is true, I find myself saddened by these words. "And I can't be cheating anyway my wife has just left me!"
I stared at Lin for a moment completely shocked by what he just said.
"Wait no! He can't sell those what about Steven, he'll think you cheated!" He exclaimed getting up, but stop him from going anywhere.
"Lin, Steven and I have a mature grown up relationship, he knows better then to believe things like that." I tell him and hope that was the case.
"Oh- right." He said looking down.
"Hey how about we get that pizza to go and we can eat it from the comforts of your couch while watching tv, how does that sound?" I asked, and he nodded a bit.
I went over to the counter, and asked if we have our pizza to go. The lady nodded and our food came out not long after that.
"Hey Lin?" I ask after we've been driving do a little while.
"What movie do you want to watch?" I ask though I wasn't planning on saying that, I just roll with it.
"Uh- I'm not sure.. why?" He asked looking over at me.
"Just wondering.." I said glancing over at him.
"Well movie do you want to watch?"
"I don't know that's why I asked you." I said and he chuckled. "Hey look at that," I said when he chuckled.
"Look at what?"
"You're laughing, it's nice to hear that.." I said with a small smile, glancing over at him.
"Yeah, yeah, it's not that nice.." Lins mumbles with a frown. I sigh pulling over in front of his building.
"Well here we are Mr. Grumpy Pants." I said turning off the car.
"I'm that grumpy.." Lin grumbled, getting out of the car.
"Right, and I'm a unicorn.." I said getting out of the car myself taking out the pizza.
"Pippa.." Lin groaned walking into the building heading towards the elevator.
"What?" I asked getting into the elevator with him.
"I'm being serious." He said pressing the button then looked at me.
"So am I." I said trying to keep a straight face, he just looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "This is what I mean, you. Are. Grumpy."
"Well I have a good reason to be grumpy." He said crossing his arms.
"I know, I know.. why don't you focus on the pizza you're about to eat, huh, how about that?" Asked giving him a little nudge.
"Yes, because pizza solves all problems." He said sarcastically as the elevator stopped at his floor and left the elevator.
"Lin-Manuel Miranda, everyone know that pizza solve everything." I said as following behind him and he opens his apartment door.
"Everything..? I don't believe it." He said and I fake gasped as I walked into his apartment right behind him.
"How dare you question the magical powers that pizza possesses." I told him setting down the box, opening it. "I don't think you deserve any pizza."
"Phillipa I am hungry and grumpy, don't do this to me.." he said getting out the plates.
"Fine, Fine..." I said with a sigh.
-Time skip because I'm lazy-
*Lins POV*
The movie was finished, and Pippa was now asleep, leaning on me. I looked down on her with a smile, I brushed some of the hair out of her face, think how beautiful she looked.
I couldn't actually believe I thought this , I got up making sure not to wake her and went straight to my room. She's engaged, I can't think about her like that. God what is wrong with me?
I push all my thoughts away, getting into bed. I just needed to sleep this off. Everything will be okay in the morning.
Yes, tomorrow will be a better day.. or so I thought.
Word count: 1326
Okay I am soo, sorry that took longer than I wanted it to, I was hit with a small case of writers block. So annoying, but I finally got it out!
I hope you enjoyed it!
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