Chapter Six~ A Distraction
*Pippas POV*
I've been living with Lin for a week now, and everything has been going so well. We haven't talked about what we will be, and I'm glad. Not that I don't want to be with him, I just don't really know how I feel.
Tonight was the last show off broadway. I was in my dressing room with Jasmine and Renée.
"So you and Lin are living together?" Jasmine asked with a smirk on her face.
"Yes, what about it?" I asked looking over Jasmine a bit confused.
"Well are you... ya know?" She asked wriggling her eyebrows.
"No.. I do not know.." I said and Jasmine sighed.
"Are you fucking him?" She asked and my eyes went wide, while Renée burst out laughing.
"No! I am not." I said my face turning red.
"Really?" She asked as if she didn't believe what I was saying to her.
"Yes really..." I said my face still red.
"What? I haven't been fucking him." I said then mumbled. "Recently.."
"Well have you?" Renée chimed in, Now standing next to Jasmine.
"What?" I asked hoping she didn't hear the last part.
"Slept with Lin?" She asked then Lin opened the door.
"Who's slept with me?" He asked walking into the dressing room.
"Pippa." Jasmine said smirking a bit.
I turned to look at Lin and I saw him blush lightly.
"You know what I'm just gonna go." Lin said quickly leaving the room.
"Look what you've done Jaz." I said tiring around. "You scared him off."
"Oops..." She said laughing a bit.
-Time Skip-
The show was over and we walked off stage as the crowd cheered.
"Phillipa, when we get home I think we need to talk." He whispered.
"Lin, what's wrong?" I asked a bit worried.
"Nothing, I just think we should talk,"
"Why not talk now?" I questioned as he started to walk to his dressing room.
"We'll talk at home." He said not answering my question, entering his dressing room.
I make a face in direction of his door before entering my dressing room starting to get into my street clothes.
When I was done I came out to see Lin waiting for me.
"You ready to go?" He asked looking like he's been ready for a while.
"Yea.. I'm ready." I said and he started to go motioning for me to follow him, and I do.
We get to my car, and he gets into the passenger seat quickly.
"Okay, is it just me or are you more eager to get home than usual?" I asked when I got into the drivers seat.
"Just go please." He said as put my seatbelt on.
"I'm sorry did you say take as long as you need?" I asked jokingly. "Why thank you Lin that is so kind of you."
"Phillipa..." He groans.
"I'm going, I'm going... calm down will ya." I said starting up the car, heading home.
"So... what are we going to be talking about anyways?" I asked when we're almost home.
"That's not helpful Lin..." I said looking over at him.
"Just Wait Please..."
"Well you make it sound all important, and then say it's just stuff." I said looking back at the road, just wanting to know what was going on.
"Phillipa just wait please."
"Alright.." I said to him as I park in my spot.
We got out of the car and I hurry inside basically pulling him along, I couldn't stand waiting any longer to find out.
"Now who's the eager one?" Lin asked chucking lightly as I pulled him down the hall.
"Oh hush." I said as we near the door to the apartment and I open it as quickly as I can, entering. "Okay, so what are we talking about?" I asked as he entered and I shut the door behind him.
"Okay... So.." He started and I stared at him with anticipation. "Phillipa stop staring at me like that."
"Lin, come on..." I said getting a bit impatient. "just tell me."
"I want to talk about us." He said and I mentally groan, 'never mind I don't wanna know.' I thought. I had been avoiding this.
"What- Uh, what about us?" I asked.
"Pippa, I know you don't want to talk about this." He said and I looked down a bit. "But I'm kind of dying to know what you actually want, do you want anything to happen between us?"
"I- uh.." I started then sighed. "I do.. I's just..."
"It's just what?" He asked, he seemed disappointed.
"I'm just not sure about us I mean... What about all the rumour that are sure to go around if we date?" I asked but don't give him time to answer. "You're my boss Lin, people will think it's weird. And even if we pretend they don't exists or something, what if we don't work out?" I asked. "What then?"
"You worry too much." He replied and I looked at him confused.
"Phillipa.. you need a to distraction." He told me. "You need to distract yourself from those worries and focus on how you feel about us."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you'll never be able to properly figure out how you feel if your constantly worrying about everyone else."
"Well how am I supposed to distract myself?" I asked with a small sigh which is followed by silence.
"Go on a trip with me." Lin said finally breaking though the silence.
"Lin How is going on.." I started but he cut me off.
"Just close your eyes and think about it." He said and I actually closed my eyes. "Imagine being non a tropical beach, just the two of us. No one else, none of these people you worried about. Just us. How does that sound to you?" He asked.
Honestly it sounded amazing. Being alone with Lin on a beach. Warm same between my toes. A smile spread across my face as I thought about it.
"You like it don't you?" He asked, when I opened my eyes he was smiling at me.
"Yeah, I do- but I..."
"Pip." He said. "Don't worry, think of it as a relationship test run, we can see how we work together as a couple, barley any pressure from the outside world."
"So you want to take me on vacation?" I asked and he smiled.
"Well we have three weeks off before we go to broadway." He said. "Where do you wanna go?"
Word count: 1086
Yay, another chapter out!
So question: what do you think of the story so far?
Also late happy holidays to everyone! And I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/evening!
~ Eliiizzaaa
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