Chapter Seventeen ~ The Ultrasound
*Third Person POV*
It was the day of the ultrasound and to say Pippa and Lin were nervous would be an extreme understatement.
Lin was currently brushing his hair for the 45th time that day, while Pippa was stressing cleaning Lins bathroom like there was no tomorrow. Lin sighed as he looked at the clock.
12:13 pm, they had to go now if they didn't want to be late. They had to be there at 1:15, so they hat about an hour.
"Pippa we need to go baby!" He called setting his brush down on his dresser.
Pippa dropped her mop, jumping slightly at the sudden voice. The mop dropping causing a loud crash to occur.
"Pip, you alright?!" He called now a bit worried so he popped his head into the door.
"Yeah, yeah, I just wasn't expecting you being so loud." She said picking up the mop.
"Aw, sorry Pippa."
"It's alright, lets just head out." She said setting it down making her way out of the bathroom.
Ever since Vanessa had been over Pippa just felt off in general and because she wanted to save Lin from that stress, she decided not to tell him about it.
Though most relationships would suffer from this silent stresser, Lin and Pippa managed to become even closer. Lin could somehow sense her stress and as a result if they weren't at work they were together and most of the time cuddling. In fact cuddling became something that happened more than anything, even during intermission, they would change and then cuddle until places.
Now the two were out the door and on their way to drive the 40 minuet drive to the hospital, and that's when there's no traffic. And because they were so 'lucky' the world decided today there would indeed be traffic. Pippa groaned as she honked her horn for the 39th time, hoping somehow that would move the traffic along faster.
Lin sighed because at the moment she was starting to develop a headache. One because Pippa keeps honking, two because they were going to be late and knew that was going to look bad.
"Pip, calm down." Lin told her keeping his voice soft as he spoke.
"I am calm." She told him, but of course he could see right through it.
"What's freaking you out?" He asked.
"Nothing, nothing, I'm fine really." She told him.
"Alright you don't have to tell me, I won't push you." He said placing a hand on her knee. "But you can talk to me if you need to, I'm here for you Pippa."
"Thank you Lin." She said with a grateful smile.
"Of course, I love you." He told her softly which calmed her a tad bit as the traffic slowly crept foreword.
"I love you too." She told him as he moved a hand off the steering wheel, taking his hand hers. "So much."
"Tú es mi sol, siempre necesitaré su amor y luz del sol para mejorarme el mundo oscuro alrededor de mí." He whispered kissing her hand gently.
Though Pippa had no clue what he was saying a light blush crept across her face. She felt her heart skip a beat and she wondered if this was it, finally her true love.
From there the car ride stayed silent, but a comfortable silence one where they could freely enjoy each other's company. And for a short while their stress had disappeared, that is of course until they got to the hospital.
By the time they'd gotten there it was 1:35 they were 20 minuets late. Lin was freaked because he didn't want to seem like a bad dad already, and Pippa was afraid she would like she came late on purpose.
The two quickly made there way up to where they needed to go and saw Vanessa in the waiting room tapping her feet nervously. When she looked up from the magazine she looked relieved, which she was she was terrified that she would have had to go in there all alone.
"Finally you're here." She said standing up engulfing them both in a hug, which just confused them both. After a few seconds she pulled away. "I was afraid I'd have to go in alone."
"You won't have to." Pippa told her with a small reassuring smile.
"The doctors haven't come out yet." She told them. Pippa and Lin breathed out a small breath of relief both glad they didn't hold anything up by being late.
They all sat down sitting in what was now what could be described as an awkward silence. They sat there for about 10 more minutes before the doctor came out.
"Ms. Vanessa Nadal, you can come with me now." The doctor told her, all three of them stood and followed him back to the examination room. He let Vanessa go in first so she could change into the dressing gown, once she was done and in the table she told them they could all come in.
"Now, Ms. Nadal are you okay with these two in the room for the ultrasound?" The doctor asked bring up a chair by the end of where her legs were spread open, while Lin and Pippa stood by her head.
"Yes, I am." She told him.
"Ah, are you their surrogate mother?"
"No, no, no.... it's... it's complicated." She told him really not wanting to talk about it.
"Alright... now this first ultrasound is just to see how the baby is doing so far, we can get a heartbeat, see when the due date will be and you can get pictures for your scrapbooks of the first ultrasound."
"We don't make scrapbooks." Vanessa told him.
"Well- I do.... sometimes.. that's not important." She said closing her mouth feeling more awkward than before.
"Another thing to note, you will not find out the sex of the baby, that will come at the next ultrasound." He told them to which they all nodded. "Okay, now Ms. Nadal this is going to be slightly uncomfortable while I put in the probe."
"Okay, okay." She said taking a deep breath as the doctor pushed in the vaginal probe.
After a few seconds the doctor pushed a few keys on the keyboard of the computer and an image popped up.
"You see this small little thing right here?" The doctor asked pointing to a small what looked like a deformed dot.
"Yes." Vanessa, Lin and Pippa all said one after the other.
"That's your baby."
Vanessa smiled as she looked at the screen, "Lin, Lin that our baby." She said emotions soaked her voice.
Lin held Pippas hand while his free hand covered his mouth while tears of joy welled in his eyes. "They're Beautiful, I'm in love already." He whispered.
Pippa smiled softly at the imagine, she was so unbelievably happy for Lin. Yet at the same time she felt a small pang if sadness in her heart. She knew something like this would bond two people for life, so what if Vanessa was right before? What if she and Lin wouldn't stay together and he would fall for Vanessa again?
"Pip what do you think?" Lin asked looking at her with a sparkle in his eyes.
"I think I'm so happy for you Lin, so happy." She said smiling at him.
"Thank you." He whispered kissing the side of her head.
-Time Skip-
When Pippa and Lin got back to his place at the end of the day they were both tired. But they both made an effort to seem, not tired.
"Pippa, I want to talk to you about something." He said as they entered the living room, his voice sounded serious which made Pippa nervous.
"Alright what is it?" She asked sitting down with him.
Lin took a deep breath, and started silent for a moment linger than Pippa was expecting.
"Lin, whatever is you can tell me." She said in calm sweet voice.
"Pippa I know everything is kind of hectic right now, but I really... I would live for you to move in with me, you already live in the same building and it's a pain going back and forth and back and forth-" he rambled on.
"Lin." She interpreted.
"Yeah?" He asked nervously.
"Of course I would love to move in with you." She told him wrapping her arms around him.
"Oh, Thank god." He breathed in relief.
"Did you think I would say no?" She asked as she pulled away looking into his eyes.
"How could I say no to this?" She asked and rolled his eyes playfully.
"Oh shush." He said shaking his head.
"Make me." She challenged with a small giggle.
"Maybe I will."
"Then do it." She said and with that their lips met in one short but very sweet kiss.
"I really do love you." He whispered.
"I really love you too." She whispered back.
Word Count: 1492
So ending on some fluffy shiz, because who doesn't love lippa fluff?
I tried doing the chapter in third person, and honestly it was a bit easier so I might keep doing that.
And I'm home sick today so I might put out another chapter today or tomorrow, so look out for that.
Hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening!
~ Eliiizzaaa
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