Chapter One ~ Goodbye
*Lins POV*
"Hey, Lin.." I hear Vanessa say peaking her head into our bedroom. "We should talk.."
We just had the biggest fight of our marriage. I hated every moment of it, I hate being upset with her, but hopefully that was all behind us now. We can forgive each other and move on.
"Yes we should talk, I'm so sorry for the things I said.. I love you, Vanessa." I tell her as she sits next to me on our bed.
"Lin..." She said with a sigh. "I want a divorce." She told me and my eyes widened with shock.
"Wh-wha- why?" I asked completely shocked. "It was just a fight Vanessa, there's no need to go to such an extreme." I told her taking one of her hand in mine, and she pulled away.
"It's not about the fight, I-I just don't love you, not anymore." She said quiet bluntly. "I've had the divorce papers for awhile now, I just needed the right time to give them to you." She said handing me the papers. And I just stared at her in disbelief, I thought we were happy, I didn't understand why she wanted this.
"I thought, I thought I made you happy.." I said looking down a bit.
"You did, but now you don't.. And sooner or later we'll both be miserable.. so just sign the papers.." she said as I took them she handed me a pen.
I sighed looking at her then down at the divorce papers, then signed them.
"Thank you," She said taking the papers. "I'm going to stay in a hotel, I'll come back tomorrow to take my stuff while you're at work."
"So this is It, you're just.. leaving..?" I asked looking up at her, my heart falling apart.
"Yes, it's best if we don't see each other.. goodbye Lin.." she said and with that she left.
Tears started swelling up in my eyes, as moments of our marriage replayed in my mind.
Tears fell down his face as he thought about their wedding day, and when he proposed.
He truly thought they had been happy and now he was racking his brain trying to figure where he had gone wrong.
I laid down in our- my bed as started crying more. Our- my dog Tobillio jumped up on our- my bed and began to lick my face. A sad smile made its way to my face.
"You won't leave me will you Tobi?" I asked and she just continued to lick my face.
She stopped licking my face then curled up next and closed her eyes. I closed my eyes to falling asleep on top of the covers.
~The Next Morning~
I woke up to a knock on the door, my first thought was it was Vanessa. I got out of bed quickly running to the door, but when I opened it, it was just Pippa.
"Oh, Hey pips.." I greeted in a disappointed tone of voice.
"Well you seem happy to see me." She said sarcastically. Then she gave me a look, "Lin are you Okay?" When she asked this I sighed.
"Well I guess nows fine time to tell you, come in." I said, she walked in and went straight to my kitchen and started to make coffee.
"Where's Vanessa?" She asked pouring the coffee grounds in. "I wanted to talk to her about something.."
"Well, uh... Vanessa left me." I told her and she looked at me confused.
"She divorced me.. I am now single.." I said starting to tear up again. Pippa didn't miss a beat and immediately engulfed me in hug.
"Shhhhh, it's going to be okay Lin.." she whispered.
"B-but what if it's not..?" I asked starting to cry. "I-I thought she was the one— what if I never find anyone else?" I asked.
"Hey, no.. you'll find someone, you'll be okay.." she said to me as she started to stroke my hair. I found this action to be soothing, I subconsciously nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck as began to sob.
Then a thought crossed my mind, just for a second. About being with Pippa, of course I immediate dismissed this thought. She engaged, so I'll just ignore whatever feeling have surfaced.
*Phillipas POV*
"B-but what if it's not..?" Lin asked as he began to cry. "I-I thought she was the one— what if I never find anyone else?" He asked and a thought crossed my mind.
I hate that I thought of it, I have Steven why did I immediately think of him dating me? Why was my first thought: 'maybe I'm the one..'?
"Hey, no.. you'll find someone, you'll be okay.." I told him stroking his hair, then he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. Is it bad I felt butterflies in my stomach when did that..?
Okay, okay get a grip Phillipa, you are engaged, stop. I just held him close, trying to be as comforting as possible.
"Hey, why don't you get cleaned up." I suggested. "I can make some coffee and then you and I can go to work." I said and he nodded not moving from his spot.
"Thank you Pippa.." he whispered as he sniffed a bit. I smiled a bit pulling away from the hug, looking him in the eyes.
"It's no problem at all, now go get dressed.." I told him, I went back and starting making coffee again he went and got dressed.
When he can back out I handed him his travel mug now full of coffee.
"Thanks... you ready to go..?" He asked and I nodded.
"Let's go."
Word Count: 948
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, I'm really excited to write and share this with you all.
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