Chapter Nineteen~ Hurry
*Third Person POV*
Pippa sighed softly as she sat on the couch. She'd been moved in with Lin for around a month and a half, though the setting had changed she still felt like she lived alone. With Lin being gone for filming, which she'd understood when he told her, it was a big chance for him and she would've been mad if hadn't taken it. The only downside was that the first month of being moved in with her boyfriend he wasn't even there.
Though on the brighter side of things Pippa had been offered a role in a new musical Amélie, which was based off the amazing movie. She'd been told the part was as good as hers if came in with a killer audition song. She had a mix of extreme excitement and nervousness, another musical would be absolutely amazing, but what if she didn't come up with a good enough audition song? What if she screwed up and they decided she wasn't good enough for the part, despite the fact that she was a Tony nominated Actress, she was still nervous about it.
Her brain was in deep thought, so much so that she didn't hear the knock in the door. Though when the knock became louder she jumped realising that she was in the real world. She shook her head a bit standing up. She hadn't been expecting anyone so she was surprised in few levels, but she went to the door anyways. And when she opened the door she found herself even more surprised, it was Vanessa. Of course she'd been around quite a lot because of Lin. But he wasn't here and Vanessa was so far a long in her pregnancy Pippa assumed she'd stay home and rest.
"Hey pip," Vanessa started sounding tired. "Where's Lins?" She asked leaning in the door.
"Lins in London, don't remember?" Pippa asked keeping her voice soft as she spoke. Vanessa seemed to be exhausted and like she need help.
"Oh, right... well, I'll leave, I don't eat to bother you..."
"No, no, you're not bothering me, come in Vanessa." Pippa told her gently taking her arm. "You look tired and you should rest."
"Then I'll go home, really I'm okay, you have no reason to worry about me or anything."
"No, you're living on the other side of town now, you don't have a car, so you're staying here." Pippa insisted as she gently leading Vanessa into the apartment.
"Are you sure?" She questioned as she let Pippa pull her in through the front door.
"Yes, of course." She confirmed. "Not only are you giving birth to my boyfriends baby, but I would never send an eight moths pregnant woman out when she's obviously exhausted."
"Actually, today, I'm nine months pregnant a little over nine months." Vanessa corrected as she waddled into the house.
"Is that even possible?" Pippa asked as she started leading to her and Lins room, as it was closer to the door.
"Yes, everything is fine, but it's annoying." Vanessa said. "I'm a week late, and I hate this damn baby."
"You don't hate your baby." Pippa told her, her voice still soft.
"No, I hate him, he won't just come out already." Vanessa complained as they walk into the room. "Everything is uncomfortable, I'm huge, nothing fits me, I can't work, I basically have to lay down all the time to just wait for this five pound thing to come out of me."
"Well that does sound really bad, but it's your baby, you'll love your child." Pippa told her as she helped Vanessa into the bed.
"I'll think about, maybe if he comes out soon, I'll love him more."
"Wait, it's a boy?" Pippa asked as Vanessa nodded.
"Yeah, But don't tell Lin, he wants it to be a surprise." Vanessa told her. "He thinks it'll be more fun that way."
"I think fun isn't the right word to describe it."
"That's what I told him, but says it'll be fun." Vanessa does with a small chuckle. "But he's smart in so many other ways, I'm okay with him being a little dumb sometimes,"
"I think that's fair." Pippa agreed, "Now you just sit tight. Get comfortable, watch tv or something, if you need me I'll be right out there working on my audition songs."
"Wait, before you go I need to tell you something." Vanessa told her.
"What is it?"
"Sit, please." Vanessa told her, patting the small space near her on the bed.
"Alright." Pippa agreed with a small nod as she sat down on the edge of the bed.
"I just want to clarify, I'm not trying to scare you away, or sabotage you and Lins relationship." Vanessa clarified, "it's obvious he's in love with you, and it's obvious that I had my shot with him but it's over."
"Okay... what's up Vanessa?" Pippa asked her brows furrowing a bit in confusion.
"You are going to be apart of this baby's life now." Vanessa told her. "Because you're involved with Lin, you'll be a big part of this child's life. And I can't have you thinking you'll be able to handle then you leave them, especially if your going to hurt my baby." Vanessa explained to her. "So you have to decide how serious it is with you and Lin, and if you're really ready for what's about to happen, you have to be sure."
Pippa nodded slowly. "I know, and I'm sure, I love Lin."
"I know you do, but you have to be sure you can commit, to all of us." Vanessa told her. "Anyways, you go practice your songs and think about it..."
"Yes, I will." Pippa replied as she stood up making her way out of the room, leaving the door partially open as she left.
Her brain was going into a spiral, she was worried. What if she thought she was ready, but she wasn't ready for it. She was starting to over think it. She was worried that if she wasn't sure she could end up hurting Lin, hurting his child. That wouldn't be fair to ether of them, and she would never want to hurt anyone, especially someone she cared so much about.
But she tried not to think about it, for now she was going to work. She knew that if she gave it too much thought she'd never get anything done. So for the next few hours Pippa spent her time going through sheet music, looking for the perfect song. She wanted it to be a song that she loved and was passionate about, but also a song that showcased the best parts of her voice. Pippa was pacing the living room her phone held up, singing bits of a song, playing it back to see if she liked the sound, then she did it again. She was happy with her process, she just couldn't seem to find the song. She'd just hit the record button again when she heard Vanessa.
"Phillipa! Get in here! Get in her now!" Vanessa yelled, her voice filled with panic, so of course Pippa rushed into the room.
"What's wrong Vanessa? Are you okay?"
"The baby, coming." Was all she could manage before letting out a pained noise.
Pippa eyes widen, "Ambulance, I'll call, now." She said fumbling with her phone struggling to call as quickly as she could.
"Hello, yes, my friend she went into labour, we ambulance, we need one, please." Was what Pippa said, it was jumbled but the message got through and an ambulance was sent.
The process of getting the heavily pregnant Vanessa out of the apartment and into the ambulance was quite difficult. One Emt almost lost a hand, another was scared out of his mind when Vanessa started yelling at him. But in the end she got out and was now safely in the ambulance being calmed by a nice woman named Jamie. Pippa was sitting in the back of the ambulance with her trying to collect her thoughts. She knew people needed to be called but her brain was scattered, so she opened her phone up, going to her contacts. She clicked on the first name that came up on the recent calls, which luckily was Lin.
"Hello...?" Lin answered sounding a bit tired.
"Hey Lin, it's Pippa-"
"It's late babe, what's up..?" He asked her.
"Vanessa... she's in labour, you-"
"She is?!" Lin asked very much awake now. "What hospital are you going to?" He asked urgently.
"St. Anthony's, the one on um, on 23rd street." She told him.
"Okay, I'm coming, I'll be there, I swear to god I'll be there." He said in a rushed tone, and Pippa could hear him banging about to get ready.
"Okay, hurry Lin." She told him, glancing at Vanessa who was currently trying her best not to scream.
"I will, I will, I promise." That was the last thing he said before handing up.
Word Count: 1499
Vanessa going into labour, Lin hurrying to get there, so exciting. I honestly really enjoyed writing this, so I hope you enjoyed it as well.
The next chapter will be very interesting, and I'm hoping to get it up next week.
Until next time,
I hope you all have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening!
~ Eliiizzaaa
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