The truth unraveled.
Lucy's (POV)
I sat down in class and looked around. I saw my fellow classmates. They were all laughing as they should. We are in high school after all.
But I'm not laughing... To me this isn't just High school anymore.
"Alright class settle down!" Mr. Guildarts shouted.
"Now ironically enough today we will be talking about birth control. Don't ask why I'm just a messenger. In all honesty I don't believe it matters. Especially since your all graduating in less than a month so... Anyway. "
Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach and I stood up.
"Mr. Guildarts may I go to the nurses office I'm not feeling so good."
"Yes of course."
I walked out the door but as soon as I was in the hallway I ran to the nurses office. When I got there I asked for the private room.
I laid down in the bed and started to cry.
I heard the door swing open and close.
I don't even have to look... I can tell that it's him.
He laid down in the bed with me and he sighed.
"What's the matter?" He asked.
"I'm just so tired and..."
There were no words that I could say.
He breathed out and he hummed. "Is it because of class?"
I nodded my head.
"So what's the big deal?" He asked in a soothing voice.
"Natsu... I'm pregnant."
He sat up and I followed.
"Y-your pregnant..." He studdered.
"When did you...?"
"Three weeks ago."
"You didnt want to tell me?"
"I didn't know how to do it."
"Luce, who's is it?" He asked.
"Who is the father Luce?"
It breaks my heart. I've only ever slept with one person.
And he's asking me who the father of my baby is.
"Lucy, please tell me."
"Tell me!"
"I just did!" I shouted back.
"It's you. You're the father."
"Me but... How is that possible?"
"Last month at prom."
"You were drunk. Gajeel had the grand idea to spike your drink. That night I got a room at the hotel. Then you can imagine the rest."
Natsu turned to look at me his eyes were filled with terror.
"Did I r..."
"Don't even finish that question! I uh... It was kind of my fault."
"What do you mean?"
"That night I told you something and that's how you replied back to it but... You were drunk so it..."
"Lucy tell me what you said that night."
"I l-love you."
Natsu looked at me deeply and he sighed.
I looked away for a second and as I turned back Natsu captured my lips.
He pinned me down onto the bed and I took it all in.
He's kissing me... He's sober.
He pulled away and that's when I saw the tears running down his face.
"I love you too." He wrapped me around in his arms.
"I'm sorry but I can't help but be happy. Even though it wasn't planned. Even though I was drunk. I'm so happy."
"I'm not lying Luce. I love you. I've been in love with you for the past 10 years we've known eachother."
"Please... Marry me."
I couldn't believe his words.
All this time I thought that he was so far from my reach. I thought that he was just a friend. I thought that I was just his friend.
All it took was one night to change that. The truth revealed itself.
But how do I know. I don't want to get married just because I'm pregnant. If I weren't pregnant would he be telling me the same things? Would he ask me to marry him?
"Natsu I don't want to get married just because I'm pregnant."
"No you don't understand..."
Natsu stood up and he pulled a box out of his back pocket. He bent down on one knee.
"Oh my god... Natsu."
"I've been wanting to give this to you for the past three years. It's a promise ring. But I can't think of any better use for it now. Luce, marry me."
I'm speech less. Sure it's a promise ring but...
"Let's spend the rest of our lives making up for these past 10 years."
"What do you say?"
"No... I love you but... There is no reason to make up for the past. When you can look to the future."
"Luce is that a no?" He asked with a saddened tone.
"Huh?" He spoke confused.
"I'll marry you, Natsu Dragneel."
His eyes widened and he stood up. He lifted me into the air and spun me.
"Natsu... Put me down I'm going to be sick."
He put me down and he hugged me tightly. I returned his embrace. We stood there for moments just holding each other.
The bell rang freeing us from our trance.
Natsu slid the ring onto my finger it was simple but beautiful.
"Luce lets take the rest if the day off." He spoke.
"What for?"
"What else... To get married."
So here we are.
Young and in love.
Natsu and Lucy Dragneel.
And today was the day that the truth unraveled.
"So what now Mr. Dragneel."
"We have this baby... Mrs. Dragneel. And after that we have more." Natsu smirked and he turned toward me.
"Uh yeah don't you remember when we were kids. You said you wanted 33 babies."
"Natsu I was a kid."
"Don't matter we're having more and I think you'll be agreeing with me sooner or later."
"I'll go with later... I'm still seventeen Natsu."
"Seventeen and sexy." He purred into my ear.
"Quit it."
"Last time..."
"Tell me about last time I can't remember I was a little drunk." He joked.
Natsu kissed me and I was swept off my feet.
Fifteen minutes later *no lemon for you*
Natsu breathed heavily as did I. It was hot and steamy.
"Last time was it anything like that?" Natsu asked with a pant.
"Nope definitely not that that. then again you were drunk and I was still a Virgin."
"That's good to know. If it were like now I would have killed myself for forgetting it. That was..."
"Natsu... Thank you."
"No problem... Give me a few minutes to charge and I'll be good to go."
"Not for that... For not leaving."
"How can I leave... When I've got the world's most beautiful wife pregnant with my baby." he smiled.
"I'll love you forever Luce."
"Even if I get fat." I joked.
"Get as fat as you want I'm still not leaving." He snapped.
"Is that so."
"Well don't go do it on purpose."
"I love you."
"I love you more."
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