Hermione didn't talk to Ron for the rest of the day. She was outside with her nose stuck in a book while we were inside the tent. Harry and Ron sat down on Harry's bed, talking and staring at the little fire Hermione made inside a jar. I was sitting on the stairs beside them, staring at the two boys.
"I've always liked these flames that Hermione makes," Ron exclaimed. We looked outside and saw her sitting outside in the snow. "How long do you reckon she'll stay mad at me?" he asked.
"Just keep talking about that little ball of light touching your heart and she'll come around," I replied, making Harry laugh.
"It was true. Every word was true," Ron said. "This is going to sound crazy, but I think that's why Dumbledore left the Deluminator to me. I think he knew that somehow I'd need it to find my way back and Hermione would lead the way."
"I wonder if the Deluminator can lead me to Draco," I said, making Ron chuckle.
"Bloody hell, I just realized that you need a wand, don't you, Harry?" Ron asked.
Harry nodded his head. "Yeah."
"I've got one here." Ron pulled out a wand from his rucksack and handed it to Harry. "It's a blackthorn. Ten inches. Nothing special, but I reckon it'll do. Took it from a Snatcher a couple of weeks ago."
Harry looked at the flame and pointed his wand at it, giving me back my own wand. "Engorgio," he said. All of a sudden, the flame shot up like a volcano. "Reducio!" he shouted, making the flame go back to its original state.
"What's going on in there?" Hermione shouted from outside.
"Nothing!" Harry and Ron shouted back at the same time.
Hermione came into the tent and looked at the three of us. "We need to talk," she told us.
Ron nodded his head. "Yeah, all right."
She walked past Ron and turned around so that she was facing us again. "I want to go see Xenophilius Lovegood," she blurted out.
"What?" Harry and I said at the same time.
Hermione opened the book she was reading and showed us what was inside. "It's a letter Dumbledore wrote to Grindelwald. Look at the signature." We looked at it and saw what Dumbledore put beside his name. "It's the mark again."
"It keeps popping up," I said.
Hermione nodded her head. "In Beedle the Bard, in the graveyard in Godric's Hollow..."
"It was also outside Gregorovitch's Wand Shop," Harry added.
"What does it mean?" Ron spoke up.
"Listen, you guys have no idea where the next Horcrux is and neither do I. But this symbol means something. I'm sure of it."
"Hermione's right," Ron said. "We ought to see Lovegood. Let's vote on it. Those in favor?" He raised his hand and looked at us.
I shook my head. "Ron, just...no."
He awkwardly put his hand down as Hermione gave him a look, then walked back outside.
On the first day of March, we celebrated Ron's eighteenth birthday. Hermione didn't want to join in on the fun. I could tell that she was still mad at him, even though she needed to move on. She was stubborn, just like Ron.
We didn't go see Xenophilius Lovegood until around Easter due to the increase of people being taken in the months that went by. We packed up our things and Apparated to the hillside near the Burrow. As much as we wanted to go to the Burrow, we didn't want to risk getting caught by Snatchers. So we started walking towards the Lovegood house.
As we were walking, I could hear Harry and Hermione talking about Ron behind me.
"You're not still mad at him, are you?" Harry asked.
"I'm always mad at him," she replied, making me laugh a little.
"What happened after I left?" Ron asked me.
"Hermione cried for weeks," I told him. "She was devastated when you left."
Ron didn't say anything after that. We walked up to Luna's house in silence. When we got to the front door, Hermione knocked on the door.
Xenophilius answered the door, a bit startled by us. "What is it? Who are you? What do you want?" he asked us.
"Hello, Mr. Lovegood," I greeted him. "I'm Max Potter. That's Harry, my brother." I pointed at Harry. "We met a few months ago."
When he didn't say anything, Harry came up beside me and blurted out, "Can we come in?"
He reluctantly let us inside his house and led us up to the living room. He offered us tea and the four of us took a mug with some tea inside, awkwardly sitting there.
"Where's Luna?" Hermione asked him.
"She'll be along," he replied. "So how can I help you two?" he asked Harry and I.
"Well, actually, it was about something you were wearing around your neck at the wedding," Harry said.
"It was some sort of symbol," I added.
Xenophilius showed us his necklace so we could see it. "You mean this?"
"Yes," we replied.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Well, it's the sign of the Deathly Hallows, of course," he said.
"The what?" Harry and I questioned at the same time.
"The Deathly Hallows," he repeated. "I assume you're all familiar with The Tale of the Three Brothers. Right?"
"Yes," Ron and Hermione said.
"No," Harry and I said, shaking our heads.
"I have it in here," Hermione spoke up, taking out her copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard. She opened the book and flipped to the page where the story was at. Then, she began reading the story.
So what I was hearing from Hermione as she was reading the story, three brothers managed to cross a river using magic, but Death felt cheated because people would normally drown in the river. But Death congratulated them on their magic and told them that they had earned a prize.
The oldest brother asked for a wand that was more powerful than any wand that existed. So Death made him a wand from an elder tree. The second brother asked for the power to recall loved ones from the grave. So Death plucked a stone from the river and offered it to him. The third brother asked for something that would allow him to continue his journey without Death following him. So Death gave him his own Cloak of Invisibility.
The first brother traveled to a distant village with the Elder Wand. He killed a wizard with whom he had once quarreled. He bragged about his invincibility. But that night, another wizard stole the wand and slit the brother's throat. That was when Death took the first brother.
The second brother journeyed to his home and brought the girl he was going to marry back from the dead. But she turned sad and cold, thinking she did not belong in the mortal world. So he could join his lover, the second brother killed himself. That was when Death took the second brother.
The third brother, however, could not be found by Death. Death looked for many years, but was never able to find him. Finally, the third brother shed the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. That was when the third brother greeted Death like an old friend and gladly went with him.
"So there you are," Xenophilius said after Hermione finished the story. "Those are the Deathly Hallows."
"I'm sorry, sir, but we still don't quite understand," Harry told him.
The man took a piece of parchment and a quill from a desk. He drew a vertical line first. "The Elder Wand," he said. "The most powerful wand ever made." Then, he drew a circle in the middle of the line. "The Resurrection Stone. It's used to bring back loved ones from the dead." Finally, he drew a triangle from the top of the line and made two other corners at the bottom. "The Cloak of Invisibility. You're able to hide from others. Together, they make the Deathly Hallows. Together, they make one Master of Death."
"That mark was on a grave in Godric's Hollow," Hermione said. "Mr. Lovegood, does the Peverell family have anything to do with the Deathly Hallows?"
"Ignotus, Cadmus, and Antioch, three brothers, are thought to be the original owners of the Hallows and the inspiration of the story," he said quickly. "Excuse me, I'll be right back." With that, he hurriedly headed downstairs.
"Let's get out of here," Ron said.
We nodded our heads and went downstairs.
"Thank you, sir," Hermione said, making Xenophilius jump. "We should be going now, actua--"
"No, you can't!" he shouted, making the four of us jump. He ran for the front door so that we wouldn't leave.
"Sir?" Harry carefully said.
He turned around, facing us with pleading eyes. "You and your sister are my only hope," he said. "They were angry about what I'd been writing in The Quibbler. So they took her. They took my Luna. But it's really you two that they want."
"Who took her, sir?" I asked.
He stared at us for a brief moment before saying, "Voldemort."
My eyes went wide as he said it. I remembered what Blaise told me when I was in the Ministry of Magic. Saying his name would bring--
"Snatchers!" I shouted as they attacked the house.
We dove to the ground and hid under the table as they shot spells at us. We stretched our hands out and grabbed each other's hands. We Disapparated from the house and landed at the edge of a forest.
"That treacherous little bleeder. Is there no one we can trust?!" Ron said.
"They kidnapped Luna because he supported us, Ron," I told him.
"Max is right. He was just desperate to get her back," Harry added.
He huffed a sigh. "I'll do the enchantments."
I placed all of our rucksacks in Hermione's bag and handed it to her. All of a sudden, we realized that we weren't alone. The Snatchers found us. Looked like curiosity got us busted.
"Hello, beautiful," one of them said to Hermione.
The four of us looked around and took off running into the forest.
"Well, don't hang about! Snatch 'em!" the leader shouted.
As we began to run, the Snatchers followed us. They began to shoot spells at us as we continued to run and dodge trees. I heard Hermione scream and Harry grunt as he fell and rolled over to get back up again. As we descended down a hill, the four of us managed to split up. Harry was a little bit closer to Hermione while I was closer to Ron.
I would turn around every now and then with my wand in hand and shoot spells at the Snatchers. When I looked back for the fourth time, Ron was on the ground with chains around his neck and ankles. I knew that I couldn't go back and save him. I had to keep going without him.
I ran as fast as I could, not worried about shooting any more spells at the Snatchers that were still behind me. I felt my heart beating faster by the second. Just as I was about to stop running when I reached the bottom of the hill with Harry and Hermione, a spell got shot right at my face from her wand, then she did the same to Harry. I screamed as I fell and felt my face bubble up.
"Tell me, Grindelwald. Tell me where it is."
"Hello, Tom. I knew you would come one day, but surely you must know that I no longer have what you seek."
"Tell me, Grindelwald! Tell me where it is! Tell me who possesses it!"
"The Elder Wand lies with him, of course, buried in the earth. Dumbledore."
I gasped, panting and standing up, trying to take in what I just saw. Voldemort talked to Grindelwald about the Elder Wand, which was buried with Dumbledore. He knew where it was now.
"The Hallows exist," I heard Harry tell Hermione. "But he's only after the Elder Wand and he knows where it is. He's going to have it by the end of the night. You-Know-Who has found the Elder Wand."
I looked at Harry's face, which was hideous. Although, I bet my face was even worse. A Snatcher took Hermione, which pissed Ron off.
"Don't touch her!" Ron shouted. He groaned when one of the Snatchers punched him in the stomach.
"Leave him alone!" Hermione yelled.
"Your boyfriend will get much worse than that if he doesn't learn to behave himself!" the leader said. He looked at Harry and I as two more Snatchers grabbed us. "What happened to you, ugly?" he asked Harry. "What's your name?"
"Dudley. Vernon Dudley," Harry lied.
"What about you, ugly princess?" he asked me.
"Katie Bell," I lied.
"Check the list," the Snatcher ordered, walking over towards Hermione.
"There's no Vernon Dudley or Katie Bell on here," one of the Snatchers said.
"Did you two hear that? The list says you're lying," Fenrir Greyback snarled, smirking at us. He was a Death Eater that I recognized. "Let's call them Ugly One and Ugly Two."
"Shut the hell up," I muttered.
"What did you just say?" Fenrir asked, shooting me a glare.
"You heard me, ugly," I snapped.
"Hold her down. I need to teach this bitch a lesson," he said, raising his fist up to punch me.
But I kicked the Snatcher holding me in the groin, grabbing Fenrir's wrist, getting ready to kick him as well. But another Snatcher grabbed me before I could do anything. Fenrir was getting ready to hit me when the leader stopped him.
"Come on, Scabior," Fenrir said. "Let me get one hit in."
"Wait," Scabior said. "There's only one girl that I've heard of who tried to put up a fight with a Death Eater once."
"Who was the Death Eater?" Fenrir asked.
But Scabior ignored his question. He came up to me and pushed my hair out of my face. Then, he went to Harry and did the same thing. He gasped a little. "Change of plan. We're not taking this lot to the Ministry."
The Snatchers were getting ready to take the other three to where we were going.
"We already told you who we were. Where the hell are you taking us?" I asked, feeling my heart beat faster by the minute.
Scabior looked at me and smirked. "Katie Bell, or whoever you are, I'm sure Lucius Malfoy will be happy to see you."
A/N: Ohhh, snap! They're going back to Malfoy Manor. Guess who's over there?
That's right. Draco Malfoy is at Malfoy Manor.
If you're reading this, tell me what you think will happen between Draco and Max once they get there. I'll work on the next chapter ASAP.
Also, there's one more story I have to tell you guys about. This is the third author who is part of the account @xTheSilverTriox: @Little_Mickey! She wrote Roxanne's story, Ron's twin sister. Here's the summary to the first book:
Everybody has a story about how they survived the Second Wizarding War. Whether it was about how it proved their bravery, how it made them stronger, or ever made them want to forget it ever happened. However, Roxanne Weasley has a story that isn't about any of that. It's about her massive betrayal to everyone she ever knew and trusted. The other stories you've heard are from survivors. Roxanne is not a survivor- she just happened to live longer than the people who died during the war.
She has been looking for someone to listen to her story, are you willing to listen?
Go follow her and check her stories out because they are also the bomb.com. :D
Anyways, comment, vote, because Draco and Max are about to be reunited! Prepare your Drax hearts. <3
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