011 the cut in
011 the cut in
Everything seemed to be easier when they were younger. There was a sort of lightness about life as if nothing truly held any weight. It was no longer like that. Now, every action felt heavy and every reaction felt big.
Caroline felt like she was still reacting from the night before. Rerunning the moment that took it too far and chanced things. There was this, shift. This shift that made Caroline wonder how she'd be able to survive the rest of the summer while he was there.
And while she was there, too. Because now Caroline for the first time in her life didn't know how to talk to Belly. Even looking at the girl caused something in her chest to tighten. It wasn't even Belly's fault, she didn't know any better and had no idea what had happened last night.
But Caroline knew. And she couldn't stand always being the second choice. Because it seemed no matter what she did, Belly would always be the one people chose. She didn't even have to try for people to gravitate towards her, it was just who she was. And Caroline loved her, but right now she couldn't stand to see her.
Like she was saying, everything seemed easier when they were younger. Caroline remembered a time where the only problem was that Belly didn't know how to dance.
It had been a day like any other, only everyone was younger and everyone was happy. The boys had been playing chess, well, Conrad and Steven played chess while Jeremiah watched.
Belly was stood between the TV and couch trying to dance as Mags and Caroline sat on said couch behind her, giving pointers they had no reason to give. "Point your feet! Spin in a circle!" Caroline gasped, earning a glare from Belly who was trying to take it seriously. "Straighten your legs and do a jump!" Mags added, the twins laughing as they laid on top of one another.
Belly groaned. "Stevie, I need a partner." Steven scoffed. "Yeah, right." Conrad smiled, looking at Belly. "Here, I'll show you." Steven frowned. "What about the game?" Conrad just smiled towards his friend. "Give me one second."
He took another one of Stevens pieces before moving towards Belly. "Copy me." The two started dancing as Conrad gave actual instructions, the two girls sitting on the couch frowning as their source of entertainment was gone. "Belly, you're not even on the beat." Steven laughed, Jeremiah laughing along.
"Oh, you're both horrible." Jeremiah laughed, standing up before pulling Caroline off the couch. "We'll show you both how it's done." Though, neither started actually doing the steps Belly was trying to learn as Jeremiah just began spinning Caroline.
The young girl laughed, the two dancing around the house as Belly and Conrad just continued their own dancing. Jeremiah instantly had forgotten about the idea of showing the other two how it was done as he swayed Caroline throughout the first floor, the two only stopping when they bumped into the back of the couch.
But this was no longer the past, and times were different than they once were. Because now Caroline was stood before all the debs and their escorts, waiting for rehearsal to start. Though, Belly didn't seem to have anyone with her.
Mags was stood beside Caroline, as Caroline had asked her sister to come and help out where she could. Mags knew all about the events of the night prior, she was the only one Caroline told. She had no clue who else knew from Jeremiah but Caroline had only told her sister.
She wanted so badly to hate him. To never talk to him again and cut her losses because that way maybe it would hurt less. But it was so hard to hate Jeremiah. Especially when Caroline had woken up to 40 plus texts from the boy apologizing for what he had said.
She didn't respond, but with every new buzz she felt from her phone Caroline felt herself caving in more and more. She'd never been able to stay mad at Jeremiah for long, but what he had done had been cruel and excessive.
Even if she did forgive him, she didn't know if she'd be able to trust him the same. Belly looked over towards the two Bennett sisters nervously, feeling like a fish out of water. Mags sent her a small smile as she wrapped an arm around her sisters shoulders, Belly just looked at the older sister confused.
Mags stopped looking towards Belly when the girl pulled her phone out, going back to comforting her sister. "Attention, everyone. Please welcome our debutante waltz instructor, Ms. Covington. All the way from Ms. Covington's School of Ballroom Dance in Newton." Paige introduced after a bit, the room erupting in applause for the woman.
"Thank you, Paige. As you all know, the waltz is the most highly anticipated part of the ball. So, please join your partners now... come on." Ms. Covington instructed, ushering for groups to get together. "...and we will begin with the fundamentals, starting with the box step. When the music starts, you do not wait and you just begin."
Caroline looked towards Belly and sighed, sending her sister a quick look. "Can you go dance with Belly? It looks like she needs a familiar face." Mags felt her breath hitch in her throat but she just smiled. "Of course."
Caroline nodded slightly and walked off to go talk with Paige while Mags exhaled deeply. "You've got this." She muttered to herself as she stepped towards Belly.
Mags had never been the outgoing sister. She'd always taken a liking to standing in the background and watching. But sometimes she realized a bit too late that she'd stood too far in the shadows and missed out on moments that could have meant something.
But Mags didn't complain. She knew that her time would come. And if she had to stand and watch a bit until there was room for her, she'd do that. Even if it came to Belly.
Now, Mags didn't know what she was. She didn't quite understand her feelings for her friend, but she knew that she felt for Belly what Caroline felt for Jeremiah and it scared her. It wasn't like she was afraid of her family and friends treating her differently if they knew she didn't like boys, she knew they'd all be supportive.
Mags just liked to hold her cards close to her chest and she never quite felt like showing who she truly was. One day she would. She had it all planned out. It would be summer and she'd sit all three family's down, grab Belly's hand, and announce that they were together.
Everyone would be so excited for the two and in that moment Mags would tell them who she was, that she was a lesbian. But, that she was also asexual and that was who she was.
She imagined that day all the time, ready to let those closest to her in on what she had hid for so long. There wouldn't be any questions of how could she be with someone if she was ace because they'd understand the lack of sexual drive rather than a lack of romantic drive. For once she'd be the center of attention and she'd love it. She wouldn't shy away or fade into the background, she'd shine.
And it all started with this dance. "Need a partner?" Mags wondered, watching as Belly's tension went away. "Yes, please. Thank you." Belly smiled, immediately getting into position with Mags.
The music turned on and they began dancing, slowly working on the steps as Belly gained confidence with her movements. "You're doing great, Belly." Mags smiled, trying her best to focus on the movements.
Belly laughed. "I'm worried I might take your toe out with these shoes." Mags shook her head, smiling lightly. "It's a simple step. Forward with the left, slide to the right, and then the feet close together." Ms. Covington explained.
"You know, I've always imagined something like this." Mags exposed. Belly smiled. "Participating in a deb ball? Why didn't you ask Susannah to get you in as well?" Mags sighed. "No, not that. Just— dancing with, uh, someone and getting all dressed up. Being a deb is so not for me."
"Oh, yeah. I've always been a bit hesitant with dance stuff, I'm sure I was born with two left feet." Belly joked, accidentally slipping just a bit after that. "Oops." Mags laughed lightly, helping the girl steady herself once more.
The two continued dancing, laughing every now and then as Belly added to the evidence of having two left feet. After a bit, Ms. Covington was stood before them all again. "Now that we have the steps, let's pick up the pace."
"Don't stress, Belly." Mags smiled, sending the tension building in Belly immediately. "Okay, okay, I've got this." Belly sighed, calming herself. Mags smiled again. "Good, good."
Caroline watched with a smile as Belly and Mags danced, crossing her arms over her chest. She was honestly a bit bored, just standing around watching. It wasn't like anyone really needed her in the moment anyways so all she could do is stand and watch.
"Hey." A voice spoke from beside her and Caroline felt shivers go down her spine. Because she'd know that voice anywhere. She sighed. "Hi."
Jeremiah awkwardly shifted beside her, trying his best to get Caroline to look at him. "I wanted to say sorry again, in person. I was way out of line last night and took out some harsh feelings on you when I shouldn't have."
Caroline nodded slightly. "Thanks." She was stubborn, she knew it. She knew that while all she wanted to do was say it was okay, it still wasn't. "You're gonna get me into trouble with Paige." Caroline noted, especially since Paige really did not like Jeremiah barging in on deb stuff.
Jeremiah looked around before catching sight of Steven, whistling to the boy quickly. Steven, who Caroline assumed knew what happened to an extent based on the look he gave Jeremiah, quickly slipped off his coat, handing it to the blonde boy as he and Shayla danced past them.
Jeremiah put the coat on with a smile. "Better?" Caroline frowned, finally facing the boy. "If you were here to apologize why does it feel like you're staying?" Jeremiah sighed. "You don't exactly look like you're having the time of your life, so, let me try and begin making last night up to you by distracting you."
Jeremiah quickly swept Caroline up, moving her into the dance stance before she even knew what was happening. Jeremiah began swaying lightly, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. Caroline shook her head, lightly trying to stop the smile that was spreading because of his smile.
"I hate you." Caroline muttered, making eye contact with the boy. Jeremiah just smiled wider. "I'll take it." He moved her around, effortlessly dancing the steps as if he'd been doing them his whole life. Caroline stayed with him, allowing the boy to continue with his olive branch.
Jeremiah wiggled his eyebrows lightly towards Caroline, basically forcing a smile to fall onto her features. He could feel he was doing something right and decided to continue testing his luck.
Mags watched from next to Belly as her sister danced around with Jeremiah, not missing the looks other girls were giving the pair. Especially Gigi, who basically everyone knew Jeremiah often turned down.
Jeremiah moved towards the Alexa and smirked. "Hey, Alexa. Play "So Pretty." Caroline's eyes widened as she gave him a look. "So Pretty" by Reyanna Maria. Sure." Alexa responded, changing the classical music to the song Jeremiah chose.
Caroline let go of the boy, laughing lightly as he began to dance to the music. "You're gonna get me fired." He just continued dancing, getting the attention of everyone else as people began cheering for the boy. Caroline went to make her escape, moving to stand with Shayla as Jeremiah continued to show off.
He took off Stevens jacket, throwing it back to the boy as everyone else began to join in with the dancing. Jeremiah pointed towards Caroline, pretending to rope her in with an invisible rope. Caroline rolled her eyes, not hiding her smile as she moved back towards the boy, twirling around when he grabbed her hand and spun her.
"This more fun?" Jeremiah asked, dancing around the girl. Caroline bit her lip. "Maybe a bit." Jeremiah's smile grew and he pulled her towards him, swaying to the pace of the music.
"They're so cute together, don't you think? Somehow they just work." Belly smiled, looking at Mags. Mags nodded. "Care and Jere, hard to separate." The two girls continued dancing around with everyone else. "It's so weird to me how they've only ever been friends." Belly laughed, seeing the pair as completely platonic. Mags shrugged. "Who knows."
"What is going on here? Alexa, stop." Paige spoke, suddenly walking into the room. Caroline's eyes went wide as she stepped backwards, though Jeremiah stepped forward. "Jeremiah Fisher, why aren't you at the pool?" Paige questioned the boy, knowing it was him who had caused a ruckus.
Jeremiah sighed. "We had a "code brown." Yeah, we lost the keys to the chemical closet." Paige gave him a look, opening up what she was holding to grab a spare set of keys. "There you go." Jeremiah smiled. "Thanks." He turned back towards Caroline. "So?"
Caroline shook her head lightly with a smile. "Bye." Jeremiah nodded, mirroring her smile. "I'll see you later." Paige gave him a look. "Get going, Jeremiah."
Once he left the room, Paige quickly went back to getting things in order. "All right, everyone, let's try that again... this time, without the theatrics."
here's a chapter I'm popping out before I have to wake up super early in literally like 5 hours to go away to cheer camp for the weekend! no updates till I get back so hopefully the next one will be around sunday night.
i can't stand caroline and jeremiah not being besties so this was more of a making up ish chapter where he does something fun for her. I love them and don't even worry he shall soon realize what he's been missing.
also we got some mags and belly content that has long been needed! and finally I love my little lesbian ace child with my whole heart go mags
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