009 july fourth
009 july fourth
The Fourth of July seemed to roll around faster than Caroline expected. She felt like this summer was moving far faster than any summer before and now it was the day for the big Fourth of July party, Susannah favorite holiday.
It was going to be weird, though. As this would be the first year that Carolines father wouldn't be at the party. The year prior Belly's dad hadn't been able to make it because of the divorce, but now it seemed that the Bennett father wouldn't be able to make the trip. Caroline assumed the Fisher father would be there as he was every year prior.
Caroline missed her dad. He was often gone more than he was around and she just wished that the one thing he'd always make it to would be the Fourth of July party.
But, she'd just have to celebrate without him. When Caroline walked into the Fisher house that morning, the first thing she heard was talk of the first dance rehearsal with Mrs. Covington. Caroline had found out that she'd be in charge of all dances besides the big one between the boys and the girls. So tomorrow Caroline would find herself as more of a helper towards anyone who didn't know what they were doing compared to the one teaching it all.
She was fine with that, though, it got rid of some of the pressure for the big moment. Caroline was just excited to force all the guys (and the one girl) to do the escorts dance. "Morning." Caroline smiled as she walked into the kitchen.
"Caroline! We were just talking about rehearsal." Susannah smiled, giving the girl a hug. Caroline nodded. "Yeah, I heard." Belly smiled. "Don't worry, Susannah. I'm asking Cam today."
Laurel looked towards Susannah. "I don't know my kids anymore." Caroline moved to go sit besides Belly, flicking the back of Jeremiah's head as she passed behind him. He tried to grab at her, but Caroline swiftly moved away and sat next to Belly with a smile.
"Caroline, where's your mom and sister?" Laurel questioned. "Alice said she'd come help for the party." Caroline shrugged, grabbing the cereal box to have some dry cereal. "No clue. I woke up this morning to a note saying they had to pop out for a bit. But, they'll be here."
Laurel nodded and Susannah smiled at her friend. "Wait, are you wearing makeup? Yeah, she's wearing makeup." Steven looked shocked towards the two women. "Oh, my... she definitely is."
"Ooh!" Jeremiah shouted as Belly giggled. "Mom!" Caroline smirked. "Laurel making it fancy!" Laurel just brushed everyone off. "So what? We're having a party." Susannah laughed a bit. "Mm-hmm. I'm sure it has nothing to do with John coming to the clam bake?"
"Oh, please. The husbands always come for the Fourth." Laurel responded. "He's not your husband anymore." Belly reminded. "Oops. Yeah. Ex-husband." Laurel chuckled. "You know, I still don't understand why you invited Dad's girlfriend." Steven sighed. "Her name is Victoria, and your father wanted us all to meet her. Oh, Belly, I need you to make up the guest bed." Laurel instructed.
Belly shifted uncomfortably. "Wait, Dad and Victoria are staying here? In the room next to mine?" Laurel nodded. "Yeah." Belly just groaned, putting her head down on the table. "Remind me not to spend the night for the weekend." Caroline joked, earning herself a glare from Belly.
"Oh, speaking of dads, yours called. He's closing a deal, so he can't come." Susannah sighed, giving the news to Jeremiah. "What?" Jeremiah frowned. Caroline looked towards the boy concerned, she hadn't expected their father not to make it.
"Did you say Dad's not coming?" Conrad asked, walking into the house from wherever he had been. "Mm-hmm." Susannah nodded. "But I got some serious fireworks for the show this year." Jeremiah continued, still obviously upset. Susannah shrugged. "We'll take a video."
Jeremiah sighed, looking away from his mom. "It's not the same." Susannah nodded. "I know." Caroline sent Jeremiah a small smile. "Hey. On the bright side, your dad isn't the only one who can't make it. We can wallow together." Jeremiah smiled slightly, nodding. "Yeah, okay."
But then his attention turned towards his weirdly giddy brother. "What're you smiling over there for?" Conrad turned to his brother, shaking his head. "No reason."
Conversation just continued on after that, everyone trying to move past the obvious change that was occurring. This shift that seemed to signal something more.
"Belly, Steven. Your dad is here." Laurel suddenly realized, looking at her phone. Laurel and Susannah swiftly made their way out to the front to greet John as the kids hid behind the door, watching for his new girlfriend.
"She's hot." Jeremiah gasped. "Dude." Steven responded, immediately grossed out. "What? I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking." Jeremiah wondered. "As far as possible stepmoms go, you guys did get a hot one." Caroline agreed. "I was not thinking that. Will you two stop?" Belly questioned, continuing to stare forward.
"Caroline's right, that could be their future stepmom." Conrad noted. Steven shoved him immediately. "Dude, what the hell?" Conrad sent him a look. "Don't push me." Before the two began play fighting.
"You're children!" Caroline laughed before Jeremiah began pushing his brother away from the door. "Guys, they're coming, they're coming. Ah!" He grabbed Caroline's arm, pulling her along with himself and his brother as the three ran to hide.
"Go, go, go, go, go." Steven hurried. None of them wanted to make it super obvious they were talking about the adults and staring. Caroline laughed as the three ran outside, hiding the best they could. "Okay but can we talk about how she is totally younger than 27?" Conrad noted, laughing.
Caroline nodded. "Oh yeah, one hundred percent. She's probably like 23 max." Jeremiah rolled his eyes with a smile. "You're both crazy, she's in grad school." Caroline gave him a look. "You can go to grad school at 23, Jere."
"Oh." Jeremiah replied. Caroline just chuckled lightly before she heard the doorbell ring. And then, her phone buzzed maybe eight times and she instantly knew who had arrived. "The debs are here."
Caroline ran back inside and towards the door, stopping as Belly opened it and greeted the girls. Avery pushed past all the deb girls, running straight at Caroline and pulling the girl into a hug. Caroline laughed softly as she hugged her friend back, excited Avery was able to spend the fourth with them.
Avery put a mini American flag into Caroline's hand, excitedly waving it around. Caroline just laughed and went to hand the flag back, only to be met with Avery already having a second one for herself.
Next Caroline hugged Shayla, then Nicole, then Gigi. She may not have loved Gigi, but she was still a nice enough person to hug the girl. "It's party time!" Belly smiled, everyone making their way to the backyard.
Nicole instantly met up with Conrad, the two disappearing to put their swimsuits on. Shayla went to Steven, eager to meet his parents. Gigi headed towards Susannah while Avery and Caroline headed towards some of the pool side chairs just to chat.
And not surprising at all, Jeremiah was talking to Belly's dads girlfriend. He always seemed to be the first to make someone new feel welcome.
"Okay, but you don't understand Caroline. He's like hot hot. But on the other hand, she is just as hot hot." Avery explained. Caroline just laughed. "Twins, Avery. You cannot be messing with twins! That's like the worst idea ever." Avery just laughed along. "Why? Keeps whichever one I don't want wanting me so if I need to I can switch."
Caroline shook her head. "You're completely insane. Like, completely." Avery shrugged. "Not all of us have this weird will they won't they thing happening, Care. Some of us have to play the field." Caroline let her head fall backwards. "But... twins!"
Avery just brushed it off lightly. Caroline sighed. "You want anything to drink?" Avery nodded. "Ooh. Yes, please. I'll take anything you've got." Caroline smiled, standing up. "On it."
She began heading back inside the house, a bit surprised when she saw Belly holding what looked to be a margarita with Jeremiah sitting across from her. "What is this I see?" Belly's eyes widened excitedly as she saw Caroline. "Care! You have got to try this."
Caroline leaned against the counter, taking the drink from Belly. She took a sip and her eyes widened slightly as it in fact was super good. She put the glass back on the table. "Shit, where'd you find that?" Jeremiah took the glass, taking his own sip. "Mmm. No wonder you two like it. It tastes just like a Slurpee."
Belly smiled. "Yeah, exactly. And, uh, Victoria made it." Caroline nodded, heading towards the fridge. "I like her more and more." Belly just chuckled. "But I have an idea." She lightly drummed on the table as Jeremiah joked, "oh no."
"Sous-chef, I'm gonna need some more pomegranate juice." Belly smiled, heading towards the pantry. Jeremiah chuckled. "You got it."
"What are you guys making?" Conrad wondered, walking into the room. "Pomegranate margaritas, but with a twist." Belly smiled, holding up some powder towards the boy. "Well, you got to use the good blender." Caroline turned around suddenly and pointed a finger at him. "No. No way, last time you guys used that my hair was blue for a two months." Jeremiah nodded. "Yeah, I-I haven't used that thing since the great Kool-Aid debacle of 2011."
Caroline shut the fridge, holding the lemonade. "Once again I say, blue hair." Conrad just chuckled, bringing the blender next to Belly. "I remember, the counters were sticky for... two summers?" Jeremiah nodded with a laugh. "Yeah. Just about. And yeah, Caroline's blue hair. Dad kept his, uh, briefcase in my room for a year. "As a reminder that all mistakes are not reversible."
Belly sighed. "Wait, won't he be mad if he finds out?" Conrad smiled as he entered ingredients into the blender. "Well, he's not gonna find out. He's not coming." Belly smiled. "Fine, okay." She looked towards Caroline, who was quickly trying to make her exit. "Woah, woah, woah. You're not going anywhere until we're done."
Caroline sent the girl a look. "You are crazy if you think I'm going to be here when that thing explodes." Belly pouted her bottom lip. "Please?" Caroline glared towards the girl, watching as the pout turned to puppy dog eyes and groaned. "Fine. Fucking hell the things I do for you."
"Yay!" Belly smiled, continuing her concoction. Caroline put her drink down at the chair next to Jeremiah's. "Let me go give Avery her drink and I'll be back." The three all nodded and Caroline headed back outside, b-lining towards Avery.
Avery smiled. "Thank you. What took so long?" Caroline sighed. "Something that's not even finished yet. I'll be back in a second." Caroline ran back inside, not giving her friend a moment to register that she was leaving again.
Caroline walked back in to see Conrad tipping Belly's hand to add more tequila than the blender would be capable to hold. "I swear to god this thing explodes and we have to clean it up I'm throwing all three of you under the bus so fast." Jeremiah just laughed. "Just sit your butt down."
"Just sit your butt down." Caroline mimicked, though she did exactly what he told her to do. "Happy?" Caroline questioned unenthusiastically, staring at Jeremiah. He nodded. "Yes, very. But as all men have said before you should really smile."
Caroline gave him a look, but seeing as he wasn't backing down from messing with her she gave him her best sarcastic smile. "Wow, so lovely. A true blessing to see you smile." Jeremiah sighed, smirking. Caroline's face fell. "I hate you." Jeremiah shrugged. "You'll move past it."
"Hey! Tweedles, mind paying attention to the magic?" Conrad joked. Caroline just sent him the bird, waving it around. "Wow look at it go, it's flying." Conrad pushed her arm down. "You are actually five."
He turned the blender on, removing his hands slowly as he did a little dance towards the two who where afraid of what the blender would do. Immediately, both Jeremiah and Caroline were holding onto the blender. "No, keep your hands on. Keep your hands on it." Conrad laughed as he placed his hands back on at his brothers request, the other two taking theirs off.
"Oh and I'm five. You're the one playing with the blender." Caroline smirked. Conrad turned the blender off, looking up towards everyone else. "Man, you know what I miss?" Jeremiah smiled. "Huh?" Conrad's own smile grew. "Watching Laurel put dad in his place. You know, she'd walk in, she'd be like, "Adam."
"Adam." Laurel spoke and Caroline could have sworn she almost got whiplash from how quickly she turned around towards the woman and then back behind Belly to in-fact see Conrad and Jeremiah's father walking in. "You came." She smiled.
"Happy Fourth." Adam smiled, looking at the kids. "Dad! You came." Jeremiah gushed, jumping up into his dads arms. "Hey. Hey, guys. Hey, Connie. I'll have a little of what you're mixing up there." Adam pointed. Belly nodded. "Yeah, sure." She handed him the glass they'd all drunk out of already. "Hey, thanks, Belly."
"Oh, you're gonna love the firework show this year. It's gonna be the best one yet." Jeremiah explained, proudly. Caroline smiled. "I believe it." Adam chuckled. "Where'd everyone go?" Susannah wondered, coming inside as well.
Adam smiled. "Hey." Susannah just walked over towards him, mouth a-gap in surprise. "Adam. You managed to get off work." He nodded. "Yeah, couldn't miss the Fourth with my family." Caroline frowned at that, as she was actually the only one in her family actually at the party.
Silence overtook the group before Susannah sighed. "All right, well, let's get back to the party." The front door shut once more, signaling someone else had just arrived. "Well, don't start it without me!" Peter Bennett called out, walking into the kitchen with Mags and their mom.
"Dad!" Caroline gasped excitedly, jumping up as Jeremiah once had to hug her dad. He immediately hugged right back, spinning his daughter around just a bit as he did so. Alice smiled towards Laurel. "Sorry I had to bail on you, Laur. Last night Peter called and said he'd be flying in in the morning and needed a ride. So, I brought my kid who could keep a secret and we went to get their dad."
Laurel smiled. "No worries at all. It's good to see you, Peter." Caroline let go of her dad, though she stayed near him. "You too. It's good to see all of you, I've missed having us all together."
Susannah put on her best smile. "So have we. Let's all head back outside and continue the party." Everyone, besides Susannah and Adam, began making their way outside once more, Peter and Alice immediately walking with Laurel towards John and Victoria to say hi.
Caroline looked towards Mags. "Why'd mom say she brought the kid who could keep a secret?" Mags shook her head lightly. "The minute mom tells you the rest of us know. It ruins the surprise." Caroline gasped. "That is so not true." Mags turned towards her sister, highly entertained. "Oh, really?" She looked towards Jeremiah who was moving to talk to Avery as she sat alone. "Jeremiah!"
He turned around curiously, smiling when he realized who called. "What's up?" Mags sent her sister a side look. "How instantly do you expect myself or Belly to know about something you told Caroline after you told her?" Jeremiah just laughed. "Pretty much instantly."
Caroline scoffed. "Oh, screw you both. I'm great at keeping secrets." Mags pat her sister on the back. "Not when you get excited. You're good with important secrets, but surprises are not your thing."
Caroline rolled her eyes. "That's because I hate the feeling of knowing about a surprise and not being able to tell anyone else what I know." Mags lightly chuckled. "You just gave yourself the reason mom didn't bring you."
Caroline groaned. "Touché." She walked away from her sister, leaving the older girl laughing to herself as she took her spot back next to Avery and now, Jeremiah.
it's been very busy so I'm happy I was able to finish this and get it up. I'm going to continue updating often it might just be longer than more than one chapter per day for the next few days.
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