Sticks And Other Things...
Not wanting to be stuck at home with Bella, I decide to head back down to the Rez and visit Jake, I haven't seen my little brother in a while and miss him. Telling Charlie my plans for the day, he seems happy that I'll be making my way to the Black's, and before I can leave, someone comes to the door and Bella quickly answers it. Seeing that it's Edward Cullen causes me to freeze, not fully knowing why he is here until Bella smiles walking into his embrace, and he kisses the top of her head. Hiding the shock and disgust from my face, I make my way around them and out the door to my car, to get to La Push as quickly as I can.
What the hell does Bella think she's doing? Does she know what he is? I grip the steering wheel tighter as I drive, slightly worried for my sisters safety, but also knowing it'll be safer not to interfere. Pulling in front of the familiar house makes me smile, and the front door opens to reveal a smiling Jake as I get out of my car.
"Arabelle! About time loca!" He bounds up to me in a couple long legged strides, pulling me into a familiar bear hug that I've missed tremendously, and I'm enveloped in the scent of the forest.
"I'm sorry Jake!" I say with a laugh. "Things have been interesting lately."
"Psh, you're telling me." Jake rolls his eyes as he brings me inside, and now I'm curious as to what could possibly be going on with him.
"What's been going on Jake?" I ask with a raised brow as he pulls me into his small room, as I quickly wave at Billy.
"What hasn't? Rachel is home, and so that is drama in itself, but not only that, apparently her and Paul have been fighting." He rolls his eyes again, and I feel my heart stop. I knew Paul was acting weird, and guessed it was a fight... I just hope I didn't have anything to do with it.. "He was here earlier this morning, and it didn't sound too good. But Rachel never tells me anything, so I have no idea what exactly happened." He shrugs as we sit on his too small bed, before he jumps up and offers me a hand.
"Wanna watch a movie?" He smiles at me the drama quickly forgotten, and I try to push it from my mind.
"Sure, sure. As long as it's Employee of the Month, I haven't seen that in ages!" Jake laughs along with me as he nods, quickly placing the disk in the player.
After the movie was done, I got a text from Jared inviting me to Sam's for dinner so with a hug goodbye to Jake, I make the quick drive down to Sam and Emily's place. This will also prove to be a good time to tell the boys what I learned about Bella this morning.. Walking into the house I'm greeted loudly by Jared, who scoops me up into a hug making me laugh as I attempt to say hi to Sam and Emily behind him.
"Hello, Ara." Emily laughs as I'm finally returned to my feet, and I make my way to the kitchen.
"Hi Em. Need any help in here?"
"No, it's pretty much all finished, but thank you." She smiles, and I realize I might as well tell the boys now and hopefully the promise of food will raise their spirits after.
"So, I found out something interesting this morning." I announce as I sit on the couch next to Jared, gaining the attention of the boys and Sam looks to me curiously.
"It would seem, my sister is dumb enough to be dating a Cold One." I blurt out, not exactly knowing how else I could say it and watch as the boys look at me in shock.
"Is she crazy?!" Jared exclaims, breaking the silence and I can't help but agree.
"That's what I thought. She was completely comfortable with him, it was strange.." I shutter, just knowing what he is capable of, makes me uncomfortable knowing he's been in the house.
"You can't be around him." Paul comments intensely out of the blue, from his stern position in the corner of the room.
"I don't want to be around them. It's a good thing Bella and I aren't close, but even still, it makes me nervous knowing he has been in my house." Shaking my head, just the idea of being so near a Cold One makes me anxious. "Different" or not.
"There's nothing we can do to protect her from him. You know that right, Ara?" Sam finally speaks with an air of authority and I had a feeling this was going to create conflict.
"It's because that's their lands right?" I'm not gonna lie I am a bit nervous at this revelation, not so much for Bella, but because that means the boys can't protect me at home either.
"Yeah, now that they're back, and involved with Bella, there isn't anything we can do." Sam shrugs, but I can tell on his face, he doesn't like the idea anymore than I do.
"We can't even have one run up there?" Concern and anger filling Paul's voice catches me off guard, especially after the last time we were in the same room and I am once again left to wonder what is with his recent mood swings.
"No. Unfortunately the treaty line is absolute. The treaty states that they can't harm you, so either way no harm will come your way." Sam tries to make it sound comforting, but I can't ignore my own anxiety, and wish I could have the comfort of knowing they would be there just in case.
"Ara could always stay with us on the Rez." Jared suggests cheerfully, and it seems like a good idea, except my father would worry incessantly.
"That's an idea, but I don't think my dad would let me live in house full of boys." I say with a chuckle, before being cut off by Paul's small glare.
"This isn't a joke Arabelle." He grunts and I raise a sassy eyebrow, wondering what the hell pissed in his cereal this morning.
"Dude, calm down." Jared chimes in, looking at his best friend strangely, and it seems Paul snaps back to his suddenly cold self, the raging emotions quickly disappearing from his face.
"Whatever." He grits through his teeth before leaving the house, the screen slamming behind him making me flinch.
"What did I do?" I question throwing my hands up, throughly frustrated with his recent behavior.
"It isn't you Ara. He and Rachel had a fight this morning." Jared brushes it off, and this is the second person to know about this before me, and I feel a little hurt that one of my best friends didn't come to me when this all happened.
"Okay, but do I look like Rachel?" Jared shakes his head. "Then he shouldn't get all pissy with me, if his girlfriend's got her thong in a knot." Jared snorts in laughter, at my interpretation of the phrase.
"Wow Ara, it's like you're her biggest fan." I give him a deadpan look, making him laugh again before I throw a balled up napkin at him.
"You're such a jerk." Unable to hide my smile, truly thankful to have Jared as my friend, he can always make me smile.
"And yet your life would be boring without me." I chuckle with a smile, knowing he's right.
"I hate that you're right." I smile and I hang out with Jared a while longer at Sam's, enjoying Emily's wonderful cooking, hoping Dad was able to find something to eat. Later heading home, hoping not to run into my sister and her boyfriend, and contemplate how I could possibly avoid them without being too obvious.
**Sorry, it's a bit of a filler, but I hope you guys like it, I hope to start bringing our two eventual lovebirds together even with all the drama! Thanks for reading guys and let me know what you think!! :)
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