Oceans Between Us
*okay, I love this song! And I love these guys! I feel this song really fits what they're going through so go ahead and give it a listen as you read! :)
Hearing the screen shut signaling Ara's departure I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to push out the disappointment and longing. Not understanding why I've got these sudden feelings for Arabella, especially since I'm dating Rachel... I mean there might've been a point in time, that it could've been an option, but not now....
I just..don't know what to do about this. Hopefully I can just ignore it and it won't affect anything..
"What's got you so uptight?" Sam asks from his spot across from me, Jared turning to listen.
"It's nothing." I grunt out, shaking my head of the emotions tumbling around.
"Really? Cuz I've never seen you treat Ara with such a cold shoulder before." Sam snarks and Jared hmms in agreement, and I really just wished they'd shut up about it.
"I'm just gonna head home—" I angrily push off my chair, not even sure why I'm getting so worked up about this, but not wanting to deal with it.
"It's different now, isn't it?" My body freezes at Sam's sudden words making me pause at the door. "Something happened, and now Ara means more than she did before, right? A reason to stay in this soggy town?" I tilt my head wondering how Sam could possibly know my thoughts, but I don't turn around still too angry.
"I know exactly what you're dealing with—" Sam comes behind me placing a hand on my shoulder.
"You don't know anything." I snap back at Sam shrugging his arm off.
If this is what the legends talk about imprinting or whatever, I don't know if it's such a good thing.. My "wolf genes" telling me what to do.. It's got terrible timing that's for sure...
"I'm just going to ignore that all this has happened. Rachel's my girlfriend, end of story." I grit through my teeth before quickly leaving the house, letting the door slam behind me.
Fuming as I leave the house, I can't think as to why all this bullshit would happen to me... Because one way or another someone's going to get hurt, and it'll all be because of me and this stupid wolf business, that I didn't even want to deal with!
Feeling myself begin to shake, I jog to the cover of the tree line and phase, not even caring about my clothes. Once in my form, I begin to run and just run in hopes that something can be cleared up by just getting away. I growl in frustration, not knowing a solution in where this could end well, but I do feel a tug in my heart towards Ara.
I stop with a huff, realizing there's just no way around this...looking around to see where I've stopped running, and am surprised to see a squad car and realizing I actually ran to Arabelle's house. Sticking to the cover of the trees, I follow the strange tugging feel to the side of the house noticing a pane of yellow light flowing from an open window, and looking up it seems to be Ara's room.
Feeling a sense of calm settle in and rid me of my anger, I give a wolfy sigh through my nose realizing the inevitable suffering that is bound to happen to my best friend...and to myself.
I want you, from somewhere within.
We hide our emotions, under the surface and try to pretend.
I wish I was worth..but I know what you deserve...
Laying down on the hard ground, I try to think of the easiest way to move forward with all this...and I draw a blank..this is gonna be miserable.
I want you, and nothing comes close
To the way that I need you
I wish I could feel, your skin.
It feels like there's Oceans, between me and you, once again.
I flop onto my bed, a big huff of air released from my lungs after the frustrations of today. First it's the threat of these Cold Ones and the fact my dad is in the middle of trying to find them... Then, there's the fact that Paul was acting all weird towards me tonight..it's not like we had a fight or anything. And of course to add onto that, my feelings for him aren't as completely gone as I would like them to be..especially with him dating the sister of someone who's like my little brother...
I groan out loud as I drag my hands down my face, throwing my head back into my pillows. Not noticing when my door creaks open slightly.
"You okay Ara?" Thankfully it's Dad, and I turn to see his face tired and worn making me feel bad about everything he's dealing with.
"Oh I'm okay Dad." I smile lightly. "Are you alright? You look exhausted." I state, worry flooding my features and he just smiles slightly at me.
"I'm alright Ara. The sooner we find these things, the sooner I'll be able to get some sleep. Get some sleep kid." He comments as he slowly shuts my door behind him.
"Goodnight Dad."
I mumble before rolling off my bed to shut the window, the threat of Cold Ones causing me to be overly cautious. Sticking my head out the window, I smile at the peaceful silence and relish in the moonlight. Taking a quick glance around, loving being surrounded by the beautiful forest, a speck of grey catches my eye. I try to get a better look at it, but it's gone..as if I've imagined the whole thing.
Shaking my head, I decide I'm more tired than I thought, shutting my window and I crawl into my warm bed, hoping tomorrow will be better...
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