Part 5
As I sat down on the worn purple couch in Athena's Used Books, I felt my stomach clench with knots. Suddenly, I was afraid to let Zach know me.
What if he doesn't like me? What if he decides that he doesn't want to be friends with me?
Forcing myself to remain calm, I focused on Zach's face instead of letting my thoughts spiral out of control. As he started talking about his job, his boyfriend, David, and his life, I found myself relaxing. The way Zach smiled at me between every few words and peered into my eyes to see if I was interested was comforting. I smiled back at him and allowed myself to open up.
I told him about my home, my high school graduation, and my plans for college. I decided not to mention being bullied or losing Chris.
No need to burden him with all those details.
I talked about Claire instead.
When I mentioned her name, Zach tipped his head to the side and said, "I know that name . . . Ah, got it! The lawyer? Gorgeous blonde?"
"Yes," I beamed. "Do you know her?"
"Not very well. She came here once," he said, frowning as he tried to remember. "She introduced herself and put up some of her books for sale here. It wasn't very long ago . . ."
Just as I was about to change the subject and ask about the other stores in the Village, a memory from the previous year resurfaced.
What if Claire . . . ?
Before I could stop myself, I blurted, "Zach, do you remember the titles of the books that Claire dropped off here?"
"No," he shook his head, staring at me quizzically.
My shoulders drooped with disappointment.
"But . . ." he began.
"But what?" I asked, hopeful again.
"I have to record every book that is submitted and bought here. There's this ginormous register. When the computer is down, which is almost always, I have to use the register," he explained. A wicked grin took over his face when he said, "I could look there if you want me to, but it's going to cost you."
"Name your price," I demanded as snobbishly as I could.
"Hun, I'll check the register, and I won't even ask why if you get me an iced coffee from the café nearby," Zach laughed. "I can't leave the store during my shift."
"Done!" I agreed with a grin. "I need something to drink, too."
Shouldering my backpack, I stood up to leave.
"I'll be right back," I called over my shoulder as Zach waved goodbye.
The café was located just a few steps to the left of Athena's Used Books. A large sign that read Java Lava hung above the entrance. On either side of the door, two wooden tables -- covered in simple blue tablecloths -- stood under brightly painted awnings. Little flower pots decorated the windowsills.
When I entered the café, a bell chimed above the door. The sparsely crowded coffee shop was dotted with wooden tables, identical to the ones outside. A handful of young men and women occupied the tables, their faces illuminated by their laptop screens.
The air smelled of strong coffee and cake, delicious and inviting. I walked over to the counter. A large glass display stood next to it, filled with tempting baked goods.
A young girl with a black ponytail stood behind the display, her back turned to me. Next to the cash register on the counter, a tall boy with wavy brown hair stood with his head bowed, staring at something in his hands. He looked up as I approached the counter.
"Hi! Welcome to Java Lava!" he greeted me.
I pulled my eyes away from the huge muffins in the display case to thank him, but my words morphed into a soft gasp when I looked at him.
He had a defined, angular face, short stubble, full lips, freckles sprinkled over a sharp nose, and thick eyebrows. But those weren't the features that had elicited the gasp from my lips. The beautiful barista had two differently coloured eyes. His left iris was a soft hazel while his right was a cool grey.
Some people may have considered his mismatched eyes a flaw, an imperfection. But I didn't think so. I found his unique trait captivating.
And I couldn't stop staring.
For god's sake, Leena. Stop gaping at him like a fish and say something!
"Uh. Okay," I mumbled stupidly.
"I'm Jason," he said, his smile filled with nothing but warmth and friendliness. "What's your name?"
"I'm Leena," I answered, mustering a nervous smile.
"Leena," he said, testing out the word. "A pretty name for a pretty girl."
My heartbeat quickened as my face heated up.
Calm down. He probably says that to every customer.
"Thanks," I breathed to the display case, unable to meet his mystifying eyes.
"What can I get you today?" he asked, forcing my attention back to his face.
"Two iced coffees to go, please," I said.
I reached into my backpack for my wallet as Jason typed on the billing computer. He accepted my twenty dollar bill with a smile, his long fingers brushing mine momentarily.
"I'll have your order in a few minutes. You can take a seat at any table."
I dropped the change into the tip jar and headed over to the nearest table. It took all my concentration to resist the urge to stare at Jason.
Something about him caused my insides flip with an anxiety that was unlike the usual nervousness I felt around strangers. His steady, confident gaze had a magnetic quality that was hard to ignore.
In an attempt to distract myself, I pulled out my phone and fiddled with it idly.
Two minutes later, Jason was towering over my seat, holding a brown paper bag with my name written on it.
"Here you go, Leena," he said with a bright smile.
I stood and accepted the bag. "Thank you."
Before I could get distracted by his eyes again, I tore my gaze away from his and looked inside the bag. Two sealed cups and straws stood at the bottom, a blue cardboard box resting on top.
Confused, I set the paper bag on the table and pulled out the box. I opened it to find a large chocolate muffin inside.
"Hey," I said to Jason, blinking in confusion. "I didn't order this."
"I know," he said. "It's on me."
Holding the muffin, I glanced up at Jason as he regarded me with an amused smile.
Why is this unbelievably attractive boy giving me a muffin for free? Did they do this for every new customer?
"Here," I said, deciding to split the muffin into two halves. "We'll share it."
I bit into my half and urged Jason to do the same. He grinned and obliged.
"Good?" he asked.
"Great," I beamed.
We ate the rest of our delicious muffin halves in silence.
"Thanks again," I said, brushing the crumbs off my hands. "I have to go now."
"Okay," he said, dipping his head so it rested closer to mine. "See you again?"
My skin tingled as I whispered, "Yes."
Carefully placing the paper bag into my backpack, I turned to leave. When I reached the door, I stole a final glance at Jason. He caught my eyes and gave me a lopsided smile that sent my heart racing.
I walked out of the café, grinning madly, already waiting to see the barista with the beautiful eyes again.
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