Chapter 9 - Perfect & Hunger
Vlad's POV
I slowly get out of bed when morning approaches. It is nice to only hear the sound of the morning birds to be my alarm clock with my heightened hearing; not a cell phone alarm or those loud ringing bell alarm clocks. Those alarm clocks are the worst to me when they first were created to be used for alarms. I lost count of the amount of times I wanted to crush them in my hand in hearing them.
Mina is still asleep for the time being which gives me a chance to talk to my handler, Luke. I want to see if there is any update on Michael's charges, any chance he could be let out on bail even with his crimes he did last night. I go downstairs to the kitchen so I can cook Mina something to eat when she wakes up. I take out the basic foods that any human would eat for breakfast, pancakes, and eggs and freshly squeezed orange juice. I turn on the stove top grill, getting the pans, bowls, and utensils to cook the food.
I place my phone on speaker but with the volume low so Mina cannot hear from the bedroom. The phone line rings three times before Luke answers. I get straight to the point of this phone call. "Morning, Luke. What goes?"
"I believe I have found a lawyer wanting to take her case if the case has to go before a judge. For now, he is still behind a prison cell door. Vlad, Miss Barnes has filed many complaints on him. According to the reports I learned from my inside man at the station, he has followed, shown up, sent red roses to her while at work, watched her outside her apartment, even some random men following her. She wrote down every time he approached her, texted her, his voicemails, face to face anywhere he has came to her. However those were not enough to help her." Luke keeps on going with what he has done.
"It did not matter what was filed against him, he managed to have an alibi and witnesses to plant stories of him being elsewhere. She has attempted to get a restraining order against him but she keeps getting informed that it is nothing more than his word against hers, can't get one. He is using whatever lawyer favors, and money to ensure that it makes her seem like she is making all of this up. Even her own mother does not believe her according to any record the authorities have. Mina needs protection that he cannot buy or scare. Do you want me to make some calls about getting her some help?"
The image of Mina being attacked by Michael repeats in my mind over and over again. I feel my hand not being affected by the heat of the stove top grill. The image of Mina being attacked overpowers the pain of the heat burning off my skin. I take my hand off the stove when Luke repeats my name several times. I close my eyes, calming my senses down at the sound of Mina sleeping, her calming heartbeat. My eyes open to the sight of my hand healing itself from the stove heat. I see burnt pieces of my skin still on the heated stove top.
"I am calm. Give me a minute, Luke. I burned my hand on the stove." I tell him.
I keep the phone on speaker as I turn off the stove top so it can cool off for me to clean it. I go over to my sink, opening the bottom cabinet to find my cleaning supplies. I take out the paper towels and all purpose cleaners. I detail clean the top of the stove. When I finish, I put the cleaning supplies back then wash and dry my hands off.
I go back to cooking her breakfast and I know that no hired protection will help Mina. I know Michael will find a way to get to her. There is only one way that she can be protected from him. I am the ticket. I can take her away for a few days so more things can get figured out on gathering more on her case; be prepared if he makes bail. I take the phone off speaker, placing it to my ear. "No hired help, Luke. I will help her. See if you can get your inside man at the station to give updates on him. If he manages to make bail, it needs to be known immediately. Get the best lawyer with no ties to Michael in anyway shape or form to help her."
"You got it, Vlad. And before you fully dive into this, are you sure you want to do this? I get the feeling that this is deep water. Not as deep water as him, but Michael seems like dark, deep water to mess with." Luke at the mention of the Master Vampire makes me realize that I can easily face hundreds of men like Michael compared to the one and only Master Vampire.
I recall my encounter with him in Broken Tooth Mountain cave centuries ago and my encounter last night with Michael. I know that I can handle Michael far better than I can go against the Master Vampire. I know I can protect Mina from him. I will protect Mina from that low life blood bag. "My answer is yes. I am sure, Luke."
"Alright, I will get a lawyer set up and give you updates. Where are you going to take her for a few days? You never know if he has someone following her since she has met you. Take her somewhere that whoever works for Michael cannot track her phone if he is tracking her that way." Luke informs me.
"I know just the place. You know how to contact me up there. Thank you, Luke. As always, you do good work. Have a good day." I tell him.
"I do my best and you too." Luke says before our call ends.
I set the phone down, knowing that I am making the right choice in protecting her. But I cannot just take her away. I need to ask her before doing so. I will ask her after she eats her breakfast. I made her breakfast easily within ten minutes. I try to take my mind off the things I learned that Michael did to her. It makes more sense of how she was on the phone with her own mother. Her own mother does not believe her. I cannot imagine what Mina has endured with all of this. I lightly shake my head in sorrow.
Mina is a good woman. She deserves to be smiling, laughing and happy. Mina does not need to be living in constant fear, switching up routines, looking over her shoulder and sleeping with one eye open. That's no way to live.
I finish making her food, putting it on a tray to carry it up to her so she can have breakfast in bed.I walk up the stairs with the breakfast. If there is one good thing I can think on, it's that Mina managed to get enough sleep last night after what happened. I know that many other women would be up all night in fear. I open the door to find Mina awake. I give her a small smile when seeing her light up at the sight of me.
"Morning, Mina. How are you feeling?"
"Morning, Vlad. Not sure to be honest but something smells good." She says before noticing the plate of food I brought to her.
"I hope you like pancakes, eggs and some orange juice. A good breakfast helps to start off a decent day." I set the tray in front of her.
Mina lightly smiles saying, "I cannot thank you enough, Vlad. Allowing me to stay here, cooking for me. I truly don't deserve this."
"No need to thank me. I want to. Now eat up." I tell her.
Mina does so and eats the food. She enjoys every bite of it. She sighs in how good the food was when she is done. I take the tray away in wanting to warm up in what I want to talk to her next about.
"Mina, I was wondering how you will be spending your next few days after what occurred last night..." I softly say.
Mina looks down, messing with her fingers in how nervous, and anxious she is becoming, I can feel how tension she is right now through my senses. Just the thought of it puts her in a bad spot. I want her to be at ease and comfort with what happened. I wait for her to respond when she is ready to do so.
"I called work and my boss knows what happened. She gave me the next few days off. I only want to stay inside, be away from society, all of it." Mina says before lying back down on the bed. I sit down on the edge of the bed, gently taking her hand in mine. I kiss the top of it so I can make her smile even for a short time to forget.
I know that this is the perfect time to invite her away for a weekend to one of my personal places I stay at. I have a house hidden up in miles and miles of Romania Forests. I press my lips together knowing I need to ask her. "Mina, I had an idea when I was making breakfast. How would you feel if I took you to my private property in the forest? It is away from society, hiking trails, stars you normally don't see when in the city, a bonfire with s'mores. The only downside to my property is hardly any cell phone service."
Mina thinks on it for a minute then tells me, "That actually sounds wonderful. Yes. That would be wonderful, Vlad. What do I need to bring with me?"
I smile when she says yes. I grin in telling her, "Just some change of clothes for hiking, tennis shoes, a swim suit and a camera if you want to take any pictures while up there. Do you need to get them at your place?"
Mina freezes at the mention of her place. I know that she is probably wondering if Michael has one of his men watching her. I immediately tell her, "If you are ok with it, I can go with you, Mina." Mina calms when I say these words to her. She shakes her head yes to me.
"Alright. Let me know when you are ready to go. Before we head up there, need to go to the store. Grab some food." I tell her and head over to my closet to get dressed. I let Mina take her time getting ready while I pack what I need for this get away trip. When I hear Mina go into the bathroom, I text Luke.
'We are getting ready to leave.'
'Alright. Have a good trip and be careful, Vlad.'
I place my phone in my pocket; grab my phone charger then check to make sure I have all that I need. I zip up my duffle bag then grab my car keys. I turn off the gasoline fireplace and anything else that needs to be turned off in my house while being away. I grab my bible so I can read if I cannot get any sleep while we are there. When I finish, I wait for Mina downstairs. She does not take long to change back into her clothes she came in before changing into her Halloween costume last night.
"You ready?" I ask when standing to my feet.
"Yes." She smiles.
I let her walk out of the house first and we go to my black car. I lock my front door behind me and see the many hidden cameras all over the outside of my house and property for security sack of my horses, business and if anyone comes trespassing. I unlock the car door for Mina. She gets in while I put my bag in the backseat of my car. I get in, bringing the car to life. I make sure Mina is buckled up before I start driving into the city.
I remember which street she lived on when we first met at the Flower Stand but I let Mina give me the directions there. I pull in front of her apartment building. We both get out of the car as I follow her inside to her place. I notice that her place is a cheap studio for rent. It makes me wonder if she got what she could in order to get away from Michael when and with what money she could. I'll admit that it is a charming studio.
She goes to grab her small blue suitcase then to her dresser to get what clothes she needs. I notice that there is hardly anything hanging on her walls except one thing; a picture frame of the bible verse, 1 Corinithians 13 written in the middle of the frame with a light pink design starting from the middle, working its way down to the bottom. I smile at the sight of it.
"What is it?" Mina asks when tucking in a shirt and pair of pants.
"I like your place. It is simple, calming and this bible verse is one of my many favorites." I tell her still grinning.
She smiles back to me then goes back to getting her tooth brush, toothpaste. I remain looking around to realize that she has another small blue suitcase sitting behind her front door. I use my senses to see that the suitcase is packed. The more I look around, the more I see that her place has no real pictures, nothing personal. If Mina wanted to take off, disappear, she can get whatever she needs in ten minutes or less, almost like erasing herself.
I realize that what Michael is doing to her is making her feel like she may have to escape him for good. His obsession is far worse than I could imagine. I place my hand over my mouth in realizing this. I need to talk to Mina about this before we head out for the next few days. Mina comes back, finished packing what she needs. Mina notices the look on my face when she puts down her bag.
"Mina, I see what Michael has done to you is far more than you want to tell me. I want you to tell me when you are ready to tell me. But I do have to ask this, do you have a To Go Plan to leave? I see your place and it is almost like you are about to be on the run. Disappear for good. Is that your last plan if Michael does one more shove?"
Mina has tears in her eyes when I ask her these questions. I stop when she sits down on the edge of her bed. I instantly realize that I pushed my boundaries in asking her these questions. I kneel before her. I see a few tears slide down her beautiful face. I do not say anything since I have already said too much.
"Yes, Vlad. Yes to all of your questions." She lightly sobs when her eyes meet mine.
I cannot help but to feel my heart breaking in her answer to me. She presses her lips together before exhaling. I take her right hand in mine. She smiles while trying not to cry. "I met Michael shortly after I lost my father. Michael was persistent when asking me out. He surprised me with his wicked sense of humor, trying to cook but failing every time. I knew to always have a delivery of food on the way." She chuckles at the thought of it. "He was not what I was expecting. We took it day by day. Eventually, we moved in together then after a few more months, he proposed. I said yes. But after we became engaged, he changed. It was like a switch went off. He would threaten to kill any man that even smiled, looked at me on the street, at work. He tried to cut me off from my friends, anyone close to me except for my mother. He was the perfect man to be my husband in my mother's mind and he still is to her."
Mina looks down for a moment as if she is deciding to tell me if she is ready to tell me more about what happened between her and Michael. Her eyes return back to mine. "Then when he first slapped me on the face, I didn't have anywhere to go. All I could say was, 'I'm sorry, Michael.' He knew how to hurt me even though I cut my hair this short, no longer wearing makeup, anything to show the bruises he gave me when I would say the wrong thing, the wrong look to him in private and public. He had me for such a long time..."
She places her hand over her mouth, sobbing. I place my hand on her shoulder, begging her, "Mina, please look at me for a moment. Please." Mina does so. "Mina, I can see that you found the strength to leave. You are alive. You have survived him, Mina. He tried to destroy you, make you into a woman he could command like a dog. He nearly took your pride, strength from you. But those cannot ever be taken from you. You endured something that many women have. You are still here, strong enough to tell me your story. I cannot say how grateful I am that you are telling me this."
I sense that Mina feels overwhelmed with all she has told me however uplifted all at once. I still hold Mina's hand in mine, just sitting here with her. She manages to calm her heart beat, breathing through the quietness. I gently sit next to her and tell her, "I know this is a lot to tell me, Mina... If you still want to go away for a few days, say the word."
"Yes, Vlad... Let's go." She whispers to me.
"Ok. I'll get your bag." I tell her smiling. I stand to my feet but her hand tightens around mine that my eyes look back to her.
"Thank you, Vlad." She smiles to me.
"You can open to me about anything, Mina. I want you to know that. Let's get you away from here, Mina." I smile back to her.
I grab her bag while she grabs her camera to bring with. She locks the door behind then we head down to the car. I put her bag with mine then open the passenger door for her. We remain smiling to one another as I start up my vehicle. I let her choose the music for the road up. She connects her phone to my radio, still grinning with what music she has chosen.
"What did you choose?"
"I want you to guess before I tell you." She turns her phone upside down so I do not see it on the phone screen.
The song begins to play. Before the words come on, I recognize it on the spot. "Is it 'To the Sky' by Owl City?"
"Yes! How did you know?"
"Owls may look smart and have knowledge but they are not as smart as others believe. Take the Harry Potter Films for example, wonderful movies, and a full masterpiece in my opinion. During the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, they attempted to train bats to carry the letters but it was abandoned due to the fact that the bats urinate during flight. So they had to stick with owls. The trainers had to take three months to train owls to carry the letters for the films. It was impressive but not easy to do." I tell her in full honesty
"I did not know that. I am glad to know that you enjoy the Harry Potter films. I am not a fan of the changes they made in the films but with what they had to work with, they did marvelous, especially the cast and crew." Mina says.
"Did you read the books, Mina?"
"Of course. The first movie caught my attention then I learned about the books. I read them all as soon as I could get my hands on them." Mina says before putting her seat back a bit to enjoy the view of the beautiful cloudy sky. It is normally dark, cold and gloomy due to my ability to make sure the sky is dull, sunless for me to come out during the day. For this morning, I made enough clouds to be quiet and calm.
Mina enjoys the views on the way to where I want to take her. It is my own private property in the much land of Romania forests. I am happy to see that the forests around here are private owned, forest fund owners, protected-area status or forest parks for people on vacation or coming around because of the many stories about the Supernatural, such as me, Dracula. The werewolves, my brides, so on. I smile at the thought of it but it has kept most of Romania the way it is for people wanting to see the history that remains.
I admit that I cannot wait to see that house again. It has been a while since I have been there. I go there when I need to feed on animals and be away from humans if my blood thirst becomes too much to be around them. Plus some of the forest trees can older than me in vampire years. It feels quite nice to be around something my age even if they are trees.
Some folks in town believe that the Supernatural linger in the forest, making it haunted. Nothing like some of the town people to believe the forests are haunted; gotta love Romania and the stories that are told about it to tourists.
Mina and I stop at a grocery store to get the food that will be eaten in the next few days. I let her choose most of the food since my taste bids for things crave more meat, cooked rare or just a touch of medium rare to keep the juicy bits for me to eat. I grab freshly cut deer meat for me to have so I don't have many blood bags while up there. I sneak in a bottle of wine if one is needed. Mina get some freshly cut chicken breasts, potatoes, and a few other things along with some smore's since I am going to have a small bonfire with her while we are here.
We put the groceries in the trunk of the car then head the rest of the way there; nothing holding us back. I take the scenic route so she can enjoy the views on the way there. We remain listening to good music such as 'Waiting Game' by Banks, 'Dust to Dust', by The Civil Wars. Mina takes in the view of the tree lined paths I drive down when we are away from the city.
Mina pulls out her camera, taking whatever pictures she can around her. I smile in seeing how much she is enjoying herself. She was in much need of this. I am beginning to feel like I am in much need of this as well. I am happy to be here to help her in any way I can. I keep on the tree lined path that leads directly to my private house. It is mid-afternoon that finally pulling onto the main pathway leading to my house. We pull into an open area of the forest to reveal my private property.
Mina leans forward to get a better look at my house while she gasps in how stunning it looks. "Vlad, this is gorgeous. Oh my goodness..."
I smile when pulling up to the driveway connected to the house itself. I remain watching Mina in amazement of how beautiful this area is. The house is built within the opening slopes of the forest. It is filled with green grass around and above the roofing of my house. Mina continues looking around while I get our bags out of the car.
"How did you get this house?"
"It was not easy given the fact that any bit of the forests of Romania are hard to buy much less obtain. It is well worth it though. I come out here when I need to clear my head. I figure this place will do you some good like it does for me. Keep on taking a look around. I will take the bags inside then come back for the groceries."
"Ok. Thank you, Vlad." She says.
I walk put in the pass code for the door then used my fingerprints to finish the unlocking throughout the entire house. I walk in to have the lights automatically turn on by any movement when entering each room. I go to the bedroom to place our bags at the foot of the bed. I see that the chopped up wood is ready for whenever I use the fireplace in the bedroom. I go back outside to bring the groceries in. I put it all away for the time being. I stop for a moment to see where Mina is.
I see that she is still taking in her surroundings which give me the right amount of time to check up on something. I swiftly go to the side of the kitchen counter to press on the wall which unlocks then opens to reveal a small mini fridge. I need to make sure that my hidden blood bag fridge is stocked up. I open to find up to two dozen blood bags of bunny, pig and deer blood. I see that there are a few human blood bags in here, just in case the animal blood does not do the trick for me.
I secure it back then start the fireplace of the living room so we can enjoy a nice fire while she is eating for dinner tonight. I know that I want to take her on a hike first thing tomorrow morning. Let her get some real fresh air, clear her head of things that she wants to forget for a while. I head outside to find Mina overlooking the outside pool.
I see how much happier she is through my senses in just being outside. She looks back at me with such content. I go over to her and stand next to her. We just listen to the sounds of the forest. I know that she can sense the slight chill in the air of autumn being here. The sounds of the animals nearby are better than the noise of the city any day. It reminds me of how things use to be and should be.
"There is hiking, swimming, looking at the night sky to see what shapes the stars make. What would you like to do first, Mina?" I ask her.
"They all sound wonderful. I am thinking a swim since it is not too cold right now. Where can I go change?"
"Right through that door, past the fireplace to take a right to find the bedroom then you will find the bathroom easy. Your bag is at the foot of the bed."
Mina smiles before leaving to change. I decide to set up the pool lights and even to have the water of the pool to heat up like a hot tub. I ensured that it had the right units so it can be both a pool and hot tub. I smile when I get the unit starting to warm up the pool while I can the bottle of wine out. I really do hope she likes the fruit wine, Merlot Blackberry. It is delicious and does not hit hard for those that do not drink very often.
I get a few candles, cheese, crackers set up next to the wine glasses and bottle. I truly hope that Mina likes this when she comes out to see it. I quickly change into my swimming trunks then go to the pool side waiting for her. I stop when I see Mina come out in her swimsuit. I freeze at the sight of her plush pink bikini and how sexy she looks right now.
"Mina....." I literally could say nothing else than that coming out of my mouth.
Mina chuckles in my response to see her like this. She has such fair skin and a fine body figure that a goddess would be in envy of her. Mina blushes in how I am reacting to her. Mina comes over to see the candles, snacks and wine glasses. "Vlad, you shouldn't have." She grabs one of the glasses.
"I..." I am still frozen in her gorgeous smile she is giving me while approaching me. She is blushes the exact same pink in her cheeks as the color blush pink of her bikini.
"Not bad yourself, Vlad." She tells me.
She comes into the pool to realize how warm the water is. "Is this entire pool a hot tub?"
"I..." I clear my throat and manage to get my voice back. "I had it built with a unit to allow it to be a normal pool or a hot tub. Cost a bit to do so but worth it in seasons like this." I grab my glass of wine.
Mina tries a little of the wine. She smiles in how it tastes. "This is delicious and one of my favorite wines. How did you know?"
"I took a guess." I tell her and taking a sip of the wine myself. I am glad that I can drink other things than just blood. This wine is more intense in flavor for me compared to her. "What do you taste?" I wonder what she tasted with normal human senses.
"I taste sweet, sun-ripened blackberries with a bare hint of possibly raspberry in this wonderful Merlot. I love wines that I can still enjoy the taste without feeling the taste of the alcohol being too strong. I drink more for the taste than the effects." Mina says before drinking more of the wine.
We talk about other kind of drinks we have tasted while slowly swimming through the water. I leave out the part where I add blood to the kind of drinks we are discussing. We swim around each other, I cannot help but think of the heat of the water is exactly like the heat of the sun when I held Mina a while back. I smile at the thought of being in the actual sunlight.
"What is it, Vlad?" She asks when noticing my smile.
"Just thinking about the sunlight and how it feels. It sometimes feels like a lifetime even centuries since I have felt it." I tell her.
"I know the feeling. The weather is normally gloomy, cold. But ever since I met you, the weather has been really nice." Mina smiles to me.
I smile more in that thought of a poem. "'In the day, she is like a spec of gold shining in the beam of sunlight. At night, she is like a fleck of silver bathing in the glow of the moonlight.' Do you know who wrote that poem?"
"Rebekka Kaur. She is also one of the favorites."
"Very good." I swim over to her that we are face to face under the sky filled with stars now. I stare at this beautiful woman. I know that she is different from Mirena in spirit just by looking into her eyes.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks. "I notice you stare at me more than most men do."
"I look at you because you are a beautiful woman." I softly tell her.
"Is that all you see when looking at me?" She dreads asking me.
"No, Mina. I see a woman who has been hurt terribly and you're still standing. You are smiling, laughing, enjoying the moment, and not let the bad get to you all the time." I place my hand on her right cheek.
She holds her breathe when I get just an inch from her. I brush some of her damp hair behind her ear then she slowly kisses me. It was soft against mine, and then becomes a deeper kiss. She sighs in kissing me while her arms wrap around my shoulders. Her body is now against mine. I cannot help but rub my hands up her lower back to rest on her shoulders. I gently bring my lips away from her.
"Thank you, Vlad. I cannot say it enough for what you have done. This alone has taken my mind off things." Mina stands to her feet, gets within an inch from me. I know that if I was breathing now, I would be loss of air when she brings my lips to hers.
"I am glad, Mina." I whisper to her then lean forward, kissing her amazing lips again. I lightly moan in how she kisses me this way. I move my hands from her waist up to her hair. I begin to hear her heart beating. It is beating so fast that I begin to see through my senses of her pulse. My hunger begins craving to sink my teeth into. The delicious feeling of biting like I have done so many times in my long years.
Out of nowhere, the image of Michael holding Mina against the wall fills my mind. His disgusting hand moving up her dress to me biting into her neck, draining her dry; I cannot allow that. I need to stop right now before I do something that I will regret. Mina is the last soul in this world that I want to harm. I manage to pull my lips away from hers while gently resting my hands on her shoulders.
"Mina, I would love nothing more than to take this further with you however I feel like we should hold off." I say to her.
She sighs in agreement. "Yes. I am sorry, Vlad."
"You have no need to be sorry with me. You are a wonderful kisser, Mina." I smile to her then gently kiss her one more time.
"Thank you. Not so bad yourself, Vlad." She lightly smiles after our lingering kiss.
"Do you want another glass of wine?"
She goes to the edge of the pool to grab her glass. I grab the wine bottle, filling it up the proper amount. We remain smiling to each other and spend the rest of the night swimming, talking about anything, everything we enjoy. Mina is so fill of light and happiness talking about the things she likes. Mina adores taking photos of flowers and trees that catch her attention. She shows me the photo album on her phone.
I make sure to dry my hands off then take a look. The photos are ones up close to capture every detail of the flower, then a wider photo of where the flower was taken. The photos she has are quite beautiful. I notice that she has quite a number of photos of a rose; not just any color rose. The color of the rose is plush pink, like a sunrise or Easter pink just like the color pink in her small studio apartment.
"They are beautiful photos, Mina. What camera did you take these photos with?" She points to her phone. "Wow... That's impressive, Mina. I do like how they are improving cameras in photos."
She sets her phone back with her towel. "Thank you. And Vlad, I would really like to repay you for all that you have done for me. Are you sure that there is nothing I can do to repay you?"
"I am sure, Mina. There is nothing to repay. If that is not enough for you to agree, then you can repay me by enjoying and losing yourself in this place." I reach over to the drinks and food to grab a remote. I press a button that starts to play music surrounding the pool. Mina knows that I am not going to take a no for an answer now.
For the rest of the night, she enjoys herself, singing any song that she knows when it comes on. It is so nice to see this side of her. I did not deny filling her wine glass. It gets to the point that Mina is just a little bit drunk to the point that she is getting sleepy. I knew it is time for her to get to sleep.
I turn off the music and the pool. Mina chuckles while I helped her to the bedroom. I help her find her pajamas. I turn my back while she changed. I try not to laugh in hearing her struggle to change that she nearly falls over on the bed. Mina finishes changing into her sleeping clothes. I could not hold in a chuckle with how she is looking. She is adorable and funny being somewhat drunk.
"Get in bed, Mina." I move the covers off so she can. Mina lets out an exhale as she lays her head back on the pillows. I pull the blankets over her. Mina lets out a pretty big yawn then lightly smiles at me.
"Thank you for tonight, Vlad... I cannot remember the last time I drank this much or sang the way I did..."
I like the adorable drunk Mina that is talking to me right now. She is carefree tonight like I hoped she would in coming here. I hope the same for her tomorrow. I gently kiss her on the forehead before whispering, "Anytime I can help, Mina. Sleep well."
Before long, she falls asleep. I lean back admiring how she looks sleeping. I press my lips together while standing up. I dim the lights down in the bedroom then go to the kitchen to bring two water bottles back up and set on the bed stand for her to have when she wakes up in the morning. I hear the steady sound of her heartbeat. My senses hear the sound of her sleeping heart rate of seventy to seventy-five beats per minute. I close my eyes, listening to her heart.
It is truly calming for me like the sound of a fireplace going, a harp playing, or the sounds of rain pouring outside the window. I realize that I am a few moments away from falling asleep myself. I gently stand up from the bed, taking one last look at her before I walk away to the closet.
I change into all black clothes and hiking boots for what I am going to do. I open the inside pocket of my jacket to place my phone then zip up the pocket. I leave the bedroom quietly and swiftly with no chance of her waking up. I leave the house and use my pass code and fingerprint to lock the entire house while I am going hunting.
I listen to the sound of Mina's heart, knowing she is still asleep. I know I am in the clear for me to transform into a swarm of bats flying around the forest. I fly over ten miles then stop when I smell what I am looking for. The exact thing I need to settle my hunger from craving Mina any further this weekend.
I see quite a mighty deer in the distance. And he is a red stag, over 300 pounds and height of 9 feet. He is impressive and probably one of the biggest deers in the world. The stag is eating until his ears perk up then spots me in the distance. The stag and I glare at one another a few moments just before he takes off.
I turn into a swarm, flying after the stag. I hear the sound of its heart racing like a machine gun firing with endless supply of bullets. The stag's hooves thudding against the ground, using whatever speed he has in him to leave me eating his dust but it is not working. I'll admit that he is faster than other stags I have hunted. The stag runs past more trees, using all the energy he can draw upon to survive from me.
I swarm over him to the point that I land right in front of him. He slides to a stop at the sight of me. I do not move in using my powers to help calm him down, to help him relax so there is no fear for him. He is slowly his breathing however I can still see the steam coming from his nostrils from all of the running he did. His dark brown eyes glaring at me. I notice that I can see my own reflection in its eyes. I see myself pale white like death approaching him.
I approach him when I use my power to the point that the stag lays down. I know it makes it easier for any animal I drink from. I stand above him knowing he is comfortable, no fear from me now. I kneel before him, placing my hands on his large neck. I brush my right hand over his fur in hearing his steady breathe.
"It's alright." I whisper to the stag.
I lean my head back focusing on his heart beat, letting the hunger overcome me in this moment. My teeth change into the fangs that have dug into many necks over the centuries and now it will dig into the stag's neck. I let out a roar, giving my all into biting his neck. I snarl in feeling his fur and skin coming to mine as I am drinking his blood.
The deer cries out while I am drinking him however he cannot move with me having my arms around his neck. The deer moves his legs, trying to do what he can to get free of me. It does no good. I dig my teeth further into him knowing I need to pull away so I do not kill him. I begin to hear the sound of his heart slowing down almost like he is asleep. I immediately pull myself off from him. I growl with blood covering every inch of my lips all the way down the upper part of my chest.
The deer is breathing slowly with his eyes open, near death. I stare at this helpless deer while he is at death's doorstep. I pull out the cloth I have in my other inside pocket. I wipe the blood off my lips so I can do what I need to do next. I barely bite my right thumb, enough that I bleed. I remain on my knees moving to the head of the deer. I left his head onto my lap, opening his mouth wide. I put my right hand inside his whole mouth. I stop as my hand is resting at the end of his throat.
I feel a few drops of my blood fall from my thumb onto his throat. I pull my hand out then stay with the deer waiting. He does not move for a while until I hear the sound of his heart beat become normal again. I lean my head up toward the night sky in relief that is worked again. I lay his head down gently on the ground then step back knowing he is going to take off in a few moments.
He lifts his head up as I predicted then gets up on all fours. The deer looks around until his eyes stare directly to me. The stag takes off swiftly in fear that I would chase him again. But I do not. I have satisfied my hunger. I feel like my stomach is going to pop from almost draining him dry. If I had continued on for maybe another minute, my few drops of blood never would have worked.
My eyes go to my right thumb to see it has already healed up. I could not help but to sit back down on the ground in what I had done. I move my left hand to rest against the back of my neck. I have been trying so hard to remain to animals but keep them alive. I use the hunt to help contain my thirst for humans, stay to blood bags when in the city. I reach to my inside pocket for my phone. I unlock it then go to voice memos. I press the red button to start recording like I always do after a hunt. I describe every single moment to the point the deer runs away. I do not leave out everything I felt and still feel.
When I am done recording, I press the red button then send it to my handler, Luke. He has a trusted friend to study how the blood of vampires works for healing for humans and animals. He has been testing it on animals that it helps to heal them if they are not carnivores. Although he is going to study further into it, for any side effects or if it takes longer to affect them; I am glad in how far science has come to better understand how vampire blood works beyond me.
I stand to my feet then freeze when I feel a presence close by me. In one second, I knew it was not him. I let out a sigh of relief when I turn my body around to come face to face with someone I was not expecting to see for possibly centuries. He smiles at me, a smile in gladness to see me once again. I wish I could do the same.
"Greetings, Dracula."
"Greetings, Draven..."
I see that he has not changed at all. Draven is a few inches taller than me, dark brown hair, easy on the eyes for the ladies. He could easily have one night stands every single night and no woman would complain with his rugged look. He is exactly like I trained him to be after I turned him into a vampire back in the sixteen hundreds. Draven is not the man he was long ago.
"It has been nearly a century since I last saw you, Draven. You were in Turkey. You were digging into an unknown ruler of the Ottoman Empire. How did that go?" I ask him.
"It did not pan out and thank goodness because I could not take another day of it." Draven says slowly circling me.
I knew he was wondering if I am back to my previous self when I turned him. "Why are you here, Draven? I know you did not come all the way here in the hopes that I am back to being Dracula Son of the Devil. I am sorry to report that I am just Vlad Tepes of the 21st century, a horse trainer, nothing more."
Draven stops circling me then sees the dried up blood on my chin down to the chest of my jacket. I takes his hand to the blood and the blood stains his hand. He licks the blood off his hand. Draven lets the taste linger before saying, "A red deer, a pretty big one I might add. He actually has flavor. I am impressed. I do wonder when was the last time you settled your hunger for something stronger than a deer."
I shrug my shoulders thinking on what else I had before meeting Mina at the flower stand. "Does a brown bear or bison count?"
Draven lightly smiles in my question to him. Draven goes over to a tree, leaning his back against one of the trees surrounding us. I know that he has not answered my question yet.
"You have not answered my question. Why are you here?"
He crosses his arms then takes his right leg to cross over his left leg. "You are hard to avoid these days in conversations.I hear your name everywhere I go. That is why I am here because I have to ask you the exact same question and it all leads down to the very face that set you to become a vampire. Mirena or in this lifetime, her name is Mina."
I freeze when he mentions her by name. How did he know about her so quickly? He must have been watching me or his mate was. I cannot let him anywhere near her since I know that just the smell of her would be enough for him to go at her throat.
"Come on, Dracula. Don't you think the Supernatural world would know if you meet the same face of the woman that looks like your past life wife? You know how quickly news travels. If I already heard about it, I wonder when he will hear about her. It makes me curious if her coming back in this lifetime will have his Immortal Game of Revenge begin. And if it does begin, be prepared for him to be on your door step of that fancy house of yours."
Draven reaches into his coat pocket then pulls out a flask. The moment he opens it, I can smell the human blood inside of it. He takes a sip while watching my reaction to the smell of the blood. I do not phase like he is hoping for me to do. He has a light smile on his face when putting the flask back in his coat.
"I'm impressed with your lack of self control. However do you have the same control when being around Mina?"
"That is none of your concern, Draven." I slightly growl to him.
"How about this? Is Mina anything like Mirena was? She has the face but is she like her in spirit, down to the soul?" Draven says in a almost humorous way.
"No, she is not like Mirena. She is different in spirit, even in soul. Now I need to get some sleep. It is good to see you again, Draven. I do wish it was under different situations than the gossip of the Supernatural world." I turn my back to him and take a few steps away until he appears in front of me.
"Dracula, there is no hiding from what he has planned for you. You said it yourself to me centuries ago. And it is too late to try to be the vampire mentor you once were. Nearly two hundred years and not a word from you. You are no longer have command over me as a mentor. You are just a vampire on an animal diet to me now." Draven snarls to me.
He walks past me while saying, "I wonder how your brides will feel when they learn about Mina. I can imagine that it will not be pleasant. When the Immortal Game begins, you know how to find me, Dracula."
I turn to look at him but Draven vanished. I ball my hands into a fist in what just happened. I should have known that he would be here as soon as the Supernatural world would talk about me meeting Mina once again. I knew it would happen although I did not expect it to be this quickly.
All I can do is ensure that I have complete control and protection over Mina in case any past enemies I have still hold a grudge against me. And try to go after Mina to get even. I decide to walk back to the house instead of becoming a swarm of bats. The walk helps to clear my head while quietly entering the house.
I tuck away my blood covered clothes with my hidden blood bags. Then I take a shower to wash off any blood staining my skin. I watch the blood getting sucked down the drain in thinking about what Draven said about the Master Vampire. He will eventually hear about her. I dread what he may do in learning about Mina.
I step out of the shower, taking the towel in drying myself off then combing my hair out. I put on sleeping pants. I turn off the bathroom light to see Mina is still fast asleep. I lightly smile in how her mouth is a bit open while sleeping on her side. I go over to the other side of the bed, gently getting under the covers so I do not wake her up.
I lay on my right side to admire Mina sleeping. Mina lets out a sleepy sigh before I reach my hand to brush my finger tips over her forehead. Mina is already nothing like Mirena was. I do not recall Mirena sleeping with her mouth open while sighing quite a bit in her sleep.I continue to admire her when Mina somehow gets closer to me that she lays her head on my chest.
I feel such a weight lifted off my chest when she cuddles right next to me. I cannot resist in wrapping my arms around her. Mina barely lifts her head up with her eyes slightly open whispering to me, "I'm happy to be here with you, Vlad."
"I am happy that you are here with me too, Mina..." I softly say just a few moments before I kiss her on the forehead.
Mina lays her head back on my chest, going right back to full sleep. I begin to feel my eyelids getting heavy. I remain gazing at Mina until my tiredness overcomes me as I think, "I will not let anyone hurt Mina. I will do whatever it takes."
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