Chapter 3 - Holding onto Heaven
Vlad's POV
Mirena falls asleep in my arms quickly like she always does. I admire her long blonde hair in a braid hanging past her left shoulder. My eyes go down to her neckline of the cross pendant necklace. The cross I gave her long ago. She always wears it. Mirena is a blessing from God and I honestly do not deserve her.
I have everything a man could ever want in life; my home, Castle Dracula, loved by my family, friends, people and loyal subjects. They love and respect me. Even knowing my history with the Turks and my battlefield name, Vlad the Impaler, I am still their prince to all of my people. I am loved unconditionally.
It has been nearly ten years of peace since I have returned home. I aim for the next twenty or more years of peace and to grow old with Mirena while watching our son, Ingeras grow up to be a greater ruler that I ever could be and more.
I know he will be more than I ever could be each day, so full of life, happiness he is. I pray that he continues to live this life unlike the one I had his age. When I was his age, my father gave me to the Turks to prove his loyalty to the Sultan. I wanted to make my father proud, I am not sure if I ever did since he died before I returned to my country.
I feel Mirena's embrace became stronger around me. My eyes study every detail of her sleeping peacefully in my arms. I gently kiss her on the forehead when a heavenly smile comes across her lovely face . I move my lips to kissing her on the lips a few times. Mirena sighs in sweetness at the touch of our lips together. I close my eyes for a moment in our lingering kiss.
Then I open my eyes again, I am no longer in bed with Mirena. Mirena is in a rocky field of some green grass with bats surrounding her. The sun is starting to raise over the monastery and it is the last moments of my powers. I run over and pull her in my arms. Most of her body is broken because of the impact of her fall. The feel of her body is limp and the inside of her body shattered like glass.
I am shocked and blessed for Mirena to remain alive now. I place my hand on her face as she opens her eyes to see me above her. Mirena is struggle to breathe properly as I beg her to stay with me. But Mirena is in agonizing pain through her entire body.
Her beautiful eyes are filled with tears of such sadness of everything that has occurred. She knows the Turks have Ingeras now. Mirena's eyes move to the sky to see the sun is about to shine above us. She looks at me then says with every ounce of strength left in her, 'There is still time to stop them.'
I wonder what she means because there is nothing I can do now. Then she says the words I never knew I could hear in my life. 'Drink my blood.'
I shake my head no in disbelief of what she is asking of me. She wants me to drink her blood and use my new found power to save our son before it is too late. 'No. I cannot take your life..."
I feel her left hand poorly wrap around my upper arm and attempting to bring me closer to her. I can feel the bones in her hand barely holding together but she manages to keep her hand around my arm.
'My life is lost already but our son's is not.' She whispers to me crying.
I cannot help but to cry in what she is begging of me to do to her. And in what she is begging me to become; a monster for eternity, I do not want to become this monster that I fear within me. The monster is waiting to be released by blood even as the sunlight gets closer.
Her hand tightens around my hand. I feel tears from eyes drop onto her dress as she struggles to move her hand to grab mine. I softly wrap my hand around hers as she tells me with everything inside her, 'I love you.'
I sob in sorrow in hearing her heart beat to know she only has maybe more moments to live before she dies from her injuries. But she will die quickly if I am to drink from her now. I cannot kill my wife by my own hand. My soul will be destroyed in killing her then becoming a monster for eternity.
'Do it now.' Mirena whispers to me.
She knows I will kill her in doing so but she would rather be killed by me in the end with the miracle of our son being saved. My eyes go to the sky of the sun about to reach the ridge of the wonderful colors that I have missed the past few days.
I will never see those colors again and Mirena will be dead. But our son will live on. That is all Mirena and I ever wanted for him. I cry harder when looking back down to Mirena.
'Do it now!'
She cried out while turning her neck out, waiting for me to do the unthinkable. I feel my senses surround her heart beat; her pulse running with blood. She tries again to pull me closer so my urges to drink become unbearable to resist now.
I hear the voices fill and taunt me to drink the blood again. I do my best to block them out so I can hear only her loving heart but she cries again, 'Please do it now."
I lift my head up as my hunger takes over and my teeth become fangs, ready to dig into her. My eyes start to see everything possible around me while tears flood down my face.
My entire body is shaking then become frozen in listening to her when I swiftly bury my face into her neck and I bite into her neck. I feel my fangs sink into the veins of her neck as Mirena lets out an agonizing cry when it happens. I growl when my lips close any air between my lips to her neck.
I begin drinking from her and blood goes right into my mouth. She cries out in pain of the bite but her grasp somehow pulls me even closer to her body than before. My lungs let out a growl of the monster within me being unleashed. Mirena gasps in how fast I am drinking her blood because I want it to be as quick and painless as possible for her.
I rip myself away from her when her heart beat slows down like a slow drum beat. Mirena sees her own blood staining my lips and sobbing uncontrollably of the voices disappearing in a flash as does her heart beat. The sun is smothered out by the darkness as is my soul.
She lets out her last breath and dies at gaze of the monster I have turned into with the glowing red eyes of a vampire looming over her. Her hand goes completely limb and drops to the green grass as her entire body goes cold and limp like everything does when death comes. I cry out that she died in my arms.
I cry in a storm of anger, grief as I gently lay Mirena on the ground before me. I scream in sorrow to the world as the sun is covered by clouds of darkness. Her body is lifeless and she is gone forever. I killed her; I killed my wife, my love.
I scream out to the world with all my torment in what I had just done. The one person who loved me for who I am, no matter what cruel acts I have done. Mirena truly was the only person that saw the good in me before anyone else in my life did too. And I killed her!
Suddenly I wake up in my bed from this endless nightmare that forever haunts me across time. I am shaking in terror of reliving the worst day of my existence. I look upon my hands that held onto the person I loved more than anything and I destroyed everything I held in my heart. And I see Mirena's blood staining my hands like I always do.
I bury my face into my hands sobbing in sadness. I continue to cry knowing I will always live with that moment. I have killed many men and women in my long life but no other death will haunt me like Mirena's death does.
I stand up from my bed, grabbing my robe. I put it on, trying to get myself together but it was harder to do. Then I hear the sound of pure silver ringing in my bed stand. I open the draw and I stare at the black velvet ring box containing my once wedding ring. It has been in that velvet box for centuries.
I recall other vampires telling me to toss it but I do not have the stones to toss it away. And I kept my silver ring in case I get out of control like I once did in the 17th century. I also want the ring to be put on my finger again if I am to ever be killed and finally put to rest.
I want nothing more than to be with Mirena now. But I know we will never met again. God will never allow it. I will never enter Heaven because I am the Prince of Darkness; Dracula, the son of the Devil. I will always remain like this, preserved, never moving ahead; forever in eternity on earth until the end of time.
My eyes look over to see the bible next to the ring box. I read it every single night, in hopes that I may have shown an ounce of mercy for what is to come in the afterlife. I grab the Bible and open to where I have it book marked in the New Testament.
I finished reading the Bible verses of Jesus Christ raising from the grave and the tomb stone rolling away after the third day. I find it very difficult that Jesus Christ told everyone he would rise again after the third day. And like him, all of this happened to me on the third day except an into the eternity of Hell than Heaven.
I begin to pray to God in the hopes that he still hears me. I am nothing more than an angel in Hell. The angel hoping, praying that he gives me another chance. But somewhere inside me, I know he will not. But I still cling onto God all the same like a life raft.
I pray to Mirena as well. I hope that she is able to hear my prayers as I pray about Mina, the reincarnation of her. I pray wondering if maybe Mina is the chance to redeem myself.
I reach down, grabbing the ring box. I open it to show my silver wedding ring. The ringing of the silver gets louder and I do not hesitate to grab it. My ring slowly stings through my skin. I groan sharply, wrapping my hands around it no matter how painful it is.
I continue praying to God with this ring in my hands every time. And I will keep doing so until Judgment Day, the triumphant sounds and the Return of Jesus comes. The ring stings right through me, praying for a long time.
Then I start to hear the birds outside chirping and fly away which means the sun is setting. I put my ring back in the box and watch as my hands heal from the silver purging through me. Then I close the Bible, putting it back in the drawer of my night stand.
It is time for me to eat. I do my best to stick with blood bags from blood drives and hospitals. I avoid drinking humans as much as I can. I even drink a few animals from time to time. It has taken me for years beyond to learn how to control myself without drinking human blood straight from the vein. I can live on animal blood but it is a struggle to do so without any human blood.
Thankfully my handler, Luke has a few connections in the medical community to help obtain the blood bags. It truly helps to have a handler like Luke, all of it is done without suspicion or report of theft unlike others in the vampire world have taken blood bags.
I begin to take my mind elsewhere and it goes to Mina. I smile at the thought of hearing her voice, the smell of the roses mixed with her vanilla perfume. And how she carries herself when walking next to me. And I am going to see her again in the morning.
Then my thoughts wonder if Mina could be my second chance to redeem my soul. Why else would I meet her on a whim like I did? I never thought it was possible for someone to be reborn in a shape or form beyond the works of God.
However Mina is real which could mean that a second chance is possible. I hope it is real for another chance and it is not just wishful thinking giving me hope. All in all, I am more than willing to find out.
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