3: Alice (I)
It was a beautiful day in the Californian city of Malibu, with such a beautiful dawn for a musical video, birds were singing softly, the sky had some white clouds passing by without a hurry.
We could see Helena sleeping placidly on her bed, dreaming in only-God-knows what, I can only say that between the stuff she was dreaming, the British blond was there with a sincere smile at every moment, and something that even caught her attention was that they ended up together for random things of the faith, then passed to something non-sensical...
Slowly opened her eyes, sat down straight and stretched her arms, not reminding for the moment the compromise of the day, rubbed her eyelids with her fingers to wake up better, then stood up and streched her whole body until a bone in her back popped... pleasant sound... she looked to the hour...
—9:40 AM...
Five seconds later her scared scream could've been heard from several blocks, as if her life depended of what will happen that day, she brushed her teeth as fast as she could, took a quick shower like the breakfast to stay at the living room waiting. Ten minutes later the door bell rang, when she opened she saw a man waiting at a side of a black Hammer, opened the door revealing the British blond looking at her with a warm smile, she approached, got into the vehicle, the man closed the door, got into the driver's seat and drove away.
—Hi —both greeted at the same time —How are you? I'm fine, you?
They laughed for the sudden syncrony between them, something really curious though...
—That was a bit weird —Chris said with a wide smile
—Weird, yet funny at the same time —Helena said
—I think so...
For a good while they looked at each other's eyes while they kept their distance, she looked directly to these pairs of blue eyes that seemed to invite her to sometjhing... again he saw something in his look, something so familiar but unknown at the same time... she had a tiny clue of what could it be, but at the same time she didn't believe it real... none of them realized that the driver accelerated to pass over a streep bump, the van gave such a jump at the point that it made them jump until they literally hit their heads against the roof, everybody could tell that it was on purpose...
—I'm sorry, I didn't see it. —he excused
—Don't worry, Rob... —Chris answered
Internally both got red as hell for the way in which they looked each other, an awkward silence stood there for around ten minutes, our British blond was thinking in certain things until he finally decided to break the ice making a question:
—Why don't you talk to me about your daughter, Helena?
The mentioned woman looked at him as she had good memories, to sketch a sad smile...
—She's special in more than one sense... —she said
I'm not crazy!! — That was my food you morron!! Nobody eats my food and lives to tell it!! — Sarcastic? Me? Nooooo! I'm not... —I. Am. Not. DRAMATIC!!! — I'm unbelievable yeah! I'm undefeatable, YEAH!! LET'S RUIN EVERYTHING AND THROW IT IN THE TRASH CAN!!!
That was all that came to the mind of the woman, something that made Chris laugh...
—Well, I think I never thought that the exageration, sarcasm, drama and everything else would be to live in one person in a stanle form.
—She can be also the complete opposite, able to be calm, humble, sincere... brave in every sense of the word at the point that she is even able of risk her life for saving me...
—Save you? From who or what?
—A... a psycho woman... that had something against her... she didn't want to tell me why but that crazy woman just hated her with all of her might... one day when I was traveling to my job, December 26th... a hot day as I used to live in South America... some weird dudes ambushed me, forced me to get down the car and when I woke up I was inside an abandoned building... tied and gagged...
»I remember that a few minutes later... she came... took my phone to call Alicia... I remember that I was crying while she talked to my daughter... retired the tape a bit off of my mouth to let me talk to her... then she placed it back as I could hear her screamings on the other side... when she hung up the phone she looked at me with cold and crazy eyes and left... leaving me alone...
»Hours later Alicia arrived covered up to avoid me to recognize her and also not to worry me... —she took a pause, he was listening quietly and surprised, continues —when she saw me... she seemed happy to see me unharmed, her eyes in fact were thanking to Heaven for see me alright, in that moment where she was so close to untie me... she was back...
»These two started to fight at the point they grabbed the hair of each other... and in certain moment she managed to stun Alicia... she took advantage of it and tossed her against a chair and tied her up... —a few tears came to her eyes —I don't know if only passed a few minutes or hours but... she tortured her physical and psychologically... forcing me to see how she was destroying her slowly...
There was a long silence between them, Helena was cleaning her tears and was trying to calm down... he passed his hand behind the back of the red-haired woman, and said:
—Calm down Laney... —he said wondering fron where did that come out —remember that it already passed... the past is the past... and you don't need to tell me if you feel uncomfortable... I understand it hurts...
She placed her head upon his chest, he hugged her consoling and protectively, only releasing tears holding a cry, only downloading that tank of saltwater that meneaced with destroy itself in any moment... he repeated what he said before, but apparently she wanted to tell him the story, as if she seriously needed to lift a heavy weight out of her shoulders... he understood...
—I really have no idea but she managed to set herself free... tired... bruised... badly injured but free... —she said in a low, almost mechanical voice, still on his arms, looking to nowhere —again they fought each other but... that time Alicia was winning... in the end she managed to knock her out with an iron stick... she released me... apologized... to end up on the floor unconscious... her friends arrived what felt like hours saying that they were looking for us all day... police came too with some paramedics... fortunately she survived... while I... I decided to remake my life... and three months later I moved... —she ended
Again there was a silence between both friends, Helena gradually started to feel better now she shared it...
—Incredible... —the blue-eyed man mumbled —I sincerely can't... can't imagine something like that... your daughter is a heroine...
Both separared, a small smile was drawn upon the face of the woman... it's true, she was a true heroine... for part of what was left of the road she was telling him some things about her daughter like the fact that she's an expert in martial arts and street dance, a melody maker who dominates several musical instruments living most part of her life listening and playing music, asides of always being wearing a pair of headphones. Remember how energetic and joyful she uses to be when she wants like a ball full of energy even if she uses to have her rage attacks suddenly,bringed happiness to the woman...
—How much does she loves us?
—Pretty much a lot, she haves so much affection to you as your music has served as emotional support in many times.
—It isn't only my music, and I don't blame her because our music are sexys, or talks about debauchery, obsessive love, jump off a plane without parachutes, kill people with a rush of blood to the head, have an ex and wonder why, pretend you are a revolutionary, gay life and suicide. —he jokingly said
Helena started to laugh for the said by our beloved British blond man, even she as a non-fan knew what Coldplay songs were about, and that was the funniest thing kf the case...
—You're dumb —she said smiling
—Even as a non-fan I was sure that you knew what do we use to play —he answered smiling —What's more with our "lover"?
—You're talking about my daughter... —he looked at her with a face of "I know", keeps talking —: They have you in a humongous room full of marketing, posters, CD's, vynils, singles, EP's, and stuff like that. It's the most sacred place in the universe even if she has like two more pairs...
—What would happen if something happens to her albums?
—It depends, if it gets broken for an accident of hers she first runs in circles like a turkey before fix it. If, for some reason you break her one of her stuff, run and hide.
It was a beautiful afternoon in an island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, the sun was shining, the sky was clear, the birds... better said a strange hybrid between birds and rats making sound of screaming parrots... a relatively perfect day...
A loud scream was heard in the whole place, of a young woman, if we go to a house whose mail box had labeled "The Lockwoods", we can see how the camera zoomed into one of the rooms, a room with faded designs for a boy, we can see a tall young woman with black long hair... in resume: Helena's daughter.
—Alicia!! What happened?! —the woman stormed into the room shocked
She stood up with a face of shock and hysteria, in fact, she turned around with a nervous tic on her left eye, between her arms she had something...
—Someone broke my CD of A Rush Of Blood To The Head!!! —she shouted dramatically
Something funny is that if we go outside we can see a scarecrow flying and squawking giving the impression that it was saying "Idiot! Idiot!"...
—And you get nuts only for that...?
—Diz iz one of mah babis —she said
Helena couldn't do anything else but place a hand upon her face in signal of despair grunting slightly, the young woman opened up a trunk taking out a giant hammer, the handle's lenght was around two metters or something, and the deck: metallic and heavy seemed despite around 50 kilos, the funniest part was that she was holding it like a feather...
—Are you sure that it was...? —the mother was going to ask
—He did it...
The young woman got out with the huge hammer leaning on her shoulder, the woman followed her, when Alicia opened the door, launching a scream to the air...:
Everyone stood like "Oh god no why" after hearing the warcry of the daughter of our beloved protagonist, somewhere in that island, we can see a brunette blond young man with blue eyes running for his life...
The last thing that we can see, were small clouds of dust in the shape of a fungus... due the strong blows that our beloved friend Alicia was trying to give to him...
End flashback
Chris was only watching with the typical face of "what the fuck...?" thanks to the small anecdote of his friend there present, he really thought that she was exagerating a bit...
—A giant hammer...?
—Believe it or get surprised when you see it charging that hammer. If you do run for your life and hide, when she grabs that thing she doesn't stops until she's tired or smashes her objective, it's one of two. Besides, it's not my problem if you don't believe me.
He didn't know if he should laugh awkwardly or just stay silent, neither if say something respect the topic... then he just decided not to dig in details just in case...
—Ok... and if casually all of her collection gets affected? —he asked
She imagined the situation: first stay paralized observing at her collection as if the zombie apocalypse started; then would scream, cry hysterically to grab the hammer and go for the same young man that Helena has talked before while her daughter would be causing massive destruction at a superior level of Godzilla... she knew that every time he touched the collection of Alicia or two friends of hers also coldplayers, somehow he ends up breaking something...
—I think... you wouldn't want to know... neither I... but just imagine her with the hammer adding massive destruction...
He tried to imagine the situation in which that would happen, but he couldn't visualize it, it was a bit... hard in fact, so he couldn't just imagine it... maybe because he still didn't know Alice at all...
—Let's better drop the subject —he said
—As you want. It feels like it scared you
—It didn't, I just can't imagine her with a giant hammer chasing you down and destroying everything she finds. I think that it's just because I don't know her at all.
—As I said before, if you don't believe it then it's not my problem anymore.
He started to chuckle a bit, she raised her eyebrow confused, asking not verbally what was his problem now, then again their gazes conected to each other's eyes, staying lost in the gaze of the other... slowly they started to approach their faces, their hearts started to beat in sync while beating strongly, none of them was really conscious of what they were doing... a sudden break made them realize what was going on and also get their bodies stuck together between the seats of the front, making the scene way awkward than it already was... the driver helped them to get out of there, and then said:
—I'm sorry, the jerk in front stopped suddenly.
It really felt like he was doing it on purpise, at the point they've could swear about seeing a smirk. Both realized what were they going to do, so they turned around in opposite sides in the direction of their respective window... evidently red of shame...
For whatever was left of road, the pair stood in a complete silence, looking through the window... she left her mind wander somewhere, thinking on silly things like Chris being in love with her...
—Wait... why am I even thinking about that...? —she thought confused
She wanted to find if those feelings, tickles or whatever these were, are really hers or her mind just wanted to play it badly, also if these odd shine in the eyes of the blonde man were real or not... she didn't really understand what was going on... obviously it was annoying to the extreme... besides... why someone like him would like someone like her? Why somebody would like to be with a mess like her...?
Very deep down, she just felt... disastrous... even if she was unaware of these feelings...
—Helena, we're there...
The deep baritone voice of Chris woke her up of her thoughts, she looked outside seeing that they already arrived to a studio... our blond helped her to get out of the van, she just... stared...
—What are we doing here?
—I told you that you will meet my closest friends, and you're meeting the rest of Coldplay... —he was a bit blushed —Uh... the guys wanted to meet you... let's say that I mentioned you to them yesterday before I passed by Starbucks and... you know...
Both walked in, when they reached the main door, the woman just stopped, nervous...
—What's wrong? —he asked
—I just don't...
—Use to walk between famous people? Rockstars? Get used to it, because it may become very frequent... now just think that you are an old friend of us —he winked at her with a smile —. Just keep calm and follow me... of course if you trust...
She smiled, still a bit nervous.
—If I didn't trust on you, then I just would had said "no" yesterday.
The British singer's smile become a wide one and started to walk again, she sighed deeply, still a bit nervous, then she followed him to meet the rest of the guys...
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