Chapter 25
Darks pov
REALLY DARK ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS! mark scolded my actions as I heard the door slam shut. "I know I know!" YOU DIDN'T ASK HER ANYTHING YOU JUST IGNORED HER WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING 13! YOUR SO SCARED TO DAMAGE YOUR P PRECIOUS LITTLE EGO THAT YOU JUST IGNORED HER ANYTHING COULD BE HAPPENING TO HER RIGHT NOW YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SHES GOING THROUGH. He was right it was my fault I could have damaged this girl's heart. She sounded so hurt. "should I look for her" OBVIOUSLY!
I looked all around the city and still couldn't find her.I settle down behind a building and think. "ugh where could she be?" Dark? Why'd you have a change of heart all of the sudden?
Flash back
"Am I not good enough" her eyes they weren't the same e/c eyes I fell in love with. They were flashing red as her small voice trembled.
"It's not her" I spoke than who is it, "......" I think for a second what being could take over her...... "Jane!" mark gasped isn't he a nightmaric how would he have gotten into y/ns head unless something is bothering her like..... Nightmares "shit that's why she was leaving in the middle of the night FUCK!" I felt so stupid and naive. "we have to find her asap"
I continue to look around the town when I hear a group of teenagers were talking "Damn who knew Eth could actaully talk to girls" the one in a green hood sighs "yep she was pretty though 100% with her pretty h/c" that's her g-
My eyes filled with rage I knew that they were blacked out but I don't care. I quickly snatched out of the boys up soaring up into the air and dropping him on the roof of a building.
"who's the girl you were talking about?" he looked up at me in fear "l-look man I don't know there was just a girl we left our friend with. " his voice was unsteady scared "where?" I grab his collar "GingerPales!" I let him go and leave the building deserting the boy.
Your pov
[Backward skip]
I dont know where im going maybe a hotel. The fall leaves crunched under my shoes as i walk down the street. Eventually I find a pretty nice hotle a few hours away from home. I check in at the register and head to my room.
I lay in the bed scrolling through the channels on the TV then [f/s] pops up anf i just watch that. All that ran through my head was Dark and what i couldhave done wrong. Maybe it's my hair I run my fingers through my [h/c] stopping at small locks in it. What if its my body shape i am pretty [fat/skinny] (ps i dont mean to offend anyone)
My thoughts were interrupted by my stomach aching for food i dont think i ate when Ieft. I slip on a jacket and shoes and walk to a near by diner callex GingerPales. I sit down and a nice girl with red hair comes and takes my order "oh uh ill have a f/c with fries" she nods and walks away so i pull out my phone and go through some apps. "Dude!!" A group of boys around my age walks in. One impartical catches my eye he had snow white hair and big blue eyes he look like he didnt want to ne there let alone with them. They sat down in the booth behind me and talked.
"Hey Eth why dont you go get us some napkins."the biggest on the the group asked the small boy as he got up the the boy slapped him on the back "Atta boy" Eth gave a small smike tripping a little bit and walked passed me and grabs some napkins. As he walks back i notice hes wearing a f/c t-shirt. He sits back down and lowers his head "here you go sweetie will that be all" the waiter places my food on thr counter "yeah thanks" i slowly eat my food "Dude go talk to her. Your the only one in the group without a girlfriend." I overhear one of the 4 boys conversation "N-No shes w-way out of my l-league" the boy stampered.
"go talk to her." One of the boys noticed me listening and waves at me i wave back. "Go now" evenally Eth gives up and walks toward my booth with his head down "H-hi...C-can i sit with you?" I could tell the boy was shaking and sweating i gave him a reassuring smile and he sits down "so um i w-was kinda threw into this uh my name is Ethal" "y/n..." his phone goes off and he looks back at his friends. His face turns red "S-so W-whats a p-prett-y g-girl l-like you d-oing here b-by your-s-self" i could tell his friends put him up to this "Nothing really just needed to get away." "are you ok" he gets up and sits next to me "i don't know-" i felt my eyes water up on the brik of tears he noticed and grabs my hand "its ok pretty girls aren't supposed to cry." Hes really sweet "Im ok"
"Hey eth we're heaing back you coming" he looks at me and back at his friends that were heading gor the door "no you guys go head"
Me and Ethal talked about random things till it was almost sunset. "Oh man I should get going" as i open the door rain pours down "Hey ill drive you home" he takes me to his car and i get in. "Uh y/n where's your boyfriend?"
Heyyy guys I'm not dead unfortunately but hey new chapter. Also 700 reads no way you guys are really cool! Thanks alot
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