Still not title name
A/N: I meant GONE in the last A/N. Sorry •-• MOVING ON!
Peggy's POV
John has been doing pretty well with the breakup, he's been spending time at are house for a while and I actually enjoy it.
Nothing's better then having someone cook for you! I've also tried to convince him to get tinder so he can get a new guy but he said, and I quote.
"I'm not ready for a new relationship."
"What?! Why not your totally ready!" I respond to his statement.
"I want time to heal my heart Peggy." He said.
Ok,ok I understand but when your ready I'll find you a daddy." I wink at him and he throws a pillow from the couch at me in a playful manner.
John's POV
How did I even become friend with Peggy? I ask myself almost every day. I realize I haven't had Starbucks in weeks.
I decide to call an Uber and head over there texting Peggy too see if she or her sisters want some. Of course they do, I love them.
While driving over there I start letting my mind wonder off. (Bad choice John) I start thinking of my friends, I start thinking of Connor. I start thinking of how he killed himself. I start thinking how I could've stopped it. I start thinking-
My thoughts we interrupted when we pulled up to the Starbucks.
"Thanks Sir." I tell him, I pay him and he leaves.
I walk in and of course, there a LONG MOTHERFUCKING LINE! I wait for a few minutes in the long damn line.
I start looking around the place and I spot someone familiar. Huh?
"Hey you!" I say pretty loudly considering he was all the way across the building from me.
"Is it ok if I step out of line for a bit?" I ask the person behind me, they nod a yes in response so I walk over.
I then realize the guy has headphones in, I tap on his shoulder and I can see him tense up. He takes out his ear phones and looks up.
"O-Oh I'm- I'm sorry am I in y-your wa-way?" He stutters with a light shade of pink showing he's embarrassed.
"Uh. No I was wondering if we met before?" It takes me a couple of seconds to think but I finally get it.
"Hey! Your the guy who I bumped into right?" He tenses up gains and nods very slowly.
"I-I'm ex-extremely sor-sorry about that." His stutters are kinda cute- WHAT ARE YOU THINKING JOHN!!! I mentally slap myself.
"Look, I still feel really bad for that. Since you know? It was my fault." I say a nervous chuckle at the end of it.
"So could I get you a coffee maybe?" Then I realize something. HE PROBABLY ALREADY ORDERED COFFEE YA DUMBFUCK!
"Uh, shit. I realize you probably already got one but um. Can I get you another sometime?" OH GOD JOHN JUST SHUT THE FUCK UPPPP
"Uh- I....Yeah, sure t-that would b-be nice." He responds.
"Uh, ok then. We'll see you around I guess?"
"I-U-um, Yeah?" He said giving a little wave at the end.
I got my coffee and headed back to my apartment, just to check on it and maybe get a few things.
I walk up the stairs and I see him.
"Alexander?" I ask even though I know it is him.
"U-Um hi John." He said clearly nervous.
"What do you want Alex?"
"I wanna tell you t-that I'm seeing someone else." Wow, how classic, wonder how long he's been seeing this person.
"Ok? And why do I need to know?" At this point I'm numb to anything.
"I-I just though-"
"Thought what? That I'm not over you?! PSH I've been over you since the second you said loved!"
"John What the-" I interrupted again.
"You thought I stayed in bed crying my heart away thinking breaking up with you was a mistake?! WELL IT'S THE BEST MISTAKE I'VE MADE IN MY FUCKING LIFE!!!"
Silence is all that can be heard. Until I speak out.
"So who is it?"
Who's what?"
"Who's the new replacement?"
"I-I don't think I'm ready to tell you." He said in a quiet tone
"So you came all this way too tell me your dating someone else but won't tell me who? How Hamilton of you." I say folding my arms
"I have to go." He said walking past me.
I don't miss that bastard one bit. Oh and looks like he left his car keys behind! Sucks to be him I guess!
I keep thinking, all the memories we had. All my problems. M-My rape. The way it felt. It damaged me so much. Did I break with him cause of that.
Getting lost in those horrible thoughts I start to break down and cry, I then feel my chest go up and down at a quick rate. Oh God no.
Not now. No. I thought I was fine I thought.
My panic attack.
A/N: While I wrote this I'm on a plane with the worst headache possibly a migraine. FML. Anyways hope you enjoyed 🤠
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