Freedom. The only word to describe getting out of this hell. Finally. John text me saying he would be picking me up so I kinda just waited a little. (I honestly do not know how hospitals release patients so correct me if I must be corrected) he finally pulled up and got out.
"So how does it feel to be free?" He said giving me that golden smile. Since being in the hospital I had someone come and teach me sign language. So I signed It feels awesome, I forgot John didn't know sign.
"What?" He said picking me up bridal style and setting me down in the car. I lightly blushed.
He then put my wheelchair in the back of the car and he started to drive off.
"Oh! I remember now! You were doing sign language." He said eyes still on the road. I nodded yes to his statement.
Another thing I should mention is that I'm moving back in with Lafayette. (Omg really quick I need to say I love the song YOU WILL BE FOUND it is literally making me cry right now.) I honestly miss my French pal so I was not complaining.
We arrived at my old home. Before I moved in with John. Just then Laf walks out,
"Welcome back mon amie!" Laf said as he walked out of his house just as John was setting me in my wheelchair.
Hey Laf I signed to him. Just then Hercules walks out.
"Hey my DUDES!" He shouts. Wait. Why is Herc here?
"You guys dating?" John asked almost giving a human Lenny face.
"Uh-Uh. Well. Heh-" Laf stutters But finally gets his words back,
"Uh, yeah we are." He stated shyly blushing like crazy. Lol.
"AWWWWWW!" John says and goes to hug Laf and Herc and when he did they looked like they couldn't breathe, considering John is really, really strong.
I kinda just rolled away in my wheelchair too look at the house. Memories, amazing memories flood back to my head.
"Ok then I'll be going!" John shouted I turn around and nod in response waving when he drove away.
Peggy's POV
Tears. I just re watched Endgame. How can they kill iron man. I sigh to myself as I sit in my private movie theater still trying to process the most saddest thing for the 5th time today.
Now I have headache. Fml.
"Fuuuuuuuuuck this shiiiiiiiiit." I groaned to myself as I get off the chair I was sitting on.
I head to the kitchen to eat and I see Eliza reading, 'lol nerd' I thought to myself jokingly as I looked at her.
"Get your food and go Peggy." She said eyes still in the book.
"K nerd, bye love ya." I respond kinda sarcastically.
"Yeah, fuck you too" she told me while flipping me off but STILL READING.
"I'm gonna go visit John to get drunk!" I shouted (knowing Angelica isn't here) loudly in the house while grabbing my keys.
"K, I'll pick you up in 3 hours then." Eliza said putting her book down looking at me.
"Don't tell Angie." I scolded her knowing she wasn't scared of my fake shit and just said.
Sorry it's short and shitty but I got back from camp and I'm tired af
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