Clubbing 2/2
Eliza's POV
Me and Alex have been talking for a while and he asked me if I wanted to leave, which I happily excepted.
But then again.
"Hey, what about Laf?" I ask him since we're taking his car.
"Oh he'll be fine! He can get a ride with Angie." He responded. With that we left.
"Want me to drop you off?" He asked me.
"Please." I say still a little shy, we pulled up to my house and he was slightly shocked.
"Woah. You live here?" He said his mouth making the o shape.
"Y-Yup." I don't really like when people remind me about how rich my family is, it just makes me feel uncomfortable.
"Ok well- Uh. Bye?" I said as I opened the car door.
"Hey let me walk you to the door." He said getting out of the car.
"Alex my door is right there." I said walking towards him.
"I know but I wanted to do this."
He kissed me.
On my lips.
This was usually something they did in Netflix romance movies and fanfic but- I felt like the happiest person on earth.
But there was these little voices in me saying it's wrong and he liked Angelica first. The other one saying he is just trying to get over John.
So I pull away.
"What did I do?" Alex asked me.
I start to break down crying. I felt so wrong doing it, it felt so fake.
"Y-you don't r-really like me Alex." I finally say.
"What are you talking about Betsy?" He had concern in his voice.
"I know your not over John yet. A-And I know you like Angelica." I say between sobs.
"N-No that's not true at all! I-" I interrupted him.
"Look Alex, John has been my friend since the 5th grade. What if this hurts him? And- And what about my sister! I saw the way you looked at each other. And how you blushed when she grabbed your hand." I say as I slowly stop sobbing.
"No Betsy, John has already found someone, and the reason I blushed was cause I saw you." He said grabbing my cheek.
"Look Alexander, I don't think your fully over John but maybe in time we can date, let's become friends first ok?" I try saying calmly as my eyes are all red smeared with makeup.
"Ok." Alex said. "I-I hope to see you soon!" He said getting back into his car. And driving off.
Alex's POV
It was almost like Eliza could see right through me, it is true I'm not over John. You can't get over someone you've loved, I know that for a fact.
I was deep in thought and didn't notice the red light. What happened next is a blur, all I remember is closing my eyes as I feel myself turning upside down and sharp objects hitting me.
I then hear sirens as I can't open my eyes. I'm stuck.
A/N: I'M SO EVIL I LUV IT 😈 also state testing be happening YA'LL! 🤗👏🤠😤😌😎 ok BYEEEEE
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