Cant think of title name.
John's POV
When Eliza and Laf left I felt the tension between me and Alex became not so comfortable.
"So. You like Eliza now?" I asked looking at him. I could see he was trying to explain things, I gave him a notebook and a pen.
"Write what you want to say in here." I told him.
Within a matter of seconds he gave it back to me and I read-
I don't know, before I got in the car crash me and Eliza where gonna start dating. But I think I still have feeling for you, it's confusing.
I take in a long breath, I didn't want to be the reason Alex doesn't date anymore. We are not together, so my broken heart shouldn't stop him from living life.
"Go for it." I told him giving my best fake supporting smile. Alex looked a mixture of confused, happy, and sad.
"Eliza is an amazing girl, anyone lucky enough to date her should treasure her." It's true though, I've known Eliza for the longest time, she has a heart of gold made from fucking God himself.
Eliza is the most selfless person I know so it's just right that her and Alex end up together. I'm not about to make Alex feel bad for liking someone, it's not we're married so it's not wrong.
"I'm gonna go now." I said getting up, "I'll see you on Saturday." I was about to walk out when I hear fussing behind me.
It was Alex trying to get my attention, He wrote down on the notebook I gave him. When I read it, it said
Why not Friday?
Well. Shit.
"Um, I-I have a date." And I'm not lying. See, I finally got the courage to ask that anxious guy out.
As I was walking in to get my daily dose of coffee I see that cute guy again.
'Ok John, you can do this' I tell myself as I make my way over to him.
I tap on his shoulder and he immediately shoots up to look at me.
"O-Oh I'm sorry, d-do yo-you want thi-this spot?" He asked me and I almost feel bad for making him nervous.
"Uh actually no. Um, do you remember me? I-I bumped into you a couple of times." I say shyly. It takes him a moment to think before he responds.
"O-Oh yeah, you we-were with y-your boyfriend right?"
"Ex." I say.
"O-Oh, I'm sorry." He said apologetically
"Yeah...." I say that's when things got silent so I asked him.
"H-hey are you seeing anyone?" I asked, his face heated up at the question.
"Um look, I can totally be wrong but um. If you are interested in guys, more specifically me. W-Would you like to go out sometime?"
I see his face turn a light shade of pink.
"O-Okay." He said very flustered.
"Ok then, on Friday? I'll pick you up at 6 for dinner?" I ask him,
"U-Uh Yeah, th-that would be gr-great." He said
"Oh um, by the way Incase you forgot I'm John."
"I-I'm Evan."
"Well. Ok then Evan, I'll see you on Friday." I say walking away forgetting about my coffee.
*flashback ends*
Alex then writes down:
Well, have fun John
I can see pain in his eyes but I need to move on, we both do. I can tell we didn't even have a healthy relationship.
I realize I was worrying Alex with him trying to help me and make me happy again. But Alex is not responsible for that incident and the affect it cause on my mental health. I'am.
I walk out of the door and to the waiting room to see Eliza and Laf sitting.
"Hey." I said as I walked up to them.
"Hey John. I'm sorry, I swear I will not date Alex, and you don't have to worry-" I cut Eliza off before she goes off rambling
"It's ok Liz, he's all yours, besides, I already asked a guy named Evan out for a date." I told her.
"But John, you love Alex, a-and Alex needs you and-" I cut her off again.
"Eliza, the relationship I had with Alex wasn't even healthy, he was always worried about me and my mental health and I never took that off his shoulders. And sure, I will always have a place for Alex in my heart, but for right now. We aren't meant to be with each other." I told her and I can see the sadness in her eyes
"Liz-" she cuts me off this time with a hug, and Laf joins after.
"I hope you find someone special John, and who knows, maybe one day you will end up with Alex." Liza said looking up at me.
"Yeah Mon Amie." Laf responded.
" I love you guys." I said hugging back tightly,
"Let's go now." I told them.
A/N: YOU ARE NOT PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYONES HAPPINESS! Yes I got the idea from Jaiden animations, cause it's true. The human brain is not programmed to help with mental health.
This is why you see a professional about your mental health, cause there brain was trained to help you.
Anyways! HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER! New one will come soon. Cause summer bout to come!
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