John's POV (pray for my gay turtle ;-; )
I'm still messed up ever since the incident but not like I need to go to a mental asylum I just need to see a therapist, luckily the school was kind enough to give me time off for the rest of the year, Which is like a week or two.
But I still don't let anyone touch me and I'm not much of a fan of outside, I also get these traumatizing dreams that make me scream when I wake up. But I'am lucky to have Alex, he has been living with me ever since that day.
I was about to watch Riverdale when all the sudden-
I jump from the couch and run to the dinning room to hide.
"What the fuck?" I heard this monster say. I then look up from under the table and realize it was Peggy so I get out.
"Hey John, you ok?" Then all the sudden Alex comes out and whispers to Peggy what happened.
"I will cut a bitch up....." she sorta mumbles but everyone can here.
~time skip to an hour later ~
I left John and Peggy in the living room for an hour now and decided to go check one them. When I did I felt slightly jealous that John is resting on Peggy's shoulder and Peggy resting her head on John's. Wow, so Peggy is aloud to touch John but not me?!
When I turn to see what there watching i see they're watching 500 days of summer with that I head back to my room to get back to work for me and John. Ok sooo maybe I'm doing his work. DON'T JUDGE! I'm bored
( ̄^ ̄)
While in the middle of doing "my" work I hear the door open and close and just excuse it as Peggy left. Around 20 minutes later I hear it open and close again and then giggles. Ok what the fuck it happening, I go to check on John and Peggy.
I caught them chugging down beer like theres no tomorrow and see 3 beer bottles on the ground.
"Guys the the hell is going on?" You could tell they were drunk right now.
"Aww Alex~! Come join us amigo!" Peggy slurred.
"Yeah bitch come join us!" John says loudly.
"Oh my God guys. What if we had a threesome!" Peggy says which EW. And HELL NO! She shouldn't even be drinking!
"Um Margarita you forgot something." John said.
"Your a goddamn LESDIAN!" He shouts lesbian, I face palm myself and sit on the couch to watch these children.
"Oh! I want a margarita!" Peggy says raising her arm up. This is going to be a long night.
~time skip to 5 hours later~
The children are finally down and now to call Angelica.
"Hey Angie."
"Come pick up Peggy, please"
"What's wrong? Is she ok? Should I-"
I cut her off.
"No, she's fine, she's at my place."
"Soooo what's wrong?"
"She's drunk-"
"Speak no more I'm on my way!"
Then she hangs up and I know she is mad.
When Angelica arrives she picks up Peggy and leaves, leaving me and John with each other. I pick up John and bring him to his bed, I guess he started to wake up cause when I put him on the bed and kissed him goodnight he started crying.
"P-please don't rape m-me!" He started crying and shouting. This pained be to see John in such a bad place. But he is drunk so maybe he'll just sleep and forget about all of this.
Peggy's POV (shit about to go down!)
I wake up in my room with a headache and my ass hurt. Oh shit. No, no, no! Did I get fucked? Did I like it? Was it a girl?
The more I thought about it the more my head hurt so I came to the conclusion that I did get fucked. And that I did like it. And it was a female cause even drunk me is a lesbian.
As I went to get some medicine I hear cough behind me. I slowly turn around and from what I saw it was Angelica so I booked it to any room that had a lock praying to God she doesn't send me to hell.
I lock the door and head up to the attack to hide and decided I shall stay here till 2019. Good plan Peggy, good plan.
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