Chapter One: Who, What, Where, When, and Why?
hallo! nothing to say here, just some warnings!
Warnings: Yelling, swearing, somewhat sexual joke (majority of the comments might catch the joke before its even made), lava, weapons, violence
hope you enjoy!
Y/n's/Your POV:
"Come back you two~!" George's voice rings as Dream and I run through the trees. Fear corrupting us, yet we put on a brave face, or I guess for Dream, a brave mask. I look around, spotting a ravine. "Dream!" I whisper-yell. He glances over at me, showing that he's listening. "A ravine!" I, again, whisper-yell. He looks over at me. I jerk my head over to our right, beginning to run that way, I look behind me, seeing him follow.
"OW! YOU MUFFIN!" I glance behind me, Dream had spilled lava, it looks Bad caught on fire. I look in front of me, the ravine is close. I get ready to make a big leap. I see Dream catch up right next to me.
I ran out of planks, I'm not gonna make it! I'm already in the air. I grab onto the edge. "DREAM!" I shout. He stops dead in his tracks.
"SAPNAP!" I hear George and Ant shout. Soon I feel someone holding onto me. I turn my head, just barely seeing Sapnap's raven hair and white headband. "GET OFF OF ME!" I shout at him. "NO!" He shouts back. "Y/N!" Dream shouts, reaching for my hand. I got to grab his hand, but Sapnap grabs my arm.
I think of something I can craft. I hear arrows being shot. "Sapnap, send me your coordinates." I hear Bad's voice through Sapnap's headset. How many sticks do I have? I look down, I couldn't just drop down, but I could get down there with... ugh! I don't have enough... wait... I look up, Dream is fighting George and Ant.
"What are ya gonna do now Y/n? If I go down, we're going down together. So you lose. Dream will be on his own. Are ya really gonna do that to him? Leave him on his own?" Sapnap teases me with the thoughts of guilt. Yet I can feel... "Sapnap, I know you're falling off of me." I say. He readjusts his position, letting go of my hand, quickly I grab two arrows, sticking one into the dirt, and putting the other in my other hand, quickly grabbing both of them.
I turn around, if I suspend us off the wall, we will go further, being able to grab onto the dirt on the other side of the ravine, maybe able to knock Sapnap off of me, even if I can't, and I'll have a place to land safely, giving me better odds of defeating Sapnap.
I hope this works.
I kick me and Sapnap off of the wall, turning us around. "Y/N! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Sapnap shouts.
I stick the arrows into the dirt. I feel Sapnap jump off of me, hearing him hit the ground below us.
I take the arrows out of the dirt, throwing myself towards Sapnap, I land on top of him, him on his back. I take out my axe and hold it over my head, I then swing it downwards. He quickly reacts by grabbing his sword and blocking.
I glare at him. He laughs slightly. "Besides the axe and sword, I don't entirely mind this position," He says. I get taken aback by his comment, slightly easing my grip. He uses this to his advantage. He uses his sword to knock my axe away, pushing me back, he puts his sword to my neck. "but I prefer me on top." He finishes his last sentence.
I glance down, I push my self down slightly, wrapping my foot around his ankle. He looks down, slightly taking his sword away from me. I bring my foot back up towards me, tripping him. He falls backwards, sword slipping out of his hand to my side. I hastily stand up, looking behind him, if I use Nick to suspend myself I can make it to another platform.
I run towards Sapnap. Pushing us off, and using him- basically as a surfboard somehow- and jumping towards the other platform.
Yes! This is working!
"AGH!" I exclaim in pain, Sapnap had grabbed onto my leg. Both of my arms are on the platform, and Sapnap is clinging to my leg. I hear him collide against the ravine's wall. "SAPNAP! JUST GIVE UP!" I shout. "NO! I'M NOT LETTING YOU GET AWAY THAT EASILY!" He shouts back at me.
I look at my watch. But this... isn't exactly a watch. 'Badboyhalo tried to swim in lava', 'Antfrost was slain by Dream' 'Badboyhalo: SOMEONE SEND ME THEIR COORDINATES', I wait for a very specific text. "So now what, Y/n? Stay here until one of slips?" Sapnap asks, almost sarcastically. From this angle I can't see Dream fighting, I can sort of hear it, but not much.
"SAPNAP!" I hear George shout. I look at my watch again. 'George fell from a high place whilst trying to escape Dream' "DREAM!" I shout. "NO!" I hear Sapnap shout. He starts to just punch my leg, over and over. "STOP THAT!" I shout, I then shake my leg. I feel him start to fall. Eventually he falls.
"Y/N!" I hear my name echo through the ravine. I see a gloved-hand in front of my face. I look up and see Dream's masked face. I take his hand and he pulls me up. "Thanks." I say. "No problem." Dream replies, pouring lava down on Nick and George's stuff.
"We gotta run." Dreams says. I nod my head in agreement. We climb out of the ravine and begin to run again.
I guess I should explain while who, what, where, when, and why, while I'm not in the middle of a battle.
Who: I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n. A friend of Dream. A former friend of... basically everyone else.
What: Dream and I are currently on the run from George, Sapnap, Bad, and Ant. At least as far as we know.
Where: We are currently trying to beat the ender dragon before we die. We both only have one life left.
When: This started about a week ago. Maybe a little less.
And why: Why is this happening? Well, I mostly blame Sapnap. Dream however... I don't know. I said I was running off away, and he said he'd join me, then Sapnap and George declared war on us. I suppose Ant and Bad only heard their side of the story.
Well, this is our story...
wwwwwooooooOOOooooo chapter one done. and i think it actually took less then 24 hours, wow. i hope yall enjoyed this, ill see u demons, angels, and everyone else in and out of between in the next chapter, have a good day/night.
Words: 1153
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