Bangtan Coffee Shop
"Do you have the order for table ten ready?" "Yeah, coming right up!" I shouted back, putting the finishing touches on the sugary drinks. I put a dollop of freshly whipped cream on each chocolate mocha, topping it with some chocolate shavings and a dash of nutmeg on just the one that ordered it. I grabbed all the drinks and put them on my tray, speed-walking to my tenth table of customers waiting to be served.
Hi, my name is Daniela and I work at this delightful coffee shop known as Cutie Coffees part-time. I do it to make a little extra money for myself and to put towards my college education. My life is mostly just school and work, except for one area in my life. One awesome, totally amazing area of my life - and that was being an ARMY. I found out about BTS some years after their debut, around the time they came out with their song DNA. I was completely enthralled with their amazing visuals, vocals, and choreography and I had become a hardcore fan ever since.
Every morning, I woke up and got ready with their music playing in the background, and even when I was working I'd be listening to BTS music through my headphones. I had started collecting all their albums a little while ago and had bought way too much merchandise to count (it's actually where most of my pay checks go...) I had never been to a concert because earning $5 an hour through hard work doesn't necessarily get you going to a concert where you'd have to pay for $400 dollar seats. But I could enjoy the livestreams on YouTube!
However, it had always been a dream of mine to attend one of their concerts. To be in that wonderful atmosphere, knowing that the seven talented boys were right there and you could sing their powerful songs together while showing your love for each other. And then if you're seated close enough to talk to and make eye contact with the members (especially Taehyung)? It seemed like such a magical experience. Nonetheless, with my salary and the expenses of going to a concert, it just seemed too good to be true. But, that didn't mean that I couldn't dream.
It occurred to me that I was daydreaming right at that moment, so I quickly snapped out of it. "Oh, sorry about that! Here's your drinks, please enjoy and let me know if there's anything else I can get you." I left the table with a smile and went right back behind the counter to help serve some more customers. Except there weren't any lined up like there usually was. I shrugged my shoulders. Slow day today, I guess. I put my elbow up on the counter and rested my chin on my palm. I looked out the window, in reality just staring off into space. I started to really pay attention to the BTS song that was playing through my headphones - Outro: Wings. It had always been an ultimate favorite of mine because of it's uplifting message and lyrics, the peppy beat, and the usual beautiful vocals from all seven of the members. I tapped my fingers on the counter along to the beat.
Suddenly, the little bell above our coffee shop rang. I shut off the music to greet the customer. I stood up straight and smiled. "Hello, welcome to-" I stopped mid-sentence. My eyes widened as I realized who was standing right in front of me.
It was Kim Namjoon.
I blinked a couple times just in case he decided to fade away from my sight like how he usually does when I'm dreaming. But nope! He kept standing there, a hand in his pocket, the other taking off his sunglasses and resting them on top of his head. His beautiful brown eyes met with mine and he gave me a charming smile, his famous dimples shining through. Yeah, it was Namjoon alright.
I couldn't believe it! What do I do? What do I say? How do I talk again? However, I decided to keep my ARMY identity concealed for the time being. After all, I wouldn't want to freak him out. I'll just treat him like any other customer!
Any other customer that was a handsome song-writing genius.
"Hi there." Namjoon said, waving at me. I smiled back, trying to compose myself. "Ah, h-hello! Welcome to Cutie Coffees." I had to stop myself and cringe just saying that. "How can I help you today?" Namjoon stepped closer to the counter and looked at the menu boards above. "Uh, can I have a medium caramel macchiatto?" It took every ounce of strength in my body not to break out singing "Coffee." "Sure! Will that be all?" I started ringing him up and getting out the cup to make his drink. "Ah, no, actually I have more people coming. Would it be okay to wait for them?" More people? "Oh, yeah sure, we're in no rush. It's kind of empty here today." I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. He just smiled. "Thank you, I appreciate it."
I got started on making his drink when I heard the little bell above the door go off not once, not twice, but six times.
Six. Hmm..six plus one, which was Namjoon, equals seven. Could it be...?
I looked up and saw the remaining members of BTS coming up to Namjoon. I could not believe my eyes. I did another stop-and-pause-forever thing as I stared at them. And they could tell that I was staring. Suga flicked his glasses up to his head and looked at me. "Hello." He broke out into the famous gummy smile he was known for. I felt my heart melting. I waved at him. "Hello, welcome to uh.." I forgot the name of the shop. "T-To uh, here. What would you like?" I tried to speak slower since I know they didn't speak English that well, even though I think they work really hard to try to learn (especially Jungkook).
Suga muttered something in Korean to Namjoon, then turned to the others, then muttered something else. I looked around at all the members. Jin was looking truly worldwide handsome, J-Hope was walking around the cafe checking out all the cute decorations and smiling really wide, Jimin was standing right next to Namjoon looking really cool, Jungkook was standing in the back taking photos of the menu boards...and then I saw him.
V, Kim Taehyung. My ultimate bias ever since I was into BTS. I always felt a special connection to him whenever I listened to their songs, and seeing him in person, I felt that connection even more. He was dressed just as cooly as the rest, a camera slung around his neck. That's what I would expect from the avid photographer. I smiled at him and unexpectedly, our eyes met. I stumbled back a little bit from the sudden contact. "Hi." I shyly smiled at him. He reciprocated that smile. "Hello." He stepped a little closer to the counter. I felt my heart beat even harder.
"I am..V." I was surprised he didn't introduce himself as J like he did that one time when Jin introduced himself with the same nickname. I smiled, thinking how he didn't even know that I was ARMY, that he was my bias, that I already knew his full Korean name. That I could even speak some Korean to try and converse with him! "I'm Daniela, but call me D." I figured that would be easier to say. "Okay, D. Nice to meet you." His broken English and deep accented voice was like music to my ears. I smiled at him, leaning closer. It's like I was in another daydream - I just hoped that I would never wake up.
"Excuse me? I have our order." I looked back to see all the members congregated near Namjoon, all looking at me and smiling. I smiled back and moved towards them. "Ah yes, go right ahead, what will you have?" Namjoon started the order - a black coffee with room for cream for Suga, a cookie crumble frappucino for J-Hope, a cake pop for Jimin, and a latte for Jungkook. I took all the orders down on my notepad and got all the cups ready. I looked back at V. "What will you have?" I asked him. He processed my question and thought for a moment. "Ah..cream? You have cream?" I tilted my head as I tried to understand what he was saying. Did he want JUST cream?
He pointed to something on the menu. I turned around to look and saw that he wanted a vanilla bean creme frappucino. That was my favorite drink here! I smiled at him and nodded. "Coming right up, V." He let out a boxy smile that made me little heart just melt. I got his cup ready and turned back to all of them. "It will be ready in just a couple minutes." The members all nodded as Namjoon translated and went off to seat themselves down as they waited for their drinks. Well, all the members but V and Namjoon that lingered around. Namjoon was on his phone and V was taking photos of the menu boards, the decorations, and basically everything he could fit into frame.
I took this as an opportunity to possibly get to know them better and to talk to them. "So, are you guys from around here? I can hear some accents." I asked Namjoon. He looked up from his phone and smiled. "Actually, we're from South Korea. Seoul." I decided to make a bold move. "Ah, Korea you say? Well, anyohaseyo!" I saw all the members turn their heads to me, J-Hope letting out a long "whoooah!" "Hul, you speak Korean?" Namjoon asked me. I nodded. "Yeah, my mom and I started watching Korean dramas a while back and I decided to learn." I didn't tell them that I learned a lot just by listening to their music, though.
"That's so cool, you have really good pronunciation." Namjoon told me. He stuck out his hand for me to shook. "I am Namjoon Kim." I gasped a little bit as I shook his hand. I couldn't believe this. "I'm Daniela, nice to meet you." V perked up and smiled. "D!" He shouted. I turned to him. "Yeah?" He waved his hand to me and then back to him. "Come, come!" I looked around the coffee shop. Did he want me to step out from behind the counter. "Ah, the drinks.." Suddenly, my co-worked tapped my shoulder. "It's okay, I got it from here. Go talk to the cute guys." I had to hold back my laughter, but I didn't have to think twice! I took off my apron and went out from the counter. I stood in between Namjoon and V, V turning to me. "Look." He moved closer to me and showed me his camera feed.
All the beautiful pictures he took on his trip were so reflective of his personality. The scenery of the trees, the bushes, everything was so pretty. He really had an eye for photography. I looked back at him. "Yepayo," I said in my most likely butchered Korean, which meant 'pretty.' He smiled at me. "Kahmsamnida." He replied. He looked at me for a second before we were interrupted from our moment by J-Hope. "Hello D! I am Hoseok Jung, nice to meetchoo!" He ran his words so close together, but I understood what he meant. I shook his hand and chuckled. "Anyo Hoseok!" He chuckled and mumbled something in Korean I didn't understand. "Awesome!" He told me. I couldn't help but blush. "Kamsamhminda." I bowed a little to him. He bowed back, and then they all began coming up to me and introducing themselves.
"Hello, I am worldwide handsome Jin." I had to keep from rolling my eyes, having to pretend I didn't know this was his ultimate catchphrase that he used all the time. "O-Oh, nice to meet you Jin." He smiled and winked at me. I felt like Kim Heechul in that one episode of Men on a Mission when Jin winked at him. I just chuckled a little and gave him a finger gun. I was so dorky it wasn't even funny. "Hello, I am Suga." Suga introduced himself. I smiled. "Anyo, Suga." He gave a shy little wave - that's all I would expect of him.
"I am Jimin, nice to meet you." Jimin introduced himself to me. I know that he was known for being the shortest in BTS, but because I was very short, only being 5"3, he towered over me. And I could tell that he knew it too. He was very close to me, our faces only inches apart. I never would have guessed him for a close talker, but I wasn't mad at it. "I'm D, nice to meet you too." I shook his hand and couldn't help but notice how soft it was. Is that kind of creepy? I'm sorry! What am I supposed to do, I just met my favorite band in the whole world and I'm not even telling them that I'm ARMY.
Jungkook waved at me from the chair that he was sitting on. Even though he had grown so much, he was still the shy little baby that started out with BTS. I could really relate to that, since I was pretty shy myself. "Anyo, Jungkook!" I said. Then my eyes widened. I felt all the members staring at me as I brought my hand back down to its resting place.
I had just said his name before he even introduced himself.
Oh god, this was bad. Now they would know I was ARMY and was pretending not to be and they'd all probably just think I was some stupid fangirl that they shouldn't have even wasted time talking to. All the thoughts circulating in my head made it impossible for me to say anything coherent, so I just let out a weak, "Uh..well..hmm.." Jungkook's eyes were as wide as saucers. Yep, he was Jungshook. I snapped out of my frozen moment and just bowed to them all out of habit. "I-I'm sorry, I'll check on your drinks."
As I was walking back to the counter, I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me closer. Wait, was I in a K-Drama? Was this Secret Garden? What was happening here? I looked over to see V looking at me. "It's okay." His smile just soothed much more than he could have realized. He let go of my wrist and looked at me, a cheeky grin on his face. "Are you ARMY?" All the other members gathered around him to witness this ground-breaking revelation. Well, ground-breaking only to me.
I stalled for a moment before nodding my head. "Y-Yeah." I sighed. "I've been ARMY for a couple years now and I've loved everything about you guys, and when I saw you walk through the door of this little coffee shop? It was so startling and I didn't want to come across as some stupid fangirl or something, so I just pretended not to know you. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything, but I think I did just the opposite now. I'm really sorry about this." I just realized that the only one that could understand me fully was Namjoon as he started translating everything into Korean so the rest could get in on my embarrassment. They all listened intently, Hoseok looking down at the ground, Jin focusing on Namjoon, and Jungkook just sitting there Jungshook. The only one that was smiling and happy was V.
"M-Mianhae." I stuttered in Korean to them, telling them I was sorry. Surprinsigly, they didn't look upset or weirded out in any way. They all had big smiles on their faces and they were conversing with each other and pointing to me. They could have just been making fun of my stupidity though. However, all bad thoughts I could have had vanished when Jin yelled, "Whooooah, you are ARMY!" He came up to me and shook me hand with both of his. "Yeah, I am!" I smiled back. "So, you know BTS?" Ah, I was expecting it sometime. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I know BTS, Jin." They all came up to me and started asking me questions in broken English - when I became ARMY, what was my favorite song, and then the most dreaded question came up.
"Urmm..bias. You have bias?" Jungkook asked me, standing up from the chair he was once sitting on. My cheeks went bright red. Oh god, how was I supposed to tell them my ultimate crush...right in front of my ultimate crush? I just looked around a little while as they all started going "oooh" and started laughing. "Come on, now we really wanna know!" Namjoon prodded me. I sighed. "Uhm..T-Taehyung." I said it in such a soft voice that it wasn't even audible. "What?" J-Hope piped up. I sighed. "...Taehyung."
They definitely heard that one.
They all started going up to V and messing around with him, saying stuff in Korean while they all went "whoooah!" It was like I placed myself directly in a Run BTS episode. I laughed as V looked at me with a shy look on his face. In the spur of the moment, I gave him a little finger heart and winked. Such a Seojkin thing to do. All the members increasingly grew louder in their cheers and V put his hands over his heart and feigned hurt. I laughed along with the others. This was such a good time.
"Your drinks are ready!" My co-worker called out from behind the counter. Seven drinks were perfectly lined up, ready to be slurped down by the thirsty members. All the members went up and got their assigned drinks, all heading for the door. I felt sad as I knew that this moment would have to end sometime, and it was ending now. "Well, it was nice meeting you all!" They all seemed to understand that as they smiled and waved at us. As I was heading back to the counter, I saw V run up to Namjoon and whisper something in his ear, then point at me. Namjoon smiled, his little Joonie dimples showing, and looked right at me. "We're going to go hang out outside at your big table. Can you join us?" My heartbeat increased yet again for the millionth time in a row that day.
I turned around and pointed at myself. "Me? Are you sure?" V and Namjoon nodded simultaenously. I looked over at my co-worker and she smiled and nodded. "It's a slow day today. Have your fun, I got this covered." "Oh thank you, thank you!" I whispered to her. I looked back at the boys and nodded, grabbing my purse from behind the counter. "Kaja!" I said, meaning 'let's go'. They both started chuckling as they went outside with me. "Gwyieobdaaaa." I heard V coo. I couldn't help but blush. My bias just called me cute!
I went to the table where the rest of the members were seated. They all waved to me and exchanged hellos before Jin pulled out a seat next to him for me. "Thank you." I sat down in between him and V. Two worldwide handsomes, very nice. "Oh, you didn't get anything." Namjoon noticed, seeing me without any coffees. "Oh, that's okay, I'm good." I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw V pouring some of his drink into a spare cup. He slid the cup right over to me and smiled. "This for you." I shook my head. "N-No, it's yours! You enjoy." He wouldn't take no for an answer though. He just kept looking at me, then the cup, then shoved it back over to me. It was no use fighting with him. I took the cup and smiled. "Thank you." He smiled.
Suddenly, Answer: Love Myself started playing through the speakers outside the coffee shop. Everyone, including me, perked up and all started getting excited over the song. "This is my favorite!" I told them. They all started clapping and whooping as they heard their vocals shining through. Jimin, Jin and Jungkook started singing along to all the parts and V started to harmonize with them. When the rapping parts came up, Suga Hoseok and Namjoon rapped their respective parts. I just started at all of them in awe. It seemed like that dream of going to one of their concerts came true after all, and I had the best seat. Suddenly, they all turned to me when the chorus was coming up. They wanted me to sing along. I cleared my throat and looked at V. He was just smiling as I was going to sing his part.
"You showed me I have reasons I should love myself. Ooh-whoah!" That one line was enough for them to all whoop and cheer for me, clapping their hands in approval. I smiled and hid my face behind my hands. V took my hands away from my face and started clapping for me as well. As the song kept playing, I looked back at all the other members and smiled. I knew this was going to be a moment that I would never forget - the day that I met BTS in my little coffee shop. I could only think of one thing to say at the moment.
"Guys?" I piped up. They all turned to me. I smiled and cleared my throat. "I purple you all." I turned around and saw V smiling at me like I had just made his day. All the other members smiled and broke out in collective "awwws." I looked back at V as if looking for approval for using his catchphrase. "I purple you too." V said.
All I could do was smile.
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