Pet Peeves Pt 2!
A while ago, on my earlier This Is Me book, I did a chapter I called "Pet Peeves." I thought to myself, "There are more annoying things that have happened to me that I can share with the world!"
So here is My Pet Peeves Pt 2! Hope you enjoy! ^^
1. Pop-Up Ads.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that these things are annoying and the bane of my existence (Yes, I am not serious.) Honestly, this happened about a week ago. I was just looking for some information on a web site, and BAM! My entire screen blows up to a pop-up ad that I couldn't get rid of, so I just left the site.
I know that sites have to have ads for their site to stay up or something, but put your ads in the corner, not in my face and have no exit button.
2. Knowing Something, But Not Being Able To Explain It.
I know a lot of things, but I can't explain them without looking them up to find the correct wording. I know all about Wattpad and I tried to explain it to my Aunt, and all that came out was, "It's um a writing sight." Out of all the words I could've used, I used those.
3. When You Can't Find a Certain Song
You hear a song play in the store and it really catches your interest! It's such a catchy song, but you can't quite hear the lyrics. So you end up just listening to it and trying to look it up on the Internet, but you FAIL! Now that song is in your brain forever, but with the wrong lyrics, and you can never find it. Unless you have Shazaam! But I couldn't download the app at the time D:
4. Crowded Places
I HATE HATE HATE crowded places! Just the thought of not being able to move because someone is -0.2 inches away from you..ugh~! Especially when you need to grab something from a store, but there are suddenly 30 people swarming around you. Also, I'm not a very bold person..I am the kind of person that waits for someone to be done, and then goes and gets what I need. So when people don't move for a long time, I'll just be awkwardly standing behind them..0_0
And finally, last, but NOT least..
5. Unfluffy Stuffed Animals
I buy a stuffed animal for three reasons - it can be used as a pillow, it's adorable, and it's FLUFFY~! :D That's why I hate when I buy a stuffed animal and after a while, it loses its fluff! Or when you put it in the wash and it comes back like it just got shaved. What happened to the fluff!? But..I'll still love the plushie no matter what <3
Those were my other 5 pet peeves! I hope you enjoyed! If you did, why not vote and comment on this chapter? Thanks for reading guys! Stay kawaii and bye for now~! :D
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