Welp, finally getting to this. jairrymalfoy Here, I did it. And I just had to mention a certain someone in the first question XD I still have... Like five of these to do.... Which is why it says 13x. Just think algebra.
1) Why is jairrymalfoy so freaking fabulous and awesome? *wink wink*
Is this seriously a question? Because you have Justin, duh :P On another note, because you are Jamie. Jamie is a synonym for awesome, isn't it? Then Cain/Uchiha/Malfoy/allothernamesyouuse means fabulous.
2) Vampires or Wolves? *cough*
Hm.... Vampires are more fun to work with. But werewolves are cooler... Dragons!
3) What's your greatest fear?
Ummm.... Hell?
4) Why are you so freaking amazing?
Pft. Because I'm not. Duh.
5) Can I hug you?
Get your little tooshie over here and we will hug it out.
6) What anime do you relate on?
I'm not sure if I relate to just one anime. I feel like I can relate to the characters instead. And those characters vary greatly. They just all have these specific traits that fit with me.
7) Biggest dream in life?
Be an author/follow the path God has for me.
8) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? >:D
A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck word. Think I'm wrong? Logic through that.
9) The best thing that happened in your life?
Every single wonderful person who has blessed my life.
10) How much do you love your friend(s)?
To infinity and beyond times infinity.
11) Am I your friend? ;--;
You're one of my best friend.
12) Kinds of friends you want to have? (Not the "rich snobby" ones I'm talking about)
The awesome kind of course.
13) Do you think I'm... behind you?
No. Because I'm behind you ;)
Okay! My turn to make questions! Oh. And to tag people. I will do that in the comments.
1 – Why are you reading/were you reading my replies?
2 – L or A? (Your answers shall really amuse me ;D)
3 – You can only read one more story (fanfic or book or manga or whatever) before you are unable to read anything ever again. What do you read?
4 – What is your least favorite anime character and why?
5 – Who is your favorite author and why?
6 – Who is your favorite Wattpad writer and why?
7 – Say you won 5 billion dollars. What do you do?
8 – What is your favorite class?
9 – Say you could only eat one more thing for the rest of your life. What would that food be?
10 – Would you rather burp or hiccup continually for a minute?
11 – Avatar the Last Airbender or The Legend of Korra?
12 – How did we meet?
13 – Why are you my friend? (Sorry – I'm curious XD)
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