Part 67
Sean moved to press his back to the locker to stretch better, asking Mark with a curt smile. "Did you bring your skates?" Mark folded up the last of Sean's clothes to put in his bag, answering without thinking about it. "Ya. I always bring my skates... It's a habit." Mark zipped up the bag, then jerked his head up to ask with sudden unease. "Wait. Why do ask?" Nate chuckled, grabbing a paper bag from his locker to drop on the bench. Mark stared at the bag with confusion, while Nate casually informed him. "Felix isn't here. We need a cop for Sean's opener... Tag you're it." Mark blinked blankly at the two of them, gawking out. "I can't! I haven't practiced that!" Nate rolled his eyes, sarcastically staying aloud. "What's to practice? You hide. Shoot up the place. Grab Sean. Sounds like you." Sean swatted Nate's arm, causing Nate to laugh and Sean to smirk. Mark sighed, shaking his head slightly. Stepping away from the locker, Sean dropped down on the bench behind Mark. Mark cleared his throat, telling them both grimly. "Have you two forgotten? I'm banned from the ice... If I go out there-"
Nate leaned his shoulder against a row of lockers, quickly cutting in confidently. "I already checked with the ISU. You are banned from preforming your own routine. Which you aren't. You are helping Sean sell his own routine. It's perfectly legal." When Mark still shook his head, Nate tossed his arms up, saying desperately. "Come on! The routine will feel off without the cop! You HAVE to do it! We worked the whole routine to fit that character!" Mark blinked a bit stunned. Sean gestured for Nate to calm down, then cupped Mark's shoulders. Leaning close to his ear, Sean whispered playfully to him. "Please, Mark. I wanna skate with you... And besides... You get to take me from Nate. Don't you want that?" Sean stroked Mark's chest to try coaxing him into the idea. Mark smirked to himself, saying coolly over his shoulder. "I don't know what to do..." Sean kissed his cheek, purring out. "Just be you and you'll be fine." Nate grinned, giving him a shrug as he told him. "You saw us practice with Felix. You know the cues. You can skate. You can lift Sean. And most importantly... You love him."
Mark shifted on the bench, rushing out. "What? Why is that an important detail? Felix didn't love-" Nate just as quickly cut Mark off to tell him bluntly. "I helped Sean improve the routine. It needed a stronger opening and finish... So, I give you-" Nate pushed the bag closer to Mark before finishing with a wicked smile. "The lovesick prison guard. You're welcome. I know. I'm a genius. Now get your ass dressed. I'm on in a few minutes." Mark glanced back at Sean who blushed and mumbled out sweetly. "You wanted me to seduce you. It's easier to do... if you're on the ice with me. We had to have the uniform adjusted for you and everything... Please Mark? Let's just have some old-fashioned fun?" A smile pulled at Mark's lips, when he told them softly. "I don't know what to say..." Nate rolled his eyes, telling him flatly. "Say you'll get dressed!" Mark rose off the bench, moving toward Nate with his arms out in a welcoming hug. Nate quickly backed up, chuckling out. "No! Don't! Don't do that! A simple thank you is enough!" Mark dashed for him and Nate bolted around the locker room.
When Mark captured Nate in a hug, he squeezed him and playfully chuckled out. "Sean! Quick hug him!" Sean jumped to his feet as Nate squealed out. "NO! You're ruining my image! AH!" Sean hugged him, then tickled him for fun, causing Nate to let out a high-pitched squeal before he fell into fits of laughter. Security rushed into the locker room and froze with confusion. Sean stopped touching Nate, trying to act innocent... but it was hard when it looked like they were reenacting a prison rape scene. Bursting out laughing, Mark quickly released Nate. Nate cleared his throat, adjusting his clothes as he mumbled out to the guards. "What? You never seen a grown man get grabbed in the locker before?" Security stood in stunned silence, until Nate blushed out with a warm smile. "We were just fucking around. We're cool." Security slowly backed out, making the awkward tension build. At least, until the three of them started to laugh. By the time security relaxed enough to leave, Nate slumped against a locker and chuckled out. "Oh boy... We are so mature."
Mark grabbed the bag off the bench, starting to quickly get dressed as he answered. "I don't think we ever matured. We just... got older." Nate picked up his hat, nodding as his name was called. Nate pulled his black bandana up over his nose, extending a hand out for Sean as he asked him playfully. "You ready?" Sean puffed up his chest, chuckling out. "I'm going to question my sexuality after this... but ya. I'm ready." Nate wrapped an arm around Sean's waist, pulling him closer to his side. Winking at Mark, Nate told him nicely. "We'll be back." Mark nodded, waving them off as he continued to dress. Sean rested an arm on Nate's shoulder, swaying his hips as he walked out with Nate. They had practiced this so much that it came naturally to them. Tony started toward them, shooting out to them in passing. "HA! Beat those scores, Bitches!" Strutting right past Tony without looking at him, they made their way to the rink. The second they were seen; cat calls and whistles filled the stadium.
Nate stepped out onto the ice and turned to let Sean hop into his arms. Setting him down gracefully on the ice, Nate pressed up behind him to grab Sean's thighs. The girls in the crowd squealed, watching Sean turn slightly to push him away with a teasing grin. Nate came back to press himself up to Sean's front, lowering his bandana and removing his hat to block their fake kiss. Sean raised his leg up the outside of Nate's, removing Nate's gun to put in his own spandex shorts. Nate put his hat back on with a wicked grin, trying to skate away but Sean grabbed his arm like a lover trying to keep him from leaving. Nate touched Sean's cheek, then turned to leave again. This time, Nate got to the center of the ice, before patting himself down. Sean crossed his arms and tapped his foot with a smug grin. Reluctantly turning to face him, Nate slid back up to him. Sean turned to face the judges with a pouting expression. Nate moved up behind him, reaching around to slide his hands lovingly down Sean's sides and over to the front of his hips.
Sean arched his back, reaching up to wrap his arms around Nate's neck as he spread his legs. Nate kissed Sean's neck, carefully removing his gun from the front of Sean's shorts. The crowd cheered and the judges blushed. Nate holstered his gun, giving Sean's neck one last kiss, before quickly retreating away. Leaving Sean to stomp his foot and storm from the ice. The crowd ate it up as Nate started into his routine. Sean waited by the open gate, watching for his cues and watching Nate. Pulling the fake diamond necklace from the crotch of Nate's pants, Sean wrapped the long strands around his neck to show off his golden collar. When Nate finished by pretending to lay back and enjoy a grassy field, Sean clapped excitedly. Nate snatched a plushie guitar, sliding up to the gate to wrap Sean in a brief hug. Nate ventured to the Kiss & Cry, leaving Sean to inhale deeply. He'd be going up next and he was so nervous. He didn't want to screw this up. As Nate's scores popped up on the screen, Sean cheered loudly. Nate was in the lead right now with 123.8 points.
Nate jogged back up to him as Sean was called and his crew moved the covered cage out onto the rink. Nate rushed to the cage, lifting the cover to peek inside. Sean wondered if Mark had made it in time. His heart was racing with nerves. Nate gave Sean the thumbs up, moving closer to him to say sweetly. "He looks good. A real knight in shinnying armor type." Sean swatted Nate's chest, then began to play with the diamond necklace strands. Nate hugged him close, whispering to him sweetly. "Relax. We've done this a hundred times. You know what to do. All you have to do is get Mark's attention. How hard can that be?" Sean huffed sarcastically. Watching the cage stop in the center of the ice. He couldn't help wondering what Mark looked like in a uniform. Did he ever play a cop as a striper? Nate buttoned his now sleeveless vest up; then extended a hand out for him to take. Taking his bat prop from a crew member, Sean took Nate's hand once again and they headed out to circle around the cage to the sounds of loud cheers. Crossing before the crowd, Nate spread his legs and reached down between them.
Sean dashed up from behind him, couching with his bat out for Nate to grab and pull him through his legs. Upon standing up in front of Nate, Nate turned to press his back to his. Preforming the spread eagle in front of the crowd with their weapons at the ready. Nate held up his two pistols at shoulder height and Sean simply draped his bat across his shoulders lazily. At the turn, Nate turned back to face Sean's back, holstering his guns. Nate pulled his banana back down, reaching out to stroke a hand across Sean's neck to touch the diamonds still around his neck from his routine. Sean glanced over his shoulder with a coy innocent smile, then turned to face him. Nate quickly cupped Sean's waist, pulling him close. Nate's interest in getting the necklace back was obvious to the crowd but not to Sean's character. Sean tilted his head back, leaning back in Nate's arms as they spun around in slow circles back toward the cage. Stopping before the cage, Nate appeared to wrap his arms around Sean's neck and back, kissing his throat like a lover. Sean dropped his bat to the ice, running a hand down Nate's muscular bare arm lovingly.
Across the arena, the speakers blared a police siren and Nate yanked both Sean's gold collar and the diamond necklace off him. Sean faked a fall to the ice as Nate bolted and Mark flipped the cover to the cage. Sliding out around Sean, Mark fired shots out after Nate, then kicked the bat away from Sean's reach. Sean rose to make a dash for the bat, but Mark holstered his gun and rushed him. Hefting Sean up over his shoulder. The crowd roared to life. Sean squirmed in Mark's arms, until Mark carefully acted out a fall. Rolling to face each other, Sean's heart stopped. Mark looked damn good in a uniform. His police hat blocking his eyes from view in a sexy way. As Sean slowly rose up on all fours, Mark mirrored him. Getting to his feet, Sean went into a cartwheel and slid toward the bat. Picking it up, Sean turned and froze as he stared into the barrel of Mark's gun. Dropping the bat, Sean rose slow and sexy. Staring Mark down, he raised his hands and turned to face the crowd. Mark moved up behind him and Sean spread his legs. Mark's hands drifted down Sean's sides to his hips. While Sean casually looked over his shoulder.
The women cheered and laughed as Mark jerked his hands off Sean. Sean spun around, pressing up against Mark with a wicked grin. Mark drifted back a bit, almost afraid of him. Sean brought his lips closer to Mark, until Mark ducked and hefted him over his shoulder. The crowd laughed more as Sean pouted over Mark's shoulder. Mark took him into the cage, where he set him down. Quickly hefting him up into the ring. Mark then removed the cover and gathered up the bat to toss to the crew on the sidelines. However, Mark wasn't done yet. Swinging in the cage, Sean wickedly followed Mark as Mark patrolled the outside of the cage. The music started for his routine and Sean arched his back as the ring spun. Acting as playfully sexy as he could, he tried to get Mark's attention. Holding the ring tightly, Sean leaned back and winked at Mark. Mark hesitated in his casual pacing to watch him gracefully backflip out of the ring and onto the ice. Landing slightly crouched in a sexy pose, Sean spread his knees as his hands ran up his inner thighs upon standing up. Keeping his eyes locked on Mark through a curtain of green bangs, Sean spun to turn his back to the ring, but grabbed it like he wanted Mark to chain him to it.
Mark went into a small spin and grabbed the bars to watch him more. Sean kept his eyes on Mark completely forgetting that people were watching this. He was having too much fun trying to seduce Mark like this. It was fun. Swaying his hips from side to side to tease Mark into how much control he had. He adjusted his arms into the ring and flexed his arm muscles as he lifted himself enough to lay back across the ring. Laying like this caused his crop top to expose his muscular abs to Mark and the crowd. Outside the cage, Mark spun and grabbed a bar before arching his back to mimic him but with more of a stripper flare. Mark held his hat on as he did it, before straightening back up to lean on the bar with his arm draped across the bars above him. As the part for bad romance came up, Sean raised his legs off the ice and peddled the air to show off his long legs, then spread them wide for both the crowd and Mark. The women in the crowd screamed and burst into giggles. Mark grabbed the bars, sliding to his knees. Lowering his legs, Sean released the ring and slid up to Mark with one knee almost touching the ground.
Grabbing the bars just above Mark's hands, Sean rose and seductively swayed his hips in front of Mark. Mark leaned back from the bars, watching him. Sean opened his jacket, arching his back to let the jacket fall to the ice. Mark released the bars, causing Sean to grab his hands and pulled them through the bars to touch his loose bullet belt. Mark's hands timidly moved up Sean's front to touch his abs. While Mark touched him, Sean cupped Mark's chin and removed his cop hat to put on himself. Mark returned his hands to one of the bars, rising quickly to his feet. Sean grabbed the same bar, sliding to the opposite side as Mark. When Mark slid into the bars, Sean slid out. When Mark slid out, Sean slid back in. He was playing with. Teasing him. Doing a little spin in the cage, Sean held the cop hat seductively and leaned back against a farther set of bars with his legs spread. Mark spun outside the bars, taking a knee in front of Sean to kiss a trail up the leg he had exposed through the bars.
As Mark reached his thigh, Sean lowered the hat to cover his privates. The gesture got Mark to look up. Sliding his boot between Mark's legs, Sean coaxed Mark to stand up. The crowd whistled and Sean pressed against Mark to kiss him briefly. After the kiss, Sean tossed the hat into the cage. Mark moved to get it and Sean swatted his ass before holding the bar and bending over to slip out of the cage. Mark playfully staggered to the floor of the cage and Sean blew him a quick kiss. The crowd cheered and laughed harder than Sean had ever heard before. They loved this playful banter between them. Even the judges were grinning. Could they feel how real it felt? Pushing off from the cage, he left Mark to begin skating backward and into the turn to gather up speed. Drifting backward into the next turn, he leapt joyfully into the air off his right toe pick. Pulling his arms in tight, he collected enough speed to complete the three full rotations and landed gracefully on his left foot's outside edge with his right leg out in front of him. All his nerves were gone. He was genuinely having fun with Mark on the ice.
The crowd cheered for him, spurring him on. His smile just kept getting brighter. Sean took ahold of his raised right leg with both hands and went into a standing shotgun spin. Swinging his leg out of the shotgun spin, he reached out to grab his bat from Nate and went into a layback spin. Holding the bat over his chest, he completed the rotations. Upon straightening up, Sean draped the bat over his shoulders and glared at Nate. Nate beckoned him back to him, but as Sean moved hesitantly toward Nate... The crowd burst into lusty cheers! Sean spun around to see that Mark had torn his shirt open within the cage to reveal his own muscular abs and the chain around his neck with the police badge. Mark pulled his hat off, tossing it to the ground and grabbing the bars to sway his hips between them in a such a way that it made Sean and the audience blush. Mark ruffled his long dark bangs, flashing him a powerful grin that made Sean bite his lower lip. Forgetting about Nate, Sean headed for the straightaway before the judges. Arching his back into an Ina Bauer move, Sean held his bat level with the backs of his knees.
Keeping his eyes on Mark like a fascinated school boy, Sean rose from the Ina Bauer and winked at Mark. Leaping into a flying Camel Spin, Sean pressed the bat to his spine, a shy blushing expression crossing his face. From the Camel Spin, he bent his leg back to rise upright into a one handed Biellmann. While one hand held onto his skate to keep his leg up behind him, his free hand held the bat over his shoulder to bridge the gap between his shoulder and knee. Within the cage, Mark followed him with graceful spins. Grabbing the bars, he crouched down and beckoned to Sean from between the bars with a longing to have him. From the Biellmann, Sean hyperextended into a candlestick. Causing people in the crowd to gasp at his flexibility to bring his leg straight up behind him in a split. With both hands on his ankle, he held the bat straight up with his leg. Lowering his leg down, he brought it into a donut spin with the bat held against his spinning leg. From the donut spin, he sank into a broken leg layback sit spin. Sean was getting so dizzy, but that only helped to sell how in love and conflicted he felt.
Rising into a slow backward 'K' spin, that put his back flush with the cage as he drifted backward into it to stop. This bought him time to shake off his dizzy spell and let Mark caress him through the bars. Prying from the cage, Sean reversed his Biellmann. Spinning in the opposite direction took a lot of skill, but he nailed it. He even hyperextended it the same way. He hoped this was showing how his love for Mark was changing him emotionally. The audience was filled with shocked gasps and excitement as Sean nailed the reverse rotations. However, he still couldn't manage to bring his leg down this way. So, he let his leg swing out into a standing layback spin. Coming out of the layback spin, Sean turned to face Mark and ran up to slid across the ice on his knees. Stopping in front of Mark, Sean arched his back as he rose back up and then skated backward away from him. Laying his bat back across his shoulders, he flashed Mark a wicked grin and swayed his hips lustfully. The women in the crowd roared to life! All Sean saw was Mark's grin as he leaned on the bars to watch him.
At the turn, Sean dashed for the straightaway before the crowd. At the keywords of 'I'm a free bitch baby', Sean leapt into a Russian split with the bat still over his shoulders. The few women in the front rows squealed loudly. Acing the landing, Sean skidding to a stop in front of Nate, holding the bat over his shoulder like a bazooka as he fired the confetti cannon. The confetti burst out over Nate along with the little 'KABOOM' sign. Nate faked being shot and Sean kissed his bat before tossing it to Nate. Nate caught it and fell backward across the floor, making the judges laugh. Sean laughed himself, heading into the next turn with his arms out wide and his free leg raised out behind him. Feeling proud and confident in himself, he kicked off into his Triple Toe Loop. Bringing his arms to his chest, he completed the three rotations and flawlessly landed back down onto his dominate foot with his arms out wide. With no time to think, Sean turned and exhaled as he used the momentum to send him into his Triple Axel jump.
Kicking off into the air, he let his mind go blank and focused only on how good he felt. He wanted to spin fast and he did. He spun so fast that he felt free and alive. Unable to count the rotations, he simply stayed with the sensation of flying straight into his landing. Relaxing into the landing, he let his legs absorb the shock and balanced himself enough to catch the outside edge of his dominate foot. He felt his leg wobble a bit from the powerful momentum he had landed with. So, rather then tempt fate... he quickly transitioned into another broken leg layback spin to ease the tension off his leg. Once he felt steady again, he rose up into a corkscrew spin. The cheers from the crowd were so loud that he barely heard the music. Rushing back toward the cage, he reached out for Mark, who slid out from the bars to wait for him with a grin. Sean grabbed Mark's shoulders, letting Mark lift him up into the air by his hips. Sean cupped Mark's face and as Mark slowly lowered him down, he brought his lips to Mark's and kissed him. Wrapping his legs around Mark, Mark took him back into the cage and set him back up on the ring as the music faded.
Keeping his legs around Mark, Sean asked him over the deafening crowd. "I think I blacked out... Did I finish?" Mark pulled him down from the ring to kiss him more passionately, causing even the announcer to be drowned out as he tried to restore order to the stadium. Breaking the kiss, Mark told him in a voice loud enough to hear. "You stole the show!" Sean chuckled, hugging Mark briefly. Quickly bowing to the judges with Mark, they exited the bars and gestured Nate to come out with them. Nate quickly skated out to join them. Then together, they all took each other's hands and bowed to the crowd. Exiting the rink, the announcer still tried to bring the people down. Mark slipped on skate guards with Sean, heading to the Kiss & Cry. The announcer spoke with the judges, then regaled as the scores came up. "A flawless 335.50! A new record for this stadium!" Sean thought he might faint as the crowd burst into more thundering cheers! Unless, Tony pulled something miraculous out of his ass for his final skate... Sean had won!
Bursting into happy tears, Sean pulled Mark into a powerful hug. He was in shock. He could barely believe it! In his ear, Mark chuckled out. "Your Quadruple Axel at the end was overkill... and not to mention a HUGE risk... but I love you!" Sean buried his face in Mark's neck, happy beyond words. Stepping out from the Kiss & Cry, Sean hugged his friends and then saw Tony by the gate. The color was gone from his face. Tony was terrified. As the announcer called Tony's name for his final skate, Tony hesitated. Pulling from Mark, Sean moved up to Tony and tapped his arm. Tony looked at him with fragile eyes, growling out. "What? Come to rub it in!" Sean held a fist out to him, telling Tony warmly. "No. I just wanted to say good luck out there. Maybe this wasn't your year... But there is always next year." Tony timidly fist bumped Sean, then smirked at him before heading out onto the ice. Casually Mark walked up next to him, asking curiously. "Why did you do that? I thought you wanted to send out a hit on that kid not too long ago...?"
Sean smirked to himself, honestly telling him. "Maybe because I remember a kid that did the same thing to me during my first loss..." Mark blushed, wrapping his arms around Sean's shoulders. To Be Continued...
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