Part 65
Sean and Nate stayed up long into the night. Sitting with their backs to the bed, they ate popcorn and watched Russian horror movies. They didn't understand a word, but it just seemed to make it scarier. Otherwise, they guessed what was going on and ended up turning a horror film into a comedy. By the time they crashed from their sugar high, they missed their first two alarms. Around eight am, a knock at the door started to invade Sean's dream. Was he dreaming it? The knock came again and then the door unlocked. Sean sleepily opened his eyes, trying to wake himself up. The sounds didn't appear from his dream. The door opened and someone entered, uttering out under her breath in nervous English. "Housekeeping...?" Sean's eyes shot open, just as the woman jumped and yelped out something in speedy Russian. Sean sat up, thinking something bad happened. Instead, the Russian woman recovered and started gesturing around as she grumbled out in heavy Russian.
Sean didn't understand her unrest, until he looked around. The room was covered in pizza boxes and junk food bags. There was popcorn scattered everywhere from their popcorn fight. Crumbles and plastic cookie containers were all over the bed. While soda bottles, hot chocolate paper cups, and hotel water cups were scattered around from different throwing games they played. Laying behind him on the floor, Nate groaned out sourly. "Ugh... I learned a lesson... I think." Sean chuckled, running a hand through his hair and groaning himself. His whole side was in pain from sleeping on the hard floor. The Russian lady tossed her hands up, storming back out the door to get a bigger trash bag. Sean blinked, asking Nate groggily as he watched her. "Nate? How do you apologize in Russian?" Nate chuckled into the rug, mumbling out just as groggily. "Curl up on the ground and whimper... Look weak and fragile... They'll leave you alone." Sean burst out laughing, before commenting through a softer chuckle. "Nate, I think that's for bears."
Nate lifted his head, his hair ruffled in all directions as he shrugged out. "Still works. You don't need words to show how terrified you are of them." Sean shoved Nate back to the floor, then used the bed to stagger up onto his feet. His joints were stiff, and he felt sick. Leaning on the bed, he groaned out to Nate. "God, I hate getting old... Since when does sugar make me sick?" Nate rolled onto his back, muttering out dryly. "I don't know... but it's a cruel joke. We go our whole youth wanting candy... and then we're finally old enough to get it... and we can barely eat it." Sean chuckled into the blanket, then forced himself to go to the bathroom. When he came back, Nate was helping the lady clean up. Although, a few minutes Nate would stop to burp into his arm, or he'd stop for a bit because he got light-headed. From how patient she was being with Nate, he wondered if she thought they were hungover. After she had finished cleaning the room, the lady gave them fresh paper cups and pointed to the ice jug.
Nate didn't need to know Russian to get the message. Giving her the thumbs up, Nate took the cups with a smile. Sean finished dressing himself in his workout clothes, just as Nate fell back across the freshly made bed. Nate's enjoyment didn't last though, because Sean swatted his thigh and told him a bit reluctantly himself. "Come on. Off to the gym." Nate rolled onto his stomach, muffling out into the comforter. "Fuck you..." Sean tugged on him, chuckling out. "Think about Tony... You wanna him to beat us?" Nate raised his head, grumbling out. "I hate you... Fine... I'm up." Sliding off the bed, Nate dressed himself in his workout clothes and followed him out to the hotel's gym. The first place they went to was the morning yoga class. They needed to stretch, and it was the best opinion for them. Standing on the yoga mats, Nate winked at the women in the class. They were the only men here and the women found that funny. He felt like they had stumbled into a women's club.
The female instructor began the routine and the Nate as always was the center of attention. How Nate managed to make stretching sexy was beyond him. Sean tried to focus on just doing the moves, but it was hard when the women kept giggling like school girls. By the end, Nate had most of the women's numbers and got invited to the aerobics class. Sean got a number or two, but he flashed his ring and let them down easy. One of the women pouted, purring out to him. "She's a very luck girl." Sean was going to correct her but didn't. It wasn't important. Nate dragged him to the aerobatics class, telling him that it would help loosen them up. He knew better though. Nate just liked having fun. Nate wasn't an attention hound, but he did bring an energy to everything he did. Unable to say no, he followed him. This time the male aerobics instructor was the one that couldn't take his eyes off Nate. Sean was almost jealous of Nate. With aerobics over, they headed into the main gym and Sean asked him curiously. "How do you do that?"
Nate hopped up on the treadmill, asking right back nervously. "Do what?" Sean started walking on the treadmill, replying embarrassed. "Back there... The way you... I can barely do that on the ice without feeling... dirty after." Nate laughed, gripping the arms of the treadmill to keep himself from falling during his jog. When he recovered, Nate told him honestly. "I'm just having fun. I don't do it on purpose." Sean raised an eyebrow, mumbling out softly to him under his breath. "But they were laughing at you... They were..." Nate slowed down to look at as he told him casually. "And? You have to have the confidence to stand out. Why should hide in the shadows? I wanna have fun and do things that make me feel good. I'm still in my prime. I wanna enjoy it before I can't. I don't have time to deal with their petty behavior. Let them be too afraid to have fun. It won't slow me down."
Sean bit his lower lip, glancing around before discreetly asking. "But how do you do it? Mark, tried to show me... and it has worked with my routine... but I feel like I can do better..." Sean drifted off as a blush formed on his cheeks. Nate smirked, turning off the treadmill as he playfully teased back. "Are you asking me how to help you seduce the crowd or Mark? And here I thought you were so innocent..." Sean narrowed his eyes on Nate, until Nate chuckled out to him. "Alright. Alright. Come on. I'll show you." Sean hopped off the treadmill, letting Nate lead him back into the empty mirrored room they had been in for aerobics. Dropping his stuff, Nate closed the door and began to tell him seriously. "With guys like Mark and myself, confidence comes easy. We've learned to embrace the attention and only focus on the good that comes from it. You on the other hand. You shut down when you feel that attention. You like having fun, but you're afraid to go too far. You're a tease."
Sean folded his arms over his chest, but Nate moved up to the mirror to say honestly. "Don't be offended. That's just your style. You like giving them something to imagine. Something to think about." Nate beckoned Sean up beside him, adding in seriously. "With your Harley routine, that is what you want. You want to tease the crowd but give yourself to Mark. So, I suggest that you remember that you're not a girl... Your last routine was great... but you girls don't want to see you move like a woman. They wanna see you move like a man." Sean tossed his hands up, snapping out. "That changes everything!" Nate pointed a stern finger at him, snapping out. "No, it doesn't! Watch and learn." Nate walked him through a few transitions from his other routine, until he got it down and was able to put in his own flare to it. Once they finished, they hopped back onto the equipment and worked out for a few hours. Burning off the sugar was harder than eating it, but they managed to get enough of the calories burned down.
Feeling exhausted and sweaty, they went to the gyms 'healthy' snack bar to get a drink and cool down a bit. They were discussing about going to the hospital, when Nate suddenly growled out. "Oh fuck... Here comes the little shit..." Sean turned slightly in his seat to see Tony Tornado strut into the gym. Puffing himself up when he saw them, Tony stated aloud boldly. "Well, look at you two... Trying to melt yourselves down a few pounds? Guess old dogs get heavy with age." Nate nudged Sean, stating aloud sarcastically. "Oh, look at that. The kid named himself after a natural disaster. Guess that's how he performs. Comes in strong and ends up fucking everything up around him." Sean laughed, chuckling back out to Nate. "The only way he'll win is if he literally 'blows' the judges away." Nate burst out laughing, causing Tony to stiffen and sneer back. "Laugh all you want. You're just jealous because my quadruple axel will win this. While you two are skating antiques!"
Tony huffed, lifting his chin as he strutted off. Which caused Nate to snap out teasingly. "Careful blowing all the hot air around. Or these weathered antiques are going to make you look like the puffed-up wind bag you are!" Tony flicked them off and both Nate and Sean responded in kind. Lowering their hands, Sean grumbled out. "I'm going to smack Felix when I see him. How could he let that arrogant ass compete!" Nate shrugged, mumbling out dryly. "Well, you know Felix... He never seems to do anything you expect him too." Sean dropped his head down on his arms, growling out. "Ugh! No respect..." Nate stirred his drink, saying softly. "Why do you think I stopped coaching after a year? Hell, it's why I refuse to have kids now. I don't need the drama and disrespect..." Sean raised his head, saying lightly. "Oh great... Now we've become those old guys that bitch about the younger generation." They both shared a laugh, before Nate playfully stated aloud. "Back in my day, the kids got whipped with belts!"
Sean shock his head, retorting innocently. "No. Mine was a wooden spoon." They laughed some more, until they were ready to hit the showers. After a hot shower and dressing into fresh clothes, they made their way to the hospital. Stacy greeted them with hugs, then took them to see Roslyn. As they walked down to her room, Stacy informed them anxiously. "Roslyn is awake and recovering... but Rasputin is fresh out of surgery. So, we won't be able to see him today. He had three broken ribs and a fractured arm. Not counting his bruises and lacerations that needed to be stitched back up. They say he'll be ok... but I wanna see him..." Sean rubbed her back to comfort her, allowing her to continue on a bit shakily. "I've been trying to keep Roslyn calm... She's been so worried about her brother and... the ISU came to inform her on her and her brother's removal... She took it hard." Nate nodded, grimly replying. "We don't think it's right... They should have just canceled."
Stacy shrugged, telling them both lightly. "The Olympics only comes around every four years. With the Winter Olympics coming up in a few months... They just couldn't risk waiting... Or so they told Roslyn. To make matters worse. They slapped Roslyn and Rasputin with a fine for cheating and have banned them from future skating events." Sean winced, mumbling out grimly. "What a way to go out... How is she?" Stacy licked her dry lips, before whispering softly. "She's coming around. I promised her that she could help me run my rink. The kids always need lessons... but she's not ready. So, just be gentle with her." Stacy knocked then opened the door slowly. When she saw that Roslyn was decent, she let them in. Roslyn was propped up in bed with her arm in a sling. Her shoulder appeared to be wrapped up beneath a hospital gown. Upon seeing them, she grinned and extended her good arm out to them. Sean hugged her first, then stepped aside to let Nate hug her.
To cheer her up, Nate kissed her cheek and purred out to her sweetly. "I know we're terrible skaters... but this? Don't lower yourself to our pitiful level." Roslyn chuckled, playfully teasing back. "Wanted to give you a handicap." Nate chuckled, taking a seat on the bed to hold her hand. Roslyn face fell a bit, when she asked them. "So, you heard?" They nodded, spurring Sean to pipe in. "We wanted to drop out and rebel... but they'd only replace us. By staying in, we're forcing the ISU to donate merch sales to you and your brother." Roslyn smiled, uttering under her breath. "You're both sweet... You didn't have to do that for me..." Nate patted her hand, sweetly telling her. "Maybe we didn't start as friends. But we are now. This is what friends do. We look out for each other." Sean pulled a chair up to sit down, nicely saying. "It should be you out there." Roslyn sighed, casually informing them. "No... They are right... I cheated. I should have listened to you, Sean... We both should have."
Sean cupped both her and Nate's hand, honestly saying. "I'm just glad you're both alive." Roslyn nodded, squeezing their hands in turn. Sean rose to kiss her cheek too, just as Stacy's phone rang. Kissing her cheek, Stacy nudged him and asked him nicely. "Sean, can you get my phone on the table there? That might be my dad." Sean quickly made his way over and picked up her phone, reading off an unknown number to her. He thought about letting it voicemail, but Roslyn and Stacy both coaxed him into answering it. Backing up from the others, he answered it. His heart skipping to the sound of Mark's voice. Slipping from the room, Sean sat just outside the door. Over the phone, Mark told him lovingly. "Hey sweetheart, you miss me?" Sean curled up with the phone, smiling as he told him. "Yes... Mark, are they going to release you?" Mark sighed on the line, saying in a drained tone. "They say they will, but they want to know my side of the story. All the fights and stuff... Lots of boring paperwork. I'm exhausted... I've been up all night."
Sean rested his head on the cold wall, saying lovingly. "Did they tell you what happened to Roslynand Rasputin?" Mark answered with asaddened. "Ya. They fill me in." For a minute silence fell between them, whenMark told him blissfully. "I saw youskate. You were breathtaking. I wish I had been there for it." Sean sniffled a bit, mumbling out. "I just wish you were here." Over the phone, Sean heard an echo of thehospital announcement for a doctor to report somewhere and froze. Behind him, a warm voice sweetly told him. "Turn around." Sean whirled around, dropping the phone atthe sight of Mark. Mark hung up thephone and handed it back to Stacy's dad. Sean bolted to his feet, embracing him with the tightest hug that hecould. To Be Continued...
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