Part 56
Mark laid on his side about an hour later, his arm wrapped around Sean's shoulders. They had snuggled themselves under the covers and he was eating pizza. Mark enjoyed watching the snowfall outside the window, while listening to the Christmas music on the TV. It was peaceful. Beside him, Sean was nestled against his side and sleeping soundlessly. Mark stroked Sean's arm, loving how this felt. He couldn't imagine life getting better than this moment. The warmth of the pizza box seeped into the sheets, helping them keep warm. Sean shifted to drape a leg over his waist, moaning in his sleep. Smirking, Mark rubbed his back. Sean swore up and down that he wasn't tired for so long but having sex as much as they had put him right out. Mark finished his pizza slice, then picked his phone up. He had missed messages from Stacy. He skimmed a few, before texting her back that they were alright. He felt bad that they wouldn't be joining her at the spa. She was fine with it though.
She was just happy they were having fun. Mark even texted her that Sean's phone was... waterlogged. She began suggesting if she could come over. However, he looked at Sean's sleeping form and texted her that they'd meet them for dinner. He wanted Sean to get some rest. This was the most peace he was going to get for a while. Mark set an alarm to get him up before dinner, then snuggled himself down to embrace Sean. Kissing Sean's forehead, he laid himself down to nap a bit himself. After staying up all night on a coffee high, he felt like he was finally ready to sleep. Falling asleep with Sean in his arms was the best feeling. He didn't know how long he had been asleep for, until his alarm started to go off softly. Inhaling deeply, he rolled over to turn it off sleepily. Holding the phone up, he stared at the screen until his eyes adjusted better. It was almost six in the evening. He started to groan to himself at the thought of getting up, but he had to get his schedule in order.
They'd need to sleep tonight in order to make the plane and get everything done in Russia. Mark winced with a throaty giggle as Sean's lips suckled his nipple. Shifting slightly, he purred out in a gruff giggly voice. "Don't... I'm raw..." Sean giggled, shifting over him to nuzzle his face into his neck. Mark dropped his phone to slide his hands around Sean's waist. Against his neck, Sean purred out in a playful voice. "It's hard to tell. Your nipples are so dark." Mark rolled his eyes, then quickly rolled Sean over to pin him against the bed. Sean laughed, raising his legs around his waist. Mark kissed Sean's lips passionately, breaking the kiss to tell him seriously. "We've got to get dressed. I told Stacy that we'd have dinner with them." Sean groaned reluctantly, mumbling out hopefully. "Mark... Can't we just stay here? I don't want to see those giggling girls... I wanna stay in and cuddle." Mark kissed him briefly, before climbing off him and answering lightly. "We can't avoid them forever. And as much as I love cuddling you... I think we should pace ourselves."
Sean turned seductively on his side, propping his head up with his hand as he chuckled out. "What's this? Is the great Mark... worn out?" Mark removed some clothes from his suitcase, before locking eyes with Sean and chuckling out. "Hey, I do most of the work... and your boundless energy isn't human." Sean rose up onto his knees, scooting to the edge of the bed to wrap his arms around his neck. Bringing his lips close to Mark's, he seductively purred to him. "Then you lay down and I'll straddle you. Let me do some of the work." Mark raised an eyebrow, chuckling out. "You wanna ride me? What am I? A horse?" Sean winked at him, giggling over his lips with a blush. "Gladly... You're built like a stallion." Mark puffed himself up with pride, grinning brightly. As much as he liked Sean stroking his ego... he could see right through him. He was trying to seduce him back to bed. Taking a deep breath, he purred out in a deep loving tone. "Trying to flattery me now? You're such a tease..."
Sean brushed his lips over his, whispering breathlessly. "Come on, Mark... Show me who's boss..." Mark kissed Sean, wrapping his hands around him. Grasping his thighs, Mark spread Sean's legs and hefted him up into his arms. Sean squealed, claiming his lips in a heated kiss. Turning around, Mark carried him to the bathroom to pin him up against the cold tile wall. After a long heated kiss, Mark set him down and stepped back. Sean stayed against the wall, playfully asking him. "Mark? Where are you going?" Mark stepped out of the door, telling him with a devilish grin. "You need to cool down, Jackaboy. Or we're going to be late." Sean's smile fell and he snapped out sternly. "Mark! Don't you fucking dare!" Mark's grin turned more wicked as he turned the shower knob to cold water. Sean's voice broke into sharp squeals as the icy water splashed over him. Mark kept the shower door closed just to be sure that he got soaked, then let him out. Sean dashed from the shower, bouncing in place as he chatted out. "Y-y-you b-bastard..."
Mark kissed his cheek, purring to him lovingly. "Get dressed, Sweetheart." Sean slapped his chest, causing Mark to quickly retaliate by pinching his ass. Sean scrambled out of the bathroom with a yelp. Mark chuckled, going back out himself to dress. Mark dressed quick enough, but Sean was dragging his feet. He really didn't want to go. They moment they got down into the lobby, Mark finally understood why. The rush of women swarmed Sean. All of them giggled and asked him questions that made Sean blush a deep red. Stacy shooed most of them in order to rescue him, before leading them out into the dinning hall. She had reserved them all seats. Sitting down at the table, Stacy sat across from them, asking Mark curiously. "So...? It went well? When you didn't join us at the Spa, I got worried." Mark cleared his throat, pulling the menu closer as he answered. "Ya, I know. Since everything got bumped... I just took him to the private Spa early." Stacy smiled, chuckling out mostly to herself. "Must have been really fun. I'm honestly surprised you had the energy to join us."
Sean slumped down in his chair, mumbling out under the burst of giggling women. "Wasn't my idea..." Mark nudged him, replying nicely. "We slept mostly. It's been a long trip." Stacy nodded, her eyes full of playful doubt. One of the women by Sean, leaned in to ask him in a voice that was anything but discreet. "So...? How was he?" Sean opened his mouth to say something. Only to have Stacy burst out. "Mary! Don't ask him that at the table! There are kids here!" Mary waved a dismissive hand, chuckling out. "You just don't wanna know for personal reasons. However, I would LOVE to know." Another woman nudged Mary, sternly hissing out. "Mary! Jesus... You're talking about her Ex... She doesn't wanna hear how much he enjoyed Mark over her." The second the words left her mouth; the woman gasped and clamped her hand over her mouth. Some of the women chuckled awkwardly, trying to chat amongst themselves. Mark's eyes went to Stacy, who took a deep breath and lifted her menu up enough to hide her face.
He had been around enough women to know that was a bad sign. Leaning into Sean, he whispered something to him. Sean nodded, starting to stand as he asked Stacy sweetly. "Hey, Stacy? You wanna help me pick out the cake for later? You know I'm hopeless..." Stacy set down her menu with a small smirk, climbing to her feet without looking at anyone. Once the two of them were far enough away, the women all started heatedly snapping at each other. They acted like he wasn't even there which felt weird. While looking over the menu, he couldn't help eavesdropping on them a little. One of the women snapped out to another. "God, Sharon! You and your big mouth! As if she's not depressed enough." Another woman snapped out darkly. "She wasn't lying. I'm honestly surprised she's even here... What are we supposed to do? Walk on eggshells because they used to be a thing? Come on! My Ex is banging an eighteen-year-old hooker. You don't see me whinnying about it."
One of the women huffed loudly, stating out bluntly. "No one asked you, Karen! Besides, they are friends." Karen leaned over the table more, jeering out with a fake smile. "More like she still can't get over him. She's so damn clingy... I swear, did you hear her at the Spa? She's actually thinking about becoming his surrogate for a kid they may not even want! What man will want her if she spreads her legs for a-?" Mark slammed his hand on the table, causing them all to jump. He shot them fowl looks, then turned to look at Stacy. Stacy stood staring at them with watery eyes. Some of the women rose, calling out her name. Staring them down, she told them sternly. "You're not going to Russia with me. You can find your own way home." Turning on her heel, Stacy began to run from the dining hall. Sean waited to see who would run after her, but no one moved. Mark coaxed him to chase after her and Sean didn't wait a second longer. Stacy's dad turned on a bar stool with the guys, asking her if she was ok. Stacy only dodged him, kicking off her heels and racing off toward the door.
Sean picked up his pace to try and catch her, leaving Mark to explain to the guys what was going on. Stacy dashed out of the hotel doors and out into the snow. Sean called her name, but she ignored him as she shoved her way through the crowd. He got buffed by the crowd. Some of them slowing him on purpose thinking she was running from him. He managed to break free of them and psyched himself up into an all-out run. Stacy was the fastest runner in school and he really had to push himself to keep her in his sights. She cut through the woods, causing her dress to rip on the jagged branches. Sean lost sight of her but followed her footprints as best he could in the dark. He burst from the woods into a park, just as Stacy stumbled and fell into the snow a good distance away. Staggering to her feet, she limped and then tried to take off running again. Sean started to run out, when Stacy blindly slammed into a man standing by the frozen lake. They both went down into the snow. Stacy tried to run away, but the man grabbed her arm to stop her.
In her distraught state, she slapped the man so hard that the hood of his jacket fell back to reveal a familiar face. Sean slammed into a tree in shock, holding onto it as he watched Rasputin grab her tightly by her arms. Stacy struggled against him. Sean started to step out. Only to stop himself. Rasputin rolled to his knees, staring into her face with concern. He couldn't hear what he said, but Stacy settled enough to curl into a ball and cry. Rasputin loosened his grip on her, looking over how her green dress was barely clinging to her body. Her dress was covered in rips and her stockings were torn to hell. Even from this distance he could see her shaking from the cold. Rasputin glanced around for someone and Sean slipped behind the tree. He didn't know what to do. He was curious why Rasputin was still in Canada. Rasputin removed his jacket and draped it around her. Rasputin then reached up to brush Stacy's hair from her face and Sean inhaled deeply. For a brief moment, he thought this might be Roslyn... but he didn't have the tattoo.
There was no doubt that this was Rasputin. Sean was going to step out and chase him off, but something in him told him to wait. Rasputin climbed to his feet, carefully reaching out to help her up. Stacy staggered to her feet, then fell into him as she grabbed her leg. Rasputin kneeled to look at her leg. His hand went directly to her ankle and she yanked her leg away with a pained expression. Rasputin adjusted and picked her up into his arms. He started to walk away, and Sean followed him at a distance. He wanted to make sure that he wasn't going to do anything funny with her. Rasputin carried her to a well lit street square. The place had a beautiful frozen water fountain and was decorated in bright Christmas lights. He took her to a table outside a little restaurant, ordering something before kneeling in front of her again. Rasputin then scooped up snow and pressed it to her ankle. He seemed to ask her something and she answered. Sean couldn't hear over the bustling crowd. However, taking a seat on a bench beneath a tree, he watched him smirk and say something that made her chuckle.
The waitress came back with cups of hot chocolate that Rasputin paid for. Stacy held her cup close, clearly opening up to Rasputin. Sean tensed with worry. He didn't trust Rasputin. His very name was branded with being a player and yet... as he watched them. He saw a weird side of Rasputin. He looked... calm? He was so used to see him with an ego... but right now, Rasputin was simply... just a guy. He eventually sat down across from her, letting her rest her feet across his legs to keep them off the snow. He'd warm his hands on his cup, then put them on her feet as they talked about something. He began to think this was all a set up. Another way to get at him. Although, he shot it down as Rasputin reached out to brush her cheek with his thumb. The gesture was innocent, and he didn't let his hand linger. As much as he hated Rasputin, he was happy that he cared enough to look out for her. When he started to feel like a creeper, he discreetly took his leave.
He had seen enough. More than enough to know that Rasputin wasn't going to hurt her or abandon her somewhere. The whole way back to the hotel, he felt strangely jealous. It had never occurred to him that Stacy might find a guy to settle down with. Most of the guys back home weren't interested in her because they knew she had her eyes on him since they were kids. Otherwise, they just weren't interested in what she liked. Hell, none of them had even left Ireland or even their hometown. He had relied on her to always be there for him. Now he wondered if he had been the one holding her back. The women thought of her as the 'clingy' one... but he felt like the clingy one now. He didn't want to lose his best friend. Twisting the ring on his finger, he made his way back into the hotel. He found Mark sitting at the table with the guys now. He didn't see the women though. As he approached the table, Stacy's dad jumped to his feet, asking with concern. "Where is she? Is she alright?"
Sean nodded, gently saying aloud. "She's alright now. She a... She kind of... ran into someone and they're talking." Stacy's dad rolled his eyes, mumbling out to the guys reluctantly. "Oh no... Not a Canadian..." One of the guys chuckled, asking with a wide grin. "Wallace? What's wrong with a Canadian?" Wallace let out a heavy sigh, mumbling out. "Nothing's really wrong with them... but... Well, if she gets involved with a Canadian, then I'll have to put hockey stuff in my rink!" The guys burst out laughing, until Sean innocently interjected. "She's not with a Canadian." All the guys fell silent. Mark leaned forward, asking curiously. "Jack... Who's she with?" Sean cleared his throat, nervously regaling discreetly. "Um... Well... He's a figure skater. And quite famous... He might be going to the Championships." Mark raised an eyebrow, asking with a light chuckle. "Nate? That's-" Sean shook his head. Half of the guys got it and spewed their beers across the table. To Be Continued...
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