Part 36
Upon leaving the rink for the day, Sean was stopped by a young man. The young man stuck his leg out to keep him from passing him in the hall, teasing out. "Third place? That must sting a bit, huh? Here I thought I'd have to work for a place in Regionals because of you... Oh, well. Hope you had fun while it lasted." Sean clenched his jaw, debating hard on whether it was worth punching a kid. Mark broke them up by rushing in to snap out. "Go fuck yourself, Tony. I hear they have lengthy mirrors in the bathrooms now. All you need is a dick stretcher. Have fun." Tony dropped his leg in shock and Mark shoved him to the wall with a firm hand to clear Sean a path. Sean started storming down the hall, working his way to the doors. He had just made it to the doors, when Stacy approached, asking with concern. "Sean? What's wrong?" Sean just waved at her and kept walking to the motel. Mark patted her shoulder, racing after Sean. The second Mark unlocked the room with the card key, Sean walked in and threw his skates onto the bed with a frustrated curse.
Mark closed the door, telling Sean reassuringly. "Easy. You still placed third. That's not bad." Sean whirled around with tears running down his face as he snapped back. "It's pitiful! I'm better than that! I know I am! I haven't placed third in anything since I was a kid!" Mark dropped his work bag, retorting bluntly. "You're still recovering from an injury. You can have all the talent in the world, but your body must feel ready to preform them. Those jumps have you shaking on your skates. You did very well. Tomorrow you will do better." Sean shook his head, sniffling as he shot back defeatedly. "Mark... This is my last shot... and I can't focus. I can't 'feel' anything out there..." Mark closed the gap between them, pushing him gently against the wall. Cupping Sean's face, he kissed him, before whispering to him calmly. "You're nervous. It's ok. You're putting too much pressure on yourself. What did I say? Pretend like you've already lost and just have fun." Sean raised a hand to wipe his tears away, causing Mark to kiss his cheek lovingly.
After another brief kiss between them, Mark told him sweetly. "Go take a hot bath. Relax. Let me worry about tomorrow." Sean nodded reluctantly, slipping off into the bathroom. Mark waited until he heard the tub filling, before turning on the news. Dropping onto the corner of the bed, he let out a heavy sigh and prepared for the worst. On the TV, Linda Locker chuckled with her co-worker, before stating out. "In other news, Nationals finally kicked off this week. A lot of fresh young talent out there. Including this Tony 'Twister.' Tony is reshaping figure skating with his Quintuple jump. Which could make the professionals quiver in their boots. However, it was skater star, Sean Mcloughlin, that really stole the scene." The news broadcasted a few of Sean's jumps. Zooming in on his almost disastrous fall. Linda Locker let out another chuckle, while her co-worker told her. "He's looking a little shaky out there. Think the pressure is breaking him?" Linda answered as the image repeated. "It sure seems that way. Sean barely kept his footing on those jumps."
Mark rolled his eyes. The kids he had seen had fallen on their ass in lesser jumps. He hated that they picked on Sean for every detail. The image changed to Sean kissing Mark before the skate, while Linda added teasingly. "He was probably distracted. With the relationship between him and his coach coming out. It can't be easy to focus, knowing the crowd might be divided on it. Although, I'm curious if there is more to this story?" Mark raised an eyebrow as the camera zoomed in on Sean's hand to see the ring. A few people in the studio gasped, while Linda's co-worker added out just as teasingly. "If that is an engagement ring, then Sean is certainly repeating history." Linda told the viewers with a smile as her image came back. "It didn't bring him much luck the first time, that is for sure." Mark gritted his teeth, when they cut to a reporter talking to a veteran skater. Matthew crossed his hands over his chest as the reporter asked him. "Tell us MatPat, do you think Sean will be dusting off his old freestyle routine for this comeback? After all, he brought back his Frozen Riverdance."
Matthew stared at the ground for a minute, before he looked up to say with a warm smile. "Nah. Sean is smarter than that. His Frozen Riverdance is all his own. Bringing that back was important to show off where he comes from. It's a symbol of why he started skating. But his freestyle... I think Sean will give us something special. He's not making a comeback to do the same old routines." Mark smirked, raising the remote to change the channel. His finger only touched the button, when Sean told him in a soft voice. "I don't know if I can do the Harley routine, Mark... They are expecting me to be... I don't want to screw it up and look like a fool. I'm not sexy." Mark pressed the button to switch the channel, then looked at Sean's blushing face. Sean was half hiding behind the doorframe, his lean pale skinned body dripping wet. His dripping green bangs hung over one of his eyes, while his lower half was wrapped in a fresh white towel. Mark licked his dry lips, staring at the way Sean's long legs rubbed nervously together.
Even the way his gold gauges glinted in the dim lamp light was making his heart race. Mark dropped the remote, not caring that it fell to the floor. Slowly standing up, he told a blushing Sean in a deep loving voice. "Come here, baby." Sean very slowly moved out of the bathroom, keeping his eyes on the carpet. Mark slid his hands over Sean's wet hips, pulling him closer to growl lustfully into his ear. "You have no idea what you do to me... and I'll be clawing the wall when you preform for THEM. You have the body for it. Use it." Mark moved his hands down Sean's lower back, forcing the towel down as he moved his hands farther down to squeeze his ass. Sean yelped with embarrassment, grabbing the front of the towel to keep it from falling off. Mark nuzzled Sean's neck with brief lustful kisses, before licking up a droplet of water that had trickled down his neck to his collarbone. Sean shivered in his arms, mumbling out breathlessly. "Mark... I can't. I'm still sore..." Mark lightly traced his lips up the curve of Sean's ear, chuckling out in a deep breathless teasing tone. "Oh? That's too bad. Guess you'll have to suffer."
Mark grabbed Sean's ass harder, lifting him off the ground to toss him onto the bed playfully. Sean bounced on the bed, giggling as he shut his legs and tried to adjust the towel. Mark put his hands on the bed, letting out a playful growl. Sean put his foot on Mark's shoulder to fend him off, giggling out. "No, Mark. Please? Think of my routine." Mark grabbed Sean's foot, biting his ankle lovingly. Sean burst out into laughter from how his teeth must have been tickling him. Pulling Sean closer by his ankle, Mark told him sweetly. "I'm not going to sleep with you. I'm going to tease you." Sean looked so innocent, upon asking shyly. "Why would you do that?" Mark crawled over Sean on all fours, purring down to him with a grin. "Did you learn anything from all that exotic dancing? It's not what you give people. It's what you make them think they are getting from you." Sean smirked, mumbling out before biting his lip. "So, you're going to tease me so badly that you'll make me think that you're fucking me?"
Mark tilted his head with a wicked grin, telling him softly. "I'm going to get you started. Then YOU are going to try and get me." Sean blushed so red that Mark had to bite his lower lip to keep himself from biting him. Mark forced Sean's legs down between his legs, then adjusted over him to brush his chest over Sean's torso. As he arched up, he pressed his lips to Sean's and teasingly grinded his hips over him. Sean moaned into the kiss, his hands going to Mark's sides to hold him lightly. Breaking the kiss, Mark sat up on Sean, still rocking his hips over the towel between them. Mark tilted his head back, pulling the hem up his shirt very slowly up his body. Sean's hands went for Mark's belt. Mark tossed his shirt away, glancing down with a wicked smirk to see Sean tracing the buckle with his fingers. Mark took his wrists, pulling his hands up his body as he swayed his hips over him. Sean's voice cracked, when he strained out breathlessly. "How much did you charge for this?" Mark released Sean's wrists, leaning back down over him to answer over his tender lips. "Touching is extra. So, per lap dance... about fifty bucks with touching included."
Mark kissed Sean's cheek, feeling how warm they felt beneath his cool lips. Sean giggled, whispering weakly. "I can't afford you." Mark chuckled in his ear, replying in a loving voice. "I'd pay more for you." Stopping, Mark grabbed Sean and rolled him on top of him. Sean covered his face, shaking his head as he mumbled out. "I can't..." Mark laid his arm over his head, letting them hang off the bed as he told Sean. "There is no one watching but me. I don't expect you to be a pro. Just try it. You might like how it feels." Sean dropped his arms onto Mark's chest, sarcastically muttering out. "How does it feel exactly?" Without hesitating, Mark answered sweetly. "Makes you feel confident, sexy, in control, and admired. It's a good feeling." Sean snorted, slowly rising on all fours as he grumbled out. "I hate this..." Mark smirked, retorting playfully. "You always say that, but you were enjoying yourself when you were dancing on the ice back home. You sway your hips real nice on the ice."
Sean cleared his throat with a reluctant smirk, causing Mark to grin wickedly. Mark glanced down at the way Sean was kneeling between his legs, telling him in a gruff voice. "First lesson. Spread your legs and straddle me." Sean glanced down asking curiously. "Why? What does that matter?" Mark rose up slightly to say by his ear. "It will allow me to cross my legs. Unless you want to feel how worked up I get?" Sean raised his legs in turn to allow Mark to slide his legs together beneath him. Mark laid back down, watching Sean sit on his waist. Mark moved his hands to Sean's waist, telling him sweetly. "Why so shy? You roll your hips on me during sex? Why is this any different?" Sean rolled his eyes, mumbling out. "Because I feel like I'm faking it..." Mark playfully rolled his hips beneath Sean, while his hands helped Sean stay seated on him. Sean shook his head shyly, his hips stiff as the resisted him. Mark sat up, wrapping his arms around Sean and coaxing him to grind over him.
With their lip's inches from each other, Mark breathless told him in a serious tone. "People are going to laugh at you no matter what you do. They'll always find something to dig at. If you stop trying things because you are afraid of what people will think... You'll never have fun. You've got to break out of that cage, Sean. Walk with me on the wild side. Go crazy with me?" Mark let Sean's lips press against his, feeling him starting to grind on him without his help. After their heated kiss, Sean purred out to him with lusty eyes. "Are you trying to tease me? Or give me a pep talk for tomorrow's performance?" Mark grinned, whispering lovingly. "Both. I'm teaching you to tease me, because when you get on that ice tomorrow as Harley... I want you to tease that whole crowd." Sean rolled his eyes but pushed Mark down to start swaying his hips over him. Crossing his legs a little, Mark tried to focus enough to train Sean... but really he didn't need his help. Sean could do enough all on his own. He was going to break a few hearts tomorrow.
By the next morning, they were running a little late. Mark left Sean with Stacy to get him ready, while he checked him in for the last program. Today's order was different. They would be going on the rink based on their score ranks from yesterday. Which put Sean third to go on. Mark collected his pass and jogged back to the locker room. Tony was already on the ice doing his routine. Sean was practically bouncing in the locker room as Stacy fixed his spandex underwear. Mark blushed seeing how the black fishnet stockings showed off every curve of Sean's thin legs. Stacy then pulled out a black pen, popping off the cap with her teeth as she told him sternly. "Stand still." Mark clenched his jaw with jealousy, watching her write under Sean's belly button in big beautiful Victorian print; 'Lucky You.' Sean's happy trail was light enough that she easily wrote around the hair. Standing up she told Mark, seriously. "My father has the cage ready. Just be sure to catch the bat." Mark nodded, watching Stacy draw a heart under Sean's eye.
While Stacy got all of Sean's make-up done, Mark listened to them call Ethan out. They still had some time, but he was nervous about getting everything together. This routine would make or break them. Stacy picked up Sean's shiny jacket, telling him seriously. "Remember. Harley takes no shite from anyone. You go out there and show them nothing but attitude." Sean slipped his jacket on, chuckling out. "So... just be a dick?" Stacy laughed softly, while Mark corrected nicely. "No. You want them to desire you, knowing damn well that they can't have you." Sean lifted his baseball bat to rest it on his shoulder, chuckling out. "Oh... Well, that won't be hard." Mark couldn't stop himself from grinning as he looked over Sean. He looked like the perfect blend of Harley and a colorful punk. Sean drummed his fingers on the handle of his bat. Mark loved the way the fingerless gloves looked on him. Stacy quickly draped the thick gold collar around Sean's neck, making his gold gauges stand out more.
The second she buckled a thick black bullet belt loosely around his waist, the judges called out Sean's name. Mark took a deep breath, hoping this worked. Sean seemed confident enough after their harmless lap dance fun... but could he maintain that attitude during his routine? Sean walked up to him, swaying his hips in a way that would make Harley blush. Mark could barely remember his own name, when Sean stopped long enough to ask him teasingly. "What's wrong, Mark? Feel like you created a little monster?" Mark let out a nervous chuckle, telling Stacy with flushed cheeks. "We're getting banned... I can feel it." They all shared a hearty laugh in response as they made their way out to the rink. Sean strutted down the hall with his head held high and Mark gawked at him. He was glowing today. As the other skaters saw him, their jaws hit the floor. They all looked like they belonged at a kiddie table, while Sean was an adult's wet dream. Stacy chuckled, nudging Mark playfully as she cooed out. "I think half these kids just felt their balls drop."
Mark laughed with her, beaming proudly at the way Tony's eyes looked over Sean like he'd never seen so much skin in his life. Ethan covered his face but peeked through his fingers with a blushing grin as Sean passed them all without giving them a second glance. Sean came to win. All they had to do now was ace the routine. To Be Continued...
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