Part 15
Sean held him tightly in his arms. He didn't care if he squeezed Mark too hard. He just wanted to make sure that he stayed. Burying his head in Mark's neck, he muffled out to him shakily even though his throat was tight. "Oh, Mark... What are we going to do...? They have us on the news... My parents are going to kill me." Mark rubbed his hands soothingly up and down his spine, telling him in a warm loving voice. "They'll have to get through me first. Don't worry. I'll handle it. I always do. Remember?" Sean pulled his face from Mark's neck, mumbling out. "This is different... What I am... " Mark lifted his chin with his finger, looking him in the eyes as he told him seriously. "There is nothing wrong with you. And if your parents can't accept that... Then I am here for you. Don't worry. I'll find a way to turn this around on the press. You forget... We have a friend with a gift for dealing with them." Sean raised an eyebrow trying to think through his emotional fog, when he muttered out with a small smirk. "Felix."
Mark nodded with a smile of his own, sliding back a bit on his skating as he told him proudly. "Exactly. Now get off the ice before you fall on your ass and brake something." Sean narrowed his eyes on Mark for a second. He understood what Mark had meant but given his history. It seemed rather rude. Mark slid back up to him, leaning in to kiss his tear-soaked cheek. As Mark's lips lingered, Sean leaned his face in unconsciously. He wanted Mark's lips to explore down his throat. Mark pulled away though, whispering to him. "I'm not finished here yet. But if you wait, I can take you... where you want to go." Sean took a fuzzy ball of lint off Mark's long-sleeve shirt, asking him sweetly. "What are you doing here anyway?" Mark pressed his forehead to his, then told him smugly. "I'm practicing the routine that is going to kick your ass. Or did you forget that you're competing against me soon?" Sean blinked a few times. He had forgotten. None of this really felt real yet. Mark tilted his head to kiss his forehead, before telling him. "Get off your feet. I'll be done shortly."
Sean reluctantly took a step back, when a loud whistle cut through the empty stadium making them both wince. From the back of the stadium by the shop, Stacy's dad called down to them sternly. "Sean Mcloughlin get your fucking street shoes off my clean ice! Ya here me, lad?!" Sean cringed, guiltily making his way back to the gate. Mark followed him to the wall by the gate to make sure he got out alright. Sean waved to Stacy's dad, who waved back without changing his stern expression. Turning back to face Mark, he told him with a chuckle. "You always skate in such dim lighting?" Mark let out a small chuckle, backing up as he told him. "Sit back and watch how a pro does it." Sean rolled his eyes, then glanced down at Mark's skates. He loved seeing the light reflect off the crystal-clear blades. Seeing them slightly frosted over always made him smile. Only... Mark's skates didn't look right. Leaning partly over the gate, he asked Mark curiously. "Those aren't your old skates... What are you wearing?"
Mark did a small spin on one foot, before raising his pant leg enough to show them off as he said. "You like them? I had them custom made. They are a dream to skate on." Sean stared at them closely. He could tell they were custom made. No skating boots he ever saw looked so comfortable. The skates were black with streaks of glittery sliver. They looked a bit heavier than normal skates, but if the padded rim was as snug and comfortable as it looked... They were probably worth the extra weight. Mark slid a bit closer to drape his leg along the wall as he told him excitedly. "Gucci Skates. A hybrid skate between hockey skates and figure skates. All the comforts of hockey skates with the firm control of figure skates. Perfection." Sean rolled his eyes and flicked his middle finger against the skate, mumbling out. "You sound like a fucking ad." Mark chuckled giddily, stating out. "Don't be so jealous. I might let you try them on." Sean sat down on the bench, leaning his arms on the wall as he waved him off saying. "Go on. Do your routine already. You show off."
Mark put his leg down and skated past the CD player on the other wall. Clicking play, he rushed to the center of the rink and skidded to a stop to take his pose. Mark pulled up his sleeves to his elbows and began by skating backward to build up his momentum. His every moment fit with the slow opening to the song. Drifting backward around the corner of the rink, he gracefully lowered himself into a backward hydro-blading stance. His right leg was outstretched perfectly at an angle, while all his weight rested either on his bent left leg or was lost in the flow of the turn. Mark's right hand skimmed the top of the ice to keep him on course, while his left hand was raised high like it was drifting through the wind like a bird's wing. It was stunningly beautiful. Right before he reached the spot where Sean sat, he shifted his position. Swinging his right leg around that stopped him long enough to flow into a low sit spin. Still resting on his bent left leg, Mark extended his right leg out in front of himself now.
Keeping his leg level with his bent leg, Mark's hands moved out to grab the top and bottom of his skate as he kept his head low. He was gathering up more speed as the music was starting to build. Sean scooted to the edge of his seat. Mark was doing something to his skate with his fingers. Mark very carefully rose from the sit spin into a Y spin. Spreading himself out just enough to keep the momentum going, before pulling his right leg up quickly to spin faster. Holding his leg up in a split along his side, Sean gawked at him. His skates were lighting up in flashing LEDs that glinted off the blade. When Mark swung his leg out, he did a quick graceful turn to get his baring's before skating off past him to get his speedy flow back. When he was midway down the wall, Mark set himself up for a jump. Sean rose from his seat to see Mark launch into the air facing the crowd as he performed a flawless Russian split jump. Unlike him, Mark nailed the landing and sped off into an Ina Bauer move.
The way Mark looked as he arched his back, letting his hands spread out behind him as his one foot moved to the forward edge and his other leg moved back to the backward edge. Sean couldn't take his eyes off him. Gripping the wall, Sean watched the lights blur in his spins and sparkle off the ice as he practically flew over the ice. It took his breath away. By the time, Mark returned to the center of the ice and took up his finishing pose. Sean's heart was racing, and he felt like jumping into his own skates to do it with him. Mark bent down to turn the LEDs off, grumbling out softly. "Damn it..." Sean leaned his elbows on the wall, telling him. "You looked great out there. I forgot how good you look on the ice. And the lights were a nice touch." Mark slid up to him, stating out seriously. "They were... but they came loose on my last jump split. Damn things just don't stay on like they should." Sean leaned over the wall to give him a quick kiss while he was distracted. Sean couldn't help himself.
He'd be lying if he said that something about Mark skating didn't turn him on. He just looked so masculine and at the same time so incredibly majestic. Mark blinked in surprise as he pried his lips away from Sean's. Sean closed his eyes, lowering his head with embarrassment. His emotions were all over the place. Mark's arms moved against his and he opened his eyes. Mark's arms were resting on the wall with his and he was looking at him with those loving teddy bear eyes he loved. Sean felt his cheeks flush and he swallowed nervously. Mark was too close to him now. He could smell his sweat and see the shades of brown in his eyes. Mark tilted his head, leaning in as he whispered over his lips. "You wanna go out for ice cream?" Sean's eyes widened in slight horror as he mumbled out. "Are you crazy? What if the reporter follows us?" Mark brushed his lips over his lightly, purring out in a deep serious voice. "They'll get bored once the secret is no longer a secret. Aren't you tired of hiding? I wanna take you out. I want to see you smile and hear you laugh again. What do you say? Show me that Irish fighting spirit or I'll show you how stubborn us Americans can be until you do."
Sean exhaled loudly but shook off his fear as he nodded. Mark lifted a hand to brush the back of his index finger down Sean's cheek with a grin. Sean smirked, looking away from him. Mark moved away to the gate and Sean waited patiently for him to change his shoes. Together they made their way out of the building and Sean shuddered as Mark's fingers tickled his palm. He wasn't sure he wanted to hold Mark's hand. It was embarrassing enough to see the way Stacy's dad eyed him. Mark kept him from looking at him too long though. Blocking his line of sight and coaxing him on with a smile. Since Stacy had Mark's rental, they walked together down the street. Luckily the town was small enough that they could walk to just about anywhere. At the small Ice cream shop, Mark opened the door for him. Sean shook his head at him. He was overdoing this. He could open a damn door. Inside, the people there stared at them. Mostly younger kids but their looks were just as judgmental. The news was playing on the small TV screen above the counter.
Sean turned right around to leave but ran into Mark's chest. Mark turned him back around by his shoulders, pushing him up to the counter as he told the woman happily. "We want the Icy mountain and he's picking the twelve flavors." Sean gave the woman a nervous smile, before telling Mark under his breath. "I thought you said I was to be on a strict diet?" Mark wrapped his arms around Sean's shoulders, whispering into his ear sweetly. "First of all, we're sharing. And second, I can bend my own rules. Now relax." Sean shook his head wanting to stop this madness, but secretly... He enjoyed it. Mark always found a way to help him enjoy it. Mark released him to pick out all the flavors, then afterward... Sean stepped back against Mark. Mark stroked his arms for a time, until Sean took his wrists and wrapped them back around himself. He needed Mark's embrace. It calmed him into a puddle that didn't know the weight of the world. It was just them. To Be Continued...
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