Watch my past catch up to me
Ok, so I'm trying to keep my composure in this, since I've been going over my entries, and noticed how shitty the grammar is from when I started verging.
So, the day was going pretty well.
I did some shopping for my brother, I had my first manicure in the past 2-3 years, instead of usually just painting them black at home, and I learned a new part of a song on the piano. I didn't get any study done, which sucks, but overall, a pretty good day.
Then this bitch from my old school has the audacity to dm and 'apologize'.
Here's a little background;
So during 1st year, where everything went down, I had 2 friends; Eva and Ella. Everyone else either made fun of me or stole my stuff, so having 2 people like me was crazy.
I've already talked about Eva. She was also a social outcast, she was a badass, she slammed O'Keif's (this one absolute tool, he's still an asshole, along with the rest of his family) onto a desk for calling me socially awkward, and she was really close to me. She wasn't interested in the people who bullied her.
Then there was Ella.
She wasn't really an outcast, but she wasn't close with any of the girls in our year. Since there's a ratio of like 8:2 with girls and boys, all the girls were in one big clique, so if you weren't in the clique, you didn't matter.
She always tried to get close to them, but never really could. That is, unless, she had some information about me.
I'm just going to mention now that these girls LOVED to make fun of me, and watch me crack. There were 2 other outcasts, including Eva, but I was their main form of entertainment.
Anyway, Ella would hang out with us when they weren't around, but would join the girls if they entered the study hall. She didn't really care about me or Eva, but that's understandable. We were outcasts for a reason.
When the bullying was too much to handle, and I finally told my parents what was happening, they took me out of the school. I was planning to stab myself in front of the girls, and permanently scare them for life. I eventually told Ella (Eva already knew) why I had to leave, taking out the plan I had.
Long story short, she told everyone.
And now, 2 years later, she's telling me that she's sorry.
When I had first confronted her about it, she tried to frame Eva. And now this bitch comes back??
I know that she's fucking with me, because she's officially in the clique now, but like, leave me the fuck alone.
How does someone even do that? That just so sickening. How am I still a target when I don't go the the fucking school anymore and it's 2 years later??
In short, I really fucking hate her.
That's all for now.
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