d a y 3 ( 7 / 2 8 / 1 9 )
•• i n f o r m a t i o n ••
s e a s o n - n e w l e a f , 3 / 3
e v e n t - s p i r i t c l a n c a t v i s i t
b o r d e r s t r e n g t h - 1 9 / 2 0
•• r e s o u r c e s ••
p r e y - 2 4 9 , 0 0 7 , 0 9 7 , 4 2 8 , 1 4 5
h e r b s - 6 8 , 0 0 1 , 7 1 5 , 0 3 0 , 4 3 8
•• c a t s ••
t o m s - 1 1
s h e - c a t s - 1 1
l e a d e r - 1
d e p u t y - 1
m e d i c i n e c a t s - 3
m e d i c i n e c a t a p p r e n t i c e s - 0
w a r r i o r s - 2 3
a p p r e n t i c e s - 0
q u e e n s - 0
k i t s - 0
s l i g h t l y h u n g r y c a t s - n / a
h u n g r y c a t s - n / a
s t a r v i n g c a t s - n / a
h u r t c a t s - 5
s i c k c a t s - 5
Welcome to Day 3 of This Is A Mess! It is, really-
50,006,097,430,069 prey have rotted.
Hawkfeather and Blackclaw have become forced mates! They will not be allowed to bond with any cats other than with their mate until they've reached a relationship level of 7.
Sparkheart and Windberry have become forced mates! They will not be allowed to bond with any cats other than with their mate until they've reached a relationship level of 7.
Galaxyflame and Reeeeeeeeefur have been exiled. Galaxyflame was exiled because Tigerstar doesn't like fire colored stars and purple eyes. Reeeeeeeeefur was exiled because red emoji hairstyles are not allowed in SunriseClan.
Cashclaw, Koistripe and Sparklefur have been healed and are now fully recovered! Cashclaw also has his toes bacc
Splashberry was healed of her case of I bRoKe My NeCk but there was no command submitted asking SpiritClan to have mercy on his soul. Because of this he is now severely injured and has a severe infection (-5 Energy). Healing his severe injury will take 33 herbs and require a healingskill of 4 or higher. Healing his severe infection will take 50 herbs and require a healingskill of 4 or higher. If he is not healed today he will die.
Since Applespice, Yeetsnap, Gumbubble, Skittlesong and Potatonugget was not healed of his case of I bRoKe My NeCk, they passed away to join StarRainbowMoonSparkleClan (a separate section that's a part of SpiritClan, but separated due to the different cats from SunsetClan and SunriseClan).
Oofleap still has a case of I Broke My Leg (-5 energy for both cats)! Healing her will take 20 herbs and require a healingskill of 5 or higher. If she isn't healed today then she will get an infection.
Peppapig has a case of I Broke My Leg (-5 energy)! Healing her will take 20 herbs and require a healingskill of 5 or higher. She has today and tomorrow to be healed before she get an infection.
Galaxyfur has some Burns (-1 Energy)! Healing her will take 23 herbs and require a healingskill of 3 or higher. She has today and tomorrow to be healed before she becomes slightly injured as well.
Animatorface has a case of sOmEoNe StOlE mY vOiCe (-1 Energy)! Healing her will take 20 herbs and require a healingskill of 1 or higher. She has today and tomorrow to be healed before she gets Brain Damage.
Animatorface has a Cold (-3 Energy)! Healing her will take 50 herbs and require a healingskill of 4 or higher. She has today and tomorrow to be healed before getting Whitecough as well.
Firefly has Food Poisoning (-2 Energy)! Healing him will take 50 herbs and require a healingskill of 4 or higher. He has today and tomorrow to be healed before dying.
Tigerstar and Chimchim have a case of s p i c y b o i (-1 Energy for both cats)! Healing each cat will take 600 herbs and require a healingskill of 2 or higher. They have today and tomorrow to be healed before dying.
Lactosemilk has a case of Sticky Sticc (No Effect)! Healing her will take 1 herb and require a healingskill of 2 or higher. She has today and tomorrow to be healed before getting Food Poisoning as well.
Chimchim has a Broken Nose (-1 Energy)! Healing him will take 60 herbs and require a healingskill of 3 or higher. He has today and tomorrow to be healed before getting an infection.
Peppapig and Ducknut have a Case Of Death (-5 Energy for both cats)! This is not to be confused with death, tho. But it will be if they aren't healed today. Healing each cat will take 500 herbs and require a healingskill of 5 or higher. If they aren't healed today they will die.
Tigerstar and Chimchim have a case of I cAn BrEaThE fIrE (-1 Energy for both cats)! Healing each cat will take 350 herbs and require a healingskill of 4 or higher. If they aren't healed today they will die.
Chimchim has a case of I've Eaten Too Much (-2 Energy)! Healing him will take 30 herbs and require a healingskill of 4 or higher. If he isn't healed today he will die.
Lactosemilk has a case of HeLp I aTe A cAt (No Effect)! Healing her will take 30 herbs and require a healingskill of 5 or higher. 25 extra herbs must also be used to 'save' the cats that she's eaten. If she isn't healed today she will die.
All medicine cats now have 10 energy because of this chaos of a clan.
It is now the last day of Newleaf. There is a +5 bonus when hunting. There is also a +3 bonus when foraging.
• SpiritClan Cat Visit •
As the bright pink sun rose, a cat, very possibly sent from SpiritClan, ran into camp. This mysterious, but fancy cat was a very fluffy golden yellow tom. There are rainbow sparkles in his fur that seemed to keep appearing no matter what and he has bright amber eyes. The fact that he is wearing a monocle and a top hat makes him look kinda unusual to normal cats- not this clan though. Another cat, this time a more n o r m a l she-cat grudgingly walked behind him. She was a thin pale tan she-cat with creamy brown leopard markings and green eyes.
She demanded to see the leader of this bizarre clan, who obliged after getting the punishments out. It seems that the other SpiritClan cats have noticed what was going on and how crazy the punishments were getting. And despite forsaking this clan, the tom, who they now know as Fancyrainbow (if you know who he is, one, you're now his best friend and two, PM me-), insisted on visiting the clan. Since they didn't trust him on his own, Meadowflicker was sent to come with him (even though she didn't agree at all). After some talking, all three cats came to an agreement that Fancyrainbow and Meadowflicker will be staying at the clan for a few days. Fancyrainbow mostly because he wants to join in on the fun despite already being dead, and Meadowflicker who was convinced by the fancy tom to assist the medicine cats and help them heal the injured, or sick, cats.
Fancyrainbow and Meadowflicker will be controlled by me and they won't be doing anything unless interacted with. Bonding with them will be allowed. Just make a bonding command with the cat you want to bond with and tag me.
They will not count as part of the clan and prey will not be taken to feed them (since they're already dead). They will not be hunting or foraging but Fancyrainbow will be joining in on any open patrols. He may also join in on other commands and submit a few of his own commands.
Leader or deputy commands will not affect Fancyrainbow and Meadowflicker. If Fancyrainbow deliberately joins in on a command that will harm a cat then he will be affected but won't die. He's basically on a challenge for how many injuries and sickness he can get by the time he leaves to go back to SpiritClan.
It is not yet decided how long they will be staying.
• Suggestions For How Long They Should Stay —> •
Before commenting please wait for the chain to be made.
• Comment Here If You Want Meadowflicker To Heal You —> •
The first ten cats to comment will be healed. When commenting please state which injury you want to be healed. Before commenting please wait for the chain to be made.
• Meadowflicker And Fancyrainbow Questions Chain —> •
Ask them any questions :3
l e a d e r
Tigerstar, Long-furred blue-gray she-cat with black tiger stripes and varied green dappled eyes (-wild_pegxsus-)
Huntingskill: Level 5
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: s p i c y b o i + I cAn BrEaThE fIrE (3 Energy)
Lives: 10
SuPpOrT (Level 2) ~ Sparkheart
Apprentice: N/A
d e p u t y
Sparkheart, Reddish-orange she-cat with flame patterns and green eyes (Queen-Zira)
Huntingskill: Level 5
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: Healthy (5 Energy)
Mates (Level 0) ~ Windberry
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Firefly
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Animatorface
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Galaxyfur
SuPpOrTiNg (Level 2) ~ Tigerstar
Apprentice: N/A
s p i r i t c l a n c a t s
Fancyrainbow, Very fluffy golden yellow tom with rainbow sparkles in his fur that seems to keep appearing and bright amber eyes. He wears a monocle and a top hat
Huntingskill: Level 5
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: Healthy (5 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Meadowflicker, Thin pale tan she-cat with creamy brown leopard markings and green eyes
Healingskill: Level 6
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: Healthy (10 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
m e d i c i n e c a t s
Carmelcorn, Literally looks like a piece of carmelcorn. He has golden eyes (-hardcorefxnatic-)
Healingskill: Level 6
Foragingskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: Healthy (10 Energy)
Meme Buddies (Level 3) ~ Sparklefur
Apprentice: N/A
Sparklefur, Black tom with fur that's constantly sparkling and dark blue eyes with glitter like speckles (xXDr3am_CatcherXx)
Healingskill: Level 5
Foragingskill: Level 3
Swimmingskill: Level 3
Stats: Healthy (10 Energy)
Meme Buddies (Level 3) ~ Carmelcorn
Apprentice: N/A
Galaxypelt, Dyer purple, blue and pink tom with small specks of white and he wears a galaxy colored charm on a white necklace; lilac eyes (-xXChaoticMadnessXx-)
Healingskill: Level 4
Foragingskill: Level 2
Swimmingskill: Level 2
Stats: Healthy (10 Energy)
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Firefly
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Hawkfeather
Apprentice: N/A
m e d i c i n e c a t a p p r e n t i c e s
n / a
w a r r i o r s
Animatorface, Large fluffy brown she-cat with many dapples across her face and body and a ringed tail; dark brown eyes (ZuberTheUber_SaveW)
Huntingskill: Level 5
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: sOmEoNe StOlE mY vOiCe + Cold (1 Energy)
Inseparable (Level 7) ~ Bronzesky
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Firefly
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Sparkheart
Apprentice: N/A
Splashberry, Gray tom with blue markings looking like he got splashed and green eyes (-hardcorefxnatic-)
Huntingskill: Level 5
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: Severely Injured + Severe Infection (0 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Ducknut, Brown tom with a light underbelly and ruffled fur + crooked eyes; one yellow eye and one green eyes (LunarPawzz)
Huntingskill: Level 5
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: Case Of Death (0 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Hawkfeather, Long-furred dark brown she-cat with a white muzzle, paws and belly fur and a long fluffy tail; amber eyes (Subotron)
Huntingskill: Level 4
Battleskill: Level 4
Swimmingskill: Level 4
Stats: Healthy (5 Energy)
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Galaxypelt
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Firefly
Mates (Level 0) ~ Blackclaw
Apprentice: N/A
Blackclaw, White tom with one black paw and one yellow eye and one blue eye (Queen-Zira)
Huntingskill: Level 4
Battleskill: Level 4.5
Swimmingskill: Level 4.5
Stats: Healthy (5 Energy)
Mates (Level 0) ~ Hawkfeather
Apprentice: N/A
Amethystcloud, Light purple she-cat with green eyes (-hardcorefxnatic-)
Huntingskill: Level 4
Battleskill: Level 4
Swimmingskill: Level 4
Stats: Healthy (5 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Bronzesky, Bronze colored tom with amber eyes (-hardcorefxnatic-)
Huntingskill: Level 5
Battleskill: Level 5
Swimmingskill: Level 5
Stats: Healthy (5 Energy)
Inseparable (Level 7) ~ Animatorface
Apprentice: N/A
Koistripe, White short-furred she-cat with red stripes like swirls and a blue star-shape on her forehead; glassy blue eyes (Subotron)
Huntingskill: Level 3
Battleskill: Level 3
Swimmingskill: Level 3
Stats: Healthy (5 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Windberry, White short-furred she-cat with blue belly fur and socks and an imperfect golden heart-shape on her chest; calm gray-green eyes (Subotron)
Huntingskill: Level 3
Battleskill: Level 3
Swimmingskill: Level 3
Stats: Healthy (5 Energy)
Mates (Level 0) ~ Sparkheart
Apprentice: N/A
Cashclaw, Dark gray tom with long claws that have the pattern of the dollar bill and money green eyes (xXDr3am_CatcherXx)
Huntingskill: Level 3
Battleskill: Level 3
Swimmingskill: Level 3
Stats: Healthy (5 Energy)
Meme Buddies (Level 3) ~ Himself
Inseparable (Level 7) ~ Kermitsong
Apprentice: N/A
Lactosemilk, White she-cat with brown splotches and silver eyes (@Empress_Of_Twilight)
Huntingskill: Level 2
Battleskill: Level 2
Swimmingskill: Level 2
Stats: Sticky Sticc + HeLp I aTe A cAt (5 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Galaxyfur, Short-furred galaxy colored she-cat with bright glittery mint eyes that have a glittery purple pupil (-Rise-)
Huntingskill: Level 2
Battleskill: Level 2
Swimmingskill: Level 2
Stats: Burns (4 Energy)
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Sparkheart
Apprentice: N/A
Peppapig, Tan she-cat with pink stripes and red paws; beady black eyes (LunarPawzz)
Huntingskill: Level 2
Battleskill: Level 2
Swimmingskill: Level 2
Stats: I BRoKe My Leg + Case Of Death (0 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Kermitsong, Silky long-furred light green she-cat with a darker mask and petite white paws; dark green eyes (WarriorEclipse85)
Huntingskill: Level 2
Battleskill: Level 1
Swimmingskill: Level 1
Stats: Healthy (5 Energy)
Inseparable (Level 7) ~ Cashclaw
Apprentice: N/A
Oofleap, Fluffy white she-cat with a pink nose and amber eyes(WarriorEclipse85)
Huntingskill: Level 1
Battleskill: Level 1
Swimmingskill: Level 1
Stats: I Broke My Leg (0 Energy)
Mates (Level 7) ~ Firefly
Apprentice: N/A
Chimchim, Sexy tan tom with attractive green eyes (LunarPawzz)
Huntingskill: Level 1
Battleskill: Level 1
Swimmingskill: Level 1
Stats: s p i c y b o i + I cAn BrEaThE fIrE + I've Eaten Too Much (1 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Unoreversecardeyes, Large tom with golden fur which permanently has glitter in it; green eyes with irises the shape of yellow uno reverse cards (LillyG99)
Huntingskill: Level 1
Battleskill: Level 1
Swimmingskill: Level 1
Stats: Healthy (5 Energy)
Relationship: N/A
Apprentice: N/A
Firefly, Light orange tom with beautiful yellow moth wings and white eyes (alulusa)
Huntingskill: Level 1
Battleskill: Level 1
Swimmingskill: Level 1
Stats: Food Poisoning (3 Energy)
Mates (Level 7) ~ Oofleap
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Galaxypelt
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Hawkfeather
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Sparkheart
Neutral (Level 0.5) ~ Animatorface
Apprentice: N/A
a p p r e n t i c e s
n / a
q u e e n s
n / a
k i t s
n / a
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