September 8 2022
A/N: Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you guys know that sorry if my chapters have spaces and isn't properly fixed, The problem I'm been having is Pictures and gifs keep disappearing when I put them and try to write, Plus the words has been glitching out alot for me. I'm been writing on the computer to put the pictures and gifs but it's also glitchy on the computer so I'm sorry if the chapters don't look properly fixed. I hope you all understand! __________________________________________
School time went normally as Desmond continued to hear more people talk about him and compliment about him, Desmond also went to talk to his friends and apologised if he may has pushed them away. But his friends understood and forgave him and even chatted a little just to cheer his mood.
But yet, Desmond wasn't feeling better until he gets his hands on Finn, However he knows that Finn seems like a professional fighter then he is. Desmond once saw him at the school, talking to his friends but even Finn looked very angry for some reason, It was because he was hearing Desmond's name since he entered and no one ever spoke about his name. Although Desmond is also trying to move on as Disha said to him, He was even thinking about her alot and was happy that she seemed to feel a bit better.
Right now it was the end of school as Desmond was holding his bag and smiled at some students who were looking at him, He felt a bit confident as well. As he continued walking out of the school, He saw Disha talking to her friend's as Desmond was looking at her and had a smile on his face. Disha was smiling at her friends but Disha was also thinking about something,
Desmond continued staring at her until someone tapped on his shoulder as He turned around and saw who it was.
Evan: Hey Desmond, I haven't seen you for a while. How have you been?
Desmond: I'm feeling alright.
Evan: Alright man, I'm sorry about what happened at the party though, You know I tried to warn you about his friends-
Desmond: Look, Evan. I already said it, I don't even care who he is.
Evan: Okay okay, Uh You know Finn is really mad.
Desmond just stared at him as Evan fixed his hair and looked at muscler man.
Evan: Because everyone's attention is on you since the party.
Desmond: I heard alot about it
Evan: Yeah, It happened since the video went viral.
Desmond: Wait what!? A video was posted?
Evan: You didn't see it?
He was shocked as Evan opened his phone and showed him the video of Desmond fighting Finn, Crowe was shocked about it as he saw all the views, likes and comments on the video.
Evan: Even if you lost, You put up a great fight.
Desmond: I never knew this was posted, How come the principal hasn't said anything to me?
Evan: Well you still don't know much about this school, We actually have secret fight club without the principal or teachers knowing that.
He was very surprised by that as Desmond just stared at him before walking away, Crowe was thinking about the video until he noticed that Evan was following him as Desmond looked at him.
Desmond: What do you want?
Evan: Okay I actually had this idea, If your not giving up on Finn yet-
Desmond: You don't need to get involved, Give me an advice when you can actually fight.
Evan: Wait, I just want to help you okay? No need to be so harsh.
Because of his short temper he almost insulted Evan and pushed him away, Desmond knew he was being a bit harsh towards him and felt like he shouldn't have said anything and decided to listen.
Evan: I heard about this combat training gym where you can learn mixed martial arts and other combat tactics, You know Finn is professional fighter and he's very tough to beatdown so if you get better in fighting, You have a good chance against Finn.
Desmond was looking at him and actually liked the idea for mma training.
Desmond: Where do you even find stuff like that?
Evan: Uhh research?
Desmond: *Sighs* . . . Where is it at?
Evan: Give me your number, I'll send it to you.
Desmond agreed on it and both of them exchanged their phone numbers as Evan send the location of the gym as Desmond was looking at it.
Evan: Here it is, Hopefully the fees isn't too much though.
Desmond: Alright, I'll check it out.
Evan: *Smiles* That's awesome, Let me know how it goes if you decide to go there.
Evan smiled and told him to "Take Care" as Desmond was looking at the location, Now he was thinking if he should go there and start training, But right now he needed go back home since his sister could be alone at home and his mother Jenna could be working late.
Sometime later, Desmond made it back home and saw Lexy looking at him as She gave a smile to him. Desmond smiled at her back as Lexy was happy to see her brother in a good mood now. Since their mother wasn't at home, Desmond decided to fresh and change his clothes and make something for himself and Lexy as Lexy decided to watch a movie.
A few hours later, Lexy was at her room and was studying while Desmond was also finished with his homework, Now he was working out in his room as he was doing pushups, However as he continued to exercise, He was thinking about the gym that Evan recommended to him as He was actually thinking about joining it
.After fifty pushups, Desmond got up and drank some water as he was fixing his shirt.
Desmond decided to sit down and use his phone as He was looking in Instagram and was scrolling through the posts until he saw a post by someone.
Disha-Patani001: Just relaxing at home and going to have a movie with my friends
Desmond was shocked as He found her looking really adorable in the picture, He closed his phone and began smiling to himself as He was thinking about her.
Meanwhile Disha had a smile on her face as She fixed her hair and outfit, She was waiting for her friends to come home and watch the movie as She was getting alot of likes on her new post. She was also getting messages from Finn, Disha hasn't even spoken to him for the last two days and didn't want too, He even liked her post but Disha ignored the messages. She heard a knock on the door as Disha got excited and opened the door as she saw her friends.
Rashmika: Hey Disha!!
Mandy: You look so cute, Disha!
Pooja: So true! You're beautiful
Disha: Aww thanks girls!
They smiled at her as they got in the house and sat down in the couch as The girls were talking to each other as They were also excited to watch the movies as Disha was looking at her phone until she saw a like from someone.
Desmond_Crowe101 liked your post.
Disha was shocked that Desmond had instagram as She also couldn't help but smile. Meanwhile Desmond was looking at Disha's post as he was also thinking about posting a picture of himself as he had an idea and took a selfie as he had a smile on his face.
Disha clicked on Desmond's profile as She was looking at his profile picture and smiled at it until she saw a post that was posted one minute ago.
Desmond_Crowe101: Just finished my workout.
He added some tags as well as Disha was smiling before she liked the post and decided to comment on it. Desmond was getting some likes on his post as He was smiling and was surprised that he got alot of likes until he saw a comment.
Disha-Patani001: Zabaradast! (Fantastic!)
Desmond was shocked that she saw his post but he was also confused about what she said to him, Crowe had a smile on his face and liked the comment. Disha was looking at Desmond's profile as She decided to give him a follow while Desmond followed Disha as well as Disha messaged Desmond on Instagram.
Disha: Heyy thanks for liking on my post and by the way Zabaradast means fantastic!
Meanwhile Desmond saw the message as He now understood what she said to him as He chuckled and replied to her.
Desmond: No problem at all, And thank you for following me and thanks for letting me know that as well.
Disha smiled at the message and reacted by putting a smiley emoji as Pooja decided to put the indian movie as the girls were excited as Disha closed her phone and was watching the movie. Desmond was smiling to himself as He was thinking about Disha, He really fell way better and comforted by his friends and from her as well.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading and stay strong!!! :)
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