5 - The SBI are Hella Annoying
He didn't want to be compromised.
He didn't want her to be compromised.
Too late now.
He saw her face.
Bright red wings are quite visible at night, Icarus.
Even from behind a black sash.
"Oi, Icarus!" Atomic called as he touched down from another rooftop. "Whatcha doing on the ground?"
Tommy looked up at T- Atomic. Damn, three years and he still had trouble with that? "Thinking."
Tubbo snorted. "Alright, sure. What are you actually doing?" His eyes crinkled and although Tommy couldn't see his face, he was sure the ram hybrid was smirking. He swatted at Atomic with his wing.
"Not funny! I was thinking about-"
Ranboo- PRIMES, Endgame- popped into existence next to him, scaring a squawk out of him. "Tommy? Thinking? What is this; did I accidentally teleport into an alternate universe?"
"It appears so," Tubbo told him with a very excellent straight face- Well, straight eyes—presumably a straight face to accompany it.
Tommy grumbled. "Not very funny, guys." He stood as Endgame and Atomic chuckled lightly. "I was... speculating about the other vigilantes. You know, Inferno and Waterfall and the sort."
This caught Endgame and Atomic's attention. "Oh?" "What about them?"
"Well," Tommy began. "Who are they even? When did they show up? I don't know... Something like that."
Atomic glanced at him thoughtfully. "Well, Inferno and Waterfall have been around for... What, seven years? It's in the government records... You know."
Tommy had learned to not be at all surprised when Atomic talked about hacking into governmental records. Or hacking into anything, for that matter.
They were interrupted by Endgame clearing his throat nervously. "Um- uh, guys-? I think we have, uh, company..."
Tommy's head shot up instantly. About five rooftops away, Somnus was standing. Magestic-ass bastard. He was grinning. Tommy got chills; he absolutely despised when his enemies smiled.
Atomic, however, was a step ahead. "Guys, he's alone, which means he isn't really alone." The SBI had learned their lesson about sending their members after the trio alone since Icarus, Endgame(with some[minimal] protesting), and Atomic had knocked Somnus out and left him in a dumpster about nine months back.
Tommy tried not to smile at the memory. Endgame shivered. "We know he always patrols with... at least Revenger...So where is he...?"
This shot panic down Tommy's spine and he twisted around. Revenger(Easily recognizable by his regal-ass red cape) was barely six rooftops away. He really scared Tommy... His power was fuckin' freaky. And it made him nearly impossible to defeat.
Basically, if he started bleeding, he could take control of people. It was scary as hell! And what was even scarier was that he could cut himself and do it when you hadn't even touched him.
But it. Got. Worse.
The air was filled with the sound of beating wings and Tommy took a physical step back as black feathers flew and Corvid landed on the rooftop.
He greeted them with a smile, although it had an edge to it. "Evening, mates. We were just hoping we could arrest you real quick; nothing much."
A nudge from Atomic told him that Somnus was moving closer, and Endgame backed up, meaning Revenger was surely coming closer as well. Tommy did not like this at all, even with Endgame's unnatural height.
Sure, he was, like, a foot or two taller than each of them, but that didn't do much except increase his intimidation factor. He was like uncooked spaghetti; tall, but easily snapped in half and thrown in a pot if he didn't fit.
Okay, maybe that was a bad comparison. Tommy hated it when he did this — His brain went into hyperactive mode when he was panicking.
So instead he shut his brain down, hardened his gaze, and looked Corvid right in his awful green eyes.
"We do not accept your terms of surrender, and we will not be getting arrested." He said with a small smirk. Within seconds, the dart gun was pulled out of his belt, Atomic was holding a bomb, and Endgame's staff was gripped tightly in his gloved hands.
Corvid sighed. "We were expecting this. Get them."
Somnus and Revenger reacted immediately. Luckily, the vigilantes had trained for this, and with a jerk of the head from Tommy(Icarus), they all leaped at Somnus to subdue him. If he started his primes-awful singing, they'd be down like the Roman empire.
This worked(surprisingly). Somnus was definitely not expecting it and he sort of froze up and took a step back. Fortunately, that meant that Atomic could tackle him to the ground, face down.
Tommy noticed too late that Revenger had stepped forward to attack. He leaped away but not before the hero's sword had cut his arm, causing him to bleed. Tommy let out a hiss of displeasure and Corvid flinched, his wings puffing up slightly.
Endgame stepped forward to counter a blow from Revenger's sword with his staff. Didn't seem like it would work, eh? It did. And that's because Endgame's staff was simply built different.
Tommy heard the first notes of a haunting melody fill the air and clapped his hands over his ears immediately, turning to look over at Atomic and Somnus.
Atomic had a drowsy look on his face and steeled himself, hitting Somnus directly in the temple. Tommy flinched, partly in pleasure and partly in...Not sympathy. Empathy? Whatever. Words weren't his thing; they never had been.
Somnus crumpled and when Atomic decided he was unconscious, he stepped back in satisfaction. He was almost instantly tackled by Corvid.
Um, nuh-uh. Who the hell did Corvid think he was?? He wasn't allowed to just- tackle Tubbo! Tommy would not let this slide. So he pointed the dart gun at Corvid who was pinning a thrashing Atomic.
"Quit struggling, mate!" Corvid yelled at the vigilante, holding his arms down against the concrete.
At the same time, Revenger slipped past Endgame's guard and landed a hit on his chest. Fortunately, it wasn't with the sharp end of the blade.
Still, Endgame reeled backward and almost fell into Tommy.
Tommy was panicking again.
His hands shook slightly as he shot a dart at Corvid...The dart landed and buried itself into one of Corvid's wing joints. Corvid squawked in pain and Tommy winced. He hated fighting other Avians, especially Corvid, because when they hurt it felt like he hurt. Psychologically. Not physically.
It did, however, give Atomic enough time to roll out from underneath Corvid and throw a bomb in Revenger's direction. It hit the ground a couple of meters from his feet and sent him flying backward. The only repercussion was that it threw Endgame back as well. He hit the ground and groaned, massaging his side.
Tommy didn't know what to do. Make sure Revenger was down? Attack Corvid with Atomic? Help Endgame?
Well, it turned out he didn't have to decide because Endgame let out a strangled noise — An Enderman noise. It was sort of like their retreat call...
Tommy then realized his sleeve was turning all sticky. He looked down at his arm in fascinated horror as the crimson substance seeped through the red fabric and trickled all the way down his sleeve to his hand where it seeped onto the dart gun and dripped onto the ground.
His arm shook. That- That was a lot of blood.
Atomic practically shoved him at Endgame as he ran past. Endgame grabbed his arm(As well as Atomic's) and closed his eyes. The last things Tommy saw were Revenger yelling in annoyance, Somnus groaning and raising his head, and Corvid leaping at them before they dissolved into nothing but a bunch of dissipating purple particles.
They reappeared in their dingy apartment. Tommy stumbled over to the trash can and promptly vomited — Partly from the smell and taste of blood clogging his sinuses and mostly because of the effects of the teleporting.
Ranboo moved to the couch and slumped down on it, breathing heavily as he pressed his palms to his temples. "Primes, that was a close one..." He groaned, clearly in pain.
Tommy lifted his head in confusion. But it wasn't? Somnus was out, Corvid was partly incapacitated, and Revenger was meters away.
"It wasn't!" He protested. Tubbo lifted his head.
"Face it, Tommy. You're temporarily crippled, Ranboo nearly broke his spine and had the wind knocked out of him, and I was starting to get a headache from when Corvid slammed me into the ground."
Tommy's brows furrowed. "But we could have finished them! You could have! You should have just thrown your cool explosive thingies and knocked them out!"
Tubbo stood up. "And then what, Tommy?! What do we do when we knock the heroes out?"
Tommy gave him an affronted half-glare. "I dunno. Tie them up or something. Leave them for the others to find."
Tubbo crossed his arms. "And after that? When others do find them? They'll untie them and they'll come back that night with a taste for revenge!" He huffed, looking down at the floor like it had personally offended him. "Face it, Tommy. We're fighting a losing battle here. We can't win."
Tommy was slightly taken aback. The more he thought about it, the more fucked-up the justice system seemed. Why weren't the heroes going after Dream and his bitcharse marshmallow cooker side-kick?
He thought about that as he took off his hoodie. The sight of the fresh wound instantly dispelled any tension from the air. Immediately, Tubbo rushed to the bathroom to get bandages and Ranboo moved to the kitchen dizzily, grabbing an ice pack from the freezer and wrapping it in cloth.
Tommy couldn't help but smile as Tubbo shoved him onto the couch and grabbed his arm, furiously wrapping it in bandages while scolding him about not doing something about it the first thing they got back.
These were the of moments he lived for.
Yayyy new chapterrrrr!
I hope y'all r having a good day ^///^
Word count: 1,600 (A lot yooooooo)
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