Bakugou P.O.V.
Damn, we have to go on this stupid fucking camping trip.
"Hey Bakugou, wanna be my partner for the camping trip." Kirishima bounces up to me and asks.
Shit, I'd rather go with deku. Honestly, I dunno if I can survive a week next to that shitty hair, in my tent and always being close to me. It'll be torture.
So because I like to torture myself, the next words out of my mouth are ones of agreement.
"Great, I'll go tell Aizawa then." Kirishima replies.
Fuck me, what the fuck is my brain on? I can't last on a camping trip with Kirishima practically stuck to my side the entire time.
Maybe I should try to be at least a little positive, perhaps it can be a challenge. If he wins before the camping trip is up, I'll treat him to dinner or something but if I win then we'll see.
Just two weeks of this and we'll see who's the winner shitty hair.
Who's the best? Who's the cutest? Who can make the other fall faster?
This might be the only thing I can't win at. Damn Kirishima.
I walk up to Kaminari, believe it or not he's been more serious lately. He's now almost tolerable.
"Hey Bakugou!" He says, slinging his arm around my shoulder.
"Get off me, and I need your help." I grumble at him.
"With what? I never thought you'd come to me for battle tips or academics." Kaminari questioned.
"Idiot, it's not for that. It's help with feelings." I start to mumble.
"What kind of feelings?" Kaminari was too curious.
"I need to make Kirishima fall for me first, I need to win so I can survive this trip." I almost begged him. Luckily I still have some dignity left.
"You're making it into a competition so you have better control over it. Clever, but emotions don't work like that." Kaminari probably had a point but so what, my mind was already made up.
"We'll see. Now will you help me or not." I asked Kaminari.
"Sure." Kaminari said with his electric grin.
"Tch, well I'm counting on you to be on my side Electric boy." I almost smiled at him.
Ugh, even thinking about Kirishima gets me in a better mood.
Kirishima's P.O.V.
Bakugou agreed to be my partner! A week by his side, I feel so lucky.
I used to be the only one he could stand though I've noticed that he's kinda warming up to Kaminari.
After telling Aizawa that Bakugou was going to be my partner, I scanned the room and saw him talking to Kaminari.
Could Bakugou possibly be warming up to Kaminari because he likes him? Oh my god, he almost smiled at him.
Why did I think I'd have a shot with practically the most handsome boy in the class.
"Hey shark teeth." I hear Bakugou call out.
"Yeah." I reply, trying to smile at him. Trying.
"Wanna figure out what to pack, together?" Bakugou grumbled. Though for Bakugou that was actually pretty cheerful.
I could feel my face light up before I even said a word, "Sure." I'm grinning like an idiot but really who cares? I'm just that happy.
Bakugou's P.O.V.
He's always so happy. I'm going to lose this damn competition, unless.
I grab a small duffle bag from my school satchel.
"Close your fucking eyes, shitty hair." I command him.
His eyes slowly fluttered shut, only making this harder.
I soon grab a few brushes and this stupid headband, until I almost look like a cat. Maybe.
Actually fuck this, this is a stupid idea. I grab a mini turtle plush from my satchel and place it into his hands, quickly putting the duffle bag away.
"You can open your eyes now." I grumble, trying to hide my emotions.
Kirishima opens his eyes and gasps, "A present from Bakugou. I'm going to name you Teri." He excitedly gasps.
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