Just... bear with me here...
I know a lot of people out there don't get depression. They think it's something you can cure with a spoonful of medicine or a pill. But it's not. A girl in my class a few weeks ago asked me if I wanted to fix my depression. As if I enjoyed being this way.
I told her yeah, and she asked why I didn't go to the doctor and get medicine for it. It took every ounce of my self control to not slap her.
"Depression is not something you can fix with medicine. It's not something that you can catch as if it's contagious. You're either born with it, you're not, or develop it over a long period of time. Depression can be helped, but most of the time not gone completely.
"It's not like I choose whether or not I want my depression. It's there. And depression isn't just sadness either. For me it saps away all my emotions. I'm numb. I've stopped caring about things.
"I've stopped smiling. I've stopped laughing. The warm glow you feel when you're happy is a thing of the past. Yeah, I may smile or laugh, but I'm faking it. Faking everything.
"Do you have a problem with my depression? Because if so, why not avoid me and leave me alone? You make the decision to come over here instead of staying away. If you do leave me alone, it's nothing new. Don't feel bad. I'm used to it. That's how much I'm alone."
For those who follow me and don't get depression, there's a look into it. It's not fun. So if you know someone with depression, just be there for them. Let them know you're there. Let them know someone cares. Because the feeling when you know nobody is there and nobody cares is crushing. By showing you care and are there for them, you could save their life.
Just don't talk about depression. Talk about normal things. Like what happened on this or this show. If they bring it up, don't change the subject. Let them talk. It's helpful. It shows them somebody will care and help.
Don't make someone feel worse about themselves by pointing out their flaws. I know I do that, and I'm trying to change. If you tease them for their depression, their looks, they may act like it doesn't hurt, but it does. You could be responsible for their death.
I only ask that you don't shun anyone because of who they are, how they act, how hey look. I'm that person that everybody is nice to so they can get answers to things. They may talk to me like I'm their friend, but the second they don't have an answer, they're at my desk asking for it.
It hurts. Everybody sees me as the smart one. They think I know the answer to everything. But I'm the one who needs answers.
Why me? Why depression? Why am I always alone? Why does nobody care? Why do they not accept me? Why am I made fun of? Why, why, why?
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