Hell No
~ Genesis pov~
I woke up and realized it was FRIDAY! I don't really like get dressed up for school on Fridays, so I got up, took a shower, brushed my teeth and my nappy ass hair, and put on some grey sweatpants with a black crop top. I did my simple ass makeup ( because who the hell got time for all that?) and ran down stairs. And lucky me, guess who was sitting on the couch, watching T.V. My dad.
" Girl, what the hell are you wearing?"
" Clothes" I said with an attitude.
" Imma let you slide this time but the next time, find the rest of your damn clothes.".
I rolled my eyes and walked to school. On my way, I saw Zion, DRIVING. He pulled up to me.
" You need a ride?"
" This is your ride? Your 16 right?"
" Yeah, got held back.". To be honest, I wasn't listening to anytime see was anything he was saying. I was to busy looking at this eyes. Oh shit I need to stop.
" So, you wanna ride". I remembered what I heard momma say. She don't what me to mess with him. Oh, whatever. My momma is always over exaggerating about shit. I got in the car anyways and we drove to the school.
" Kay, get out.". I looked at him confused.
" Your not going to school?"
" Nah fam, Fuck school.". He started laughing.
" Imma pick you up after school and we finna chill okay?". I didn't sound like he was asking me, it sounded like he was TELLING me. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. When he drove away, My aunt Sue was right there.
" What the fuck! What are you doing here", I said in a whisper yell. She pulled me to the side by my arm.
" I was supposed to take you to school! And your with this nigga! You lucky I wasn't your mom because you would have got your ass beat so fast. I know you heard your momma last night! That boy is bad news. Do you know his daddy!? His gang banging, lying ass daddy!?". Tears filled her eyes.
" See, now you got me over her cryin', worrying about your ass!"
"Im sorry but, im not a little 13 year old child no more. I will do the right thing auntie.". I gave her a hug and she went to her car and drove off. Then I got a text.
Bitch: hey gurl
Me: Sup
Bitch: imma stay home today okay.
Me: okay then see u later
I didn't question her because I always turns bad for me. I got my stuff out of the locker and this guy named Brandon bumped into me and made me drop all my stuff.
" Oh shit, im sorry"
" Don't be. Just watch were the hell your going.". I rolled my eyes and started walking to my class. But then I got another text
Unknown: Hey, u wanna ditch school
Me: who is this
Zion: Zion
Me: oh
Zion: so, do u?
Me: can u come pick me up?
Zion:already here
I put my stuff back in my locker. I walked out side and seen Zion's car. I got in the front seat. I kinda felt weird because this was my first time to skip school. I know my dad would beat the shit out of me is he found out. That's why he won't. Since that boy Brandon had my number and all my classes, I texted him.
Me: hey, sorry about this morning
Brandon: its ok
Me: can you stall for me
Brandon: were r u?
Me: ditching
Brandon: with that nigga Zion huh?
Me: nun of yo business but yes
Brandon: fine but only because...
Brandon: nvm
Me: oh THANK U SO MUCH!! .
~Brandon's POV~
I sat in my seat and took out my book. Every one else came inside, yelling and playing. The bell rang for my last period class to start most people think im like a little TOO into school. Im not really but im not trying to walk out of high school like these OTHER non-educated folks. But im not the best kid in class either. The teacher was passing back test from a couple of weeks ago. There were groans of disappointment, and groans of I-don't- care- ment. The teacher handed me my test, flipped upside down.
" Brandon, how long did you study for this test?" I rolled my eyes.
" I didn't.". Everyone in the class started laughing.
" See me after class Brandon.". I flipped my paper over and guess what it said.
The bell ran and while the class rushed out of the door. I stayed im my seat.
" You know Brandon, you could be my #1 student. But you don't EVER turn in your homework, and you don't even show up to class half the time.". I told you I was't all that good. But I also didn't want to here her mouth.
" See you next week". After I said that I left the classroom.
"Wait! Brandon!". I stopped.
" Yes?"
" Have you seen Genesis? It's not like her to miss class".
" Oh, she, um. She's sick"
"Oh is she? Well okay. I guess there is no need to call then." I flicked that one little sweat that was on my forehead. I ran to the front door and walked home. When I got home, I realized that I had passed my curfew.
" Shit, im dead". I walked into my house and tried to sneak to my room but I failed.
" Were the hell were you!? It's fucking 3:30pm! 15 fucking minutes late?! You better have the best excuse I have EVER heard!"
" I had to stay after school". I felt a sting on my face. My eye tears up.
" Fuck you! FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!" I ran to my room and grabbed my WAY bigger extra backpack. I stuffed about 11 pairs of clothes, 4 pairs of shoes, toothbrush and toothpaste, brush and undergarments. I looked around my room to see if I needed any thing else. Then I seen and old photo from 6th grade of me and Genesis. I don't really know what happend to us but I don't want to bombard her with questions. But to be honest, Iv'e always had a little crush on he- wait. Never mind. I quickly grabbed the picture and shoved it in the little space I had left in my back pack. I sunk in to my mom's room and went into her wallet. I grabbed about $90 along with her debit card.
" Brandon! I need your help!"
" Do it your FUCKING SELF!" I opened my window and jumped on the roof. I sided down and started walking. Im not sure were I was going, but I know I was far going away from here.
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