Day 9: Hanging Out With Friends
"When I said we should hang out more, this isn't what I meant," Wally said, watching Dick swing backwards and forwards to build up enough momentum to reach the branch the entire team was tied to, including him. Unfortunately, they were in civvies so any obvious superpower use was out of the question.
"This'd be so much easier if they weren't watching us," Dick said through the psychic link, falling still as an armed goon walked past them. He wasn't a hundred per cent sure this was the Penguin's work, but whoever had ordered this kidnapping had some interest in either birds or bats. Or possibly sloths. They hang upside-down from trees sometimes, don't they?
"We'd already be free if they left us alone," Conner replied.
"I activated my emergency beacon as soon as they grabbed us," said Dick. "Batman'll get us out of this if we're still stuck by the time he gets here."
"You sound so excited," said Artemis.
"I'm practically buzzing with the stuff," Dick replied dryly. "I especially look forward to being tied to a pole in the Batcave until I figure out how to untie myself without attracting attention." He made another swing for the branch, but had to stop again when another goon walked by. "I hate being a civilian hostage."
"But you like being tied up in costume?" Wally said incredulously.
"It certainly beats this."
"Can't argue with that."
"M'gann, can you levitate all of us out of here?" asked Kaldur.
"Not without making a racket," M'gann replied. "I could free myself with telekinesis and cloak so I can free the rest of you, but if anybody notices I'm gone, they could get violent."
"Wait until the next patrol passes," Kaldur advised.
The patrol walked by and M'gann telekinetically unknotted the rope around her feet. Dick finally managed to swing up to the branch and hook his legs around it so he was hanging from the branch directly. While M'gann freed the others, he reached upwards and untied his own bonds.
Just as the team was about to head for the door, a dark shape stepped in. While the team tensed, Dick relaxed. He knew that shape well.
"Took you long enough," he whispered. "Is the way clear?"
"Yes. Good work freeing yourselves."
Wally gave Dick a high-five as the team filed out of the room in Batman's wake.
"You should ask him to let you stay over at my place while he's in a good mood," Wally said through the link.
"I'll think about it."
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