Day 29: Doing Something Sweet
Dick and Wally had to wear gumboots to the cemetery the morning after their wedding. Their feet left deep prints in the sodden, muddy grass. The sky was clear, the sun shining through the cold mist.
Parts of the cemetery were closed due to ground instability, but Dick managed to find another way around. It took them nearly ten minutes, icy air drying in their throats, but, at last, they reached their destination.
The ground was too wet for kneeling, so Dick crouched in front of his family's graves, dragging Wally down with him. Dick let out a shaky breath, watching it shroud the air in front of his eyes.
"Hey, guys," he said quietly. "I've got news."
Wally rested his hand on Dick's knee. "Hey, Mr and Mrs Grayson. And Mr and Mrs Grayson. And Dick's favourite cousin, John."
Despite his melancholy, Dick snorted. "I'm sure my aunt and uncle would be cool with you using their first names. Come to think of it, my parents probably would be, too."
"Just trying to be respectful," Wally said lightly.
Dick rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I told you guys I was marrying Wally, right? Well, that happened. We hyphenated, so he's half a Grayson now."
"I'm honoured to be half-part of the family," Wally added.
"The wedding didn't go quite as planned," Dick said to his family's headstones. "Some wannabe supercriminal flooded Gotham so we had to have it inside. And no one from Haly's could make it. It didn't feel complete without them. Or you."
Wally squeezed Dick's knee.
"I love you guys," Dick continued. "And I miss you." He wiped his eyes, though the tears weren't too persistent yet. "I would've brought flowers, but Alfred's are drowning and the city's practically shut down while emergency services deal with the flooding. I'll bring some later, I promise."
"I could race down to Blüdhaven," Wally offered.
"Maybe later," Dick replied, grabbing the hand on his knee. "I need you here."
"All right." Wally kissed his fingers. "Are we still gonna visit Haly's after the honeymoon?"
"Absolutely," Dick replied. He had been looking forward to that.
"You okay?"
"I think so." Dick rose out of his crouch, still gazing down at the damp stones that stood to summarise each of his relatives' short lives. "It's just... you know. It's jarring when you have this huge change in your life and so many of the people you want to share it with aren't around anymore."
Wally threw an arm over Dick's shoulders, drawing him in close. "You don't have to be okay, you know."
"Yeah, I know." Dick took a deep breath through his nose, the cold air stinging on its way in. "It hasn't hit me like this in a long time."
Wally's arm slipped down to Dick's waist, still holding him against his side. "We can stay longer if you want."
"No," Dick sighed, dropping his head onto Wally's shoulder. "Staying here's just gonna upset me. We're coming back with flowers anyway." Dick blew a kiss towards his family's headstones. "I'll see you guys soon. We can gossip about my husband's gross habits like Mum and Aunt Karla used to."
"A proud tradition of gross partner shaming," Wally said solemnly. "Happy to help."
"Please don't be disgusting on purpose so I can talk shit about you to my dead mother and aunt."
"There goes my evening."
Dick wiped his eyes again, laughing a little. "All right, let's go. We'll grab the flowers tomorrow. I'll see you guys then, okay? Don't go anywhere."
Wally snorted. "Oh, that was bad, babe." He kissed Dick's forehead. "Let's get out of here before you make any more dead people jokes."
Dick felt a little lighter as they left the cemetery. He was glad their flight had been delayed. He'd needed this. He still felt a touch brittle, which Wally must've picked up on since he was outright doting on Dick for the rest of the day, but it'd get better. It always did.
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