Day 14: Genderswap
"Way to show off your panties to the world, babe," Wanda said, watching Karla do a handstand on top of the swingset in a park in Central City. Karla was wearing some knee-length flowey floral thingy Bruce bought her the other day. She didn't much care what she wore, as long as she could move in it.
"They're bloomers," Karla called back down. "I came prepared."
"Of course you did," Wanda muttered, averting her gaze anyway. They were supposed to be staking out the park to find a person who had been abducting children. Karla, apparently, had decided to get into character by climbing on everything. Wanda was happy keeping her feet firmly planted on the ground.
Karla leapt off the swingset and somersaulted her way to the ground, landing perfectly, of course. Not a hair out of place. Alfred bought industrial-strength bobby pins, apparently. Or maybe Karla's hair was just magic with the way it never seemed to slip out of the messy little buns she favoured. Wanda didn't have the patience for that crap, so she'd lopped off as much of her hair as she could get away with and thrown the rest into a ponytail.
Karla threw her a thousand-watt grin. "You love watching me. Don't even deny it."
Wanda grumbled under her breath for a bit until Karla landed a giant smooch on her cheek, before to her mouth the instant the older girl shut it.
Karla pulled away quickly. "Don't look now, but I think that's our guy."
Wanda peered surreptitiously to the right where Karla's gaze was fixed. Yeah, that guy was definitely sketchy-looking, watching a group of children play from behind yesterday's newspaper.
"Good eye," Wanda whispered. "Plan?"
Karla pulled her hair out of the bun, shaking it out. "I'll draw his attention. You stick with the kids until I signal you over the comm." She set off at a skip, suddenly losing about five years from her age. The man's gaze was on her almost immediately. Wanda joined the kids playing in the sandpit. They were pretty young and hadn't yet figured out how to get the sand to stick to the shapes they wanted, so that was Wanda's job until she heard Karla's signal. It was a short bird call over the comm, something that would probably confuse her quarry but not alert him that something was up.
By the time Wanda reached Karla's location, Karla was up in a tree laughing at the man on the ground.
"You're ridiculous," Wanda said, clocking the guy in the face. Karla dropped to the floor, ignoring her comment completely.
"Call Barry. He owes me an ice cream."
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