Day 12: Making Out (Mature)
Wally never would've guessed that on the day Dick got his licence, they'd end up parked on a hill just outside Gotham, making out in the backseat of one of Bruce's expensive cars.
"Please tell me you deactivated Bruce's bugs," Wally said between kisses. Dick chuckled, pressing his lips beneath Wally's jaw, right on the pulse point. Wally gulped audibly.
"'Course I did," Dick murmured. "I left the tracking devices on, though. Otherwise he'd freak out and activate the tracker in my arm and come interrupt us."
"You have a tracker in your—?" The rest of Wally's question was lost against Dick's lips. Of course Dick had a tracker in his arm, being Batman's kid and all. Batman's kid who Wally was currently kissing. Leaving the trackers in the car on was definitely the right call; the last thing either of them needed was a pissed-off Batman coming to Dick's rescue only to be met with... well, an older boy's tongue in his son's mouth. And said older boy's hands on his ass.
Dick climbed into Wally's lap, just barely short enough to avoid banging his head on the roof. Dick was shooting up of late; it was possible he'd be taller than Wally once all his growing was done. Right now, though, he reminded Wally a bit of a giraffe. The kid was all limbs right now; his body had yet to fill out and catch up with his arms and legs. Dick hated it, but Wally thought it was adorable. He'd learned the hard way that cooing at Dick when he was complaining about having to relearn half his training was a one-way ticket to no alone time for a week.
Dick's teeth sank into Wally's bottom lip. Wally didn't know why biting was so hot—like, "oh yes I'm gonna inflict bodily harm on you with my teeth for fun" sounded like something a Gotham rogue would say—but itwas and Wally nipped back in retaliation. Dick squirmed in his lap, his tongue swiping at the teeth marks he left that were quickly disappearing because hell yeah speedster healing.
Dick managed to snake his hands under Wally's shirt without breaking the kiss or changing position. Wally yelped into his mouth at first—how were his hands still so cold?—but quickly calmed down as Dick's fingers slowly brushed up and down his abdomen. His thumbs started working gentle circles into the skin after a while, and Wally felt himself unwind.
Of course, Dick had never been one to let things fizzle out. He got a good grip on the waistband of Wally's jeans and his underwear and used that to pull himself closer. Wally's hands spasmed on Dick's ass, which had the younger boy sighing into his mouth.
He started vibrating. He couldn't help it. Dick snorted, sitting up.
"Watch the friction," he said. "I don't want to explain to Bruce why there's an ass-shaped—" He lost his train of thought when Wally vibrated harder against him.
"I'll be careful," Wally promised. "I just—" His words weren't working very well right now. That tended to happen when the blood in his body migrated south. Dick wasn't doing any better.
"Oh. Oh. Shit. Wally." Dick mashed their mouths together, grinding down into Wally's lap.
Wally hated to admit it, but with Dick pressed so close, tongue exploring, hips rolling, he was close to exploding in no time flat. He held back as long as he could—grabbing fistfuls of Dick's shirt, then scratching blunt nails down his back beneath that, gasping broken fragments of curses that Dick completed for him—until he finally came, gasping Dick's name.
Dick bit onto Wally's shirt at the shoulder, hips still moving, panting, grasping at everything he could reach. Wally reached down with a vibrating hand and squeezed Dick through his jeans. Dick's entire body stiffened and shook as he rode out his own orgasm until he finally melted, boneless, against Wally.
"That was..." Wally laughed breathlessly.
"Yeah." Dick closed his eyes.
"How long until you're expected back?"
"An hour, maybe. We've got time."
"Okay." Wally wrapped his arms around Dick's torso. "I don't know about you, but I'm happy right here."
Dick hummed in agreement.
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