chapter 44
Nisha's pov
I waited with bathed breath for his response. I know how stubborn and protective Ishaan is towards me and it will take him few moments to know that Nisha Ahuja is not a permanent resident of Shimla , she never was Asha maa's daughter, nor she lost her memories because of any accident.
"Okay Fine, I won't try to find anything regarding your past, but promise me, if I ever get to know anything about your past which can pose a threat to you , you won't stop me." He told me seriously and I smiled half heartly nodding.
"I promise you." I whispered kissing his hand.
"I am not asking you anything Nish because I am trusting you enough that whatever it is you want to hide from your past is not something dangerous for you and if it is , you will seek me on your own. Don't break my trust Nisha, I have suffered enough." He told me with a lot of emotions.
Don't break my trust Nisha, I have suffered enough Something broke inside of me hearing it. I looked at his eyes feeling thousands of needless piercing my heart as I hugged him tightly.
"You have to eat something sweetheart, you didn't had anything for a long time." Ishaan said and gently broke our hug.
"Umm Ishaan I am not hungry , My head is aching a bit I want to sleep for sometime." I told him , I need some time alone to gather myself.
"Sweetheart Are you feeling pain anywhere, Should I call the doctor, I knew that doctor was useless. " He angerly muttered to himself ready to bolt for his phone when I held his hand.
"No Ishaan I am perfectly fine nothing happened, I just feel tired nothing else. I just take a quick nap and be right back to myself." I forced a cheerful smile.
" But sweetheart..."
"Trust me Ishaan I am perfectly fine , I just want to sleep off these mess and I will be perfectly fine to annoy you again." I told him with a cheerful expression to assure him through he looked hesitated , he still nodded.
"Okay fine sweetheart, but let me know if you need anything. I will be in my study downstairs." He told me softly and kissed my forehead.
I smiled as he left from my room reluctantly. The smile vanished from my face as I slumped down on my bed. What should I do , everything.... everything is destroyed.
I looked at my wrist I could still see those marks of drugs and beatings. I shivered remembering those days. I have to do something, I can't let my past destroy my present, but what can I do, I am sure father and My sister are still searching for me and Ishaan, How will I stop him from finding the truth.
I buried my face in my hands in frustrations not knowing what to do, Is there anyway by which I can stop Ishaan from finding who Aaliyah khurana is, I don't have enough powers to stop The Ishaan Singhaniya and there is no one who can help me.
You are betraying Ishaan
The voice in my head whispered again and again but I am helpless, I want this life to be with Ishaan.....I don't want to lose him....I can't lose him, I have already lost everything in my life. I can't live in a reality where Ishaan Singhaniya hates me I can't.
But before that I have to meet someone , someone who is aware of the reality of Aaliyah and Nisha.
This was why I am standing in front of Alisha Door in the morning. I told Ishaan I wanted to have a girl's day out to clear my head and he agreed on the condition that I would take care of myself and to call him whenever I feel unwell.
Alisha opened the door and a look of surprise crossed her face when she saw me ," Nisha." She said in surprise.
I forced a cheerful smile on my face as Jaiden was behind me," Hey , Am I disturbing you. Actually I really wanted to spend sometime with you."
"No no please come inside." She invited us inside. As we entered her apartment I turned towards Jaiden." Why don't you relax and listen some songs for sometime till we have our girly time." I told Jaiden in a very Nisha kind of way.
He looked reluctant," boss said not to...."
" You don't want to hear your boss and my bedroom details right." I told him Rolling my eyes.
He paled and sat down on a nearby couch." I am good here."
I smiled at him and dragged Alisha to her bedroom and closed the door. " Nisha is something wrong....." I hugged her tightly as tears escaped me. I could feel her surprised as she hugged me. " What happened." She asked gently.
I broke the hug and looked at her helplessly," Everything is ruined Lisha." I called her with same nickname we both selected during our first day of school.
Alisha's eyes widened as she stepped back in shock." What did you said, No." She breathed out in shock. I nodded at her," I remember everything." I told her.
" Lia.... Aaliyah You... How.." she asked me. I told her everything which happened yesterday, but she was confused.
" I don't understand Lia, How is Ishaan girlfriend related to your memories, but more then that what happened to you nine years ago. Aaliyah you won't believe How much I searched for you." She told me in a emotional voice holding my hand, she was my childhood friend someone who made me smile and distracted me from my hellhole of a life in the mainsion.
"You know that day When I saw You at the mall for a second I really thought I mistook you for someone else but then I digged more and got to know that you are from India, I want to your hometown and Shimla and learned about your caretaker. I thought...I thought I will never find my Lia in Nisha,I tried Soo hard to trigger your memories but nothing worked." She told me, now I understand why she always dragged the topic of our friendship whenever we used to meet or talk.
" I didn't dissapear Alisha, I was forced to dissapear. " My chooked as I remembered my past. " You remember I used to visit a orphanage with Asha Maa weekly." I asked her and she nodded.
" Zoya, I meet her there." I told her and her eyes widened. I could still remember how sweet she was. Zoya always had a soft spot for me because of my quiet nature.
" Aaliyah I promise You one day you are surely get your prince charming, and I will play those fairy Cupid Role for you both."
I quickly wiped my eyes remembering her words. She always encouraged me that one day I will find my prince charming. " Zoya Noticed my bruises and she wanted to fight for me but that was the biggest mistake of her life Alisha." I looked at her with teary eyes and she immediately engulfed me in a hug. I could never forget that day.
I whimpered laying on floor from the continues belt hits of Kira Di, She was punishing me for revealing about the punishment to Zoya Di. I told her and father that I didn't said anything but they didn't believe me.
" It's high time for you to learn to shut your mouth bitch." Kira Di shouted kicking me in the stomach, I cried out from the sudden pain.
" That will teach you what happens when You disobey me. Now it's time for that Whore to understand with whom she has crossed paths with." Sister growled angirly and left the room banging the door. I slowly stood up from the floor promising myself that I will never again speak with Zoya Di. She promised me that she will make sure I don't get punishment anymore but she lied and here I am.
I walked out of the room towards the hallway, I was hungry father prohibited me from dinner last night. As I walked towards the kitchen a sudden screaming startled me and jumped in fear. What was it , did someone fall down, are they hurt. If they are hurt then they must require help, I must help them.
I took a step forward towards the basement area but halted remembering father's order of never entering any room except my room and the kitchen, I was not allowed to roam around the mansion. I don't want anymore punishment my whole body hurts. I took a step backwards but again heard that scream this time followed by a painful cry. I didn't know what to do If I get caught then I will be punished again but Asha maa always says to help others then God will also help you.
I slowly tiptoed towards the basement the lights were dimmed and I hide behind the door in the corner of the staircase. My eyes widened looking at Zoya Di laying on the floor injured, Kira Di and few of those scary man's of our mansion was there with her.
"I warned you to not middle in my business, That little bitch is mine puppet , my dad brought her to entertain me." Kira Di shouted hitting Zoya Di with a long belt. I cupped my mouth to stop the bubbling scream in my throat as Zoya Di cried in pain.
" I..I... won't give up....If...If you think You will be successful in shutting me up with....these torture....then you are mistaken. I ...I will get....get out....of here...and...I will save....Save.... Aaliyah.." Zoya Di breathed heavily while saying, her whole body was shaking. I couldn't witness this scene anymore and hurriedly run from there in my woobly legs.
She is suffering because of me , she is getting punished because she wanted to help me. No one can save me from here, Zoya Di is a angel and she can't fight these monster, Asha maa said only a knight can fight them but Zoya Di is not a knight, if she doesn't get out of here she will be also trapped like me. No I have to help her and I will never meet her again, I don't want her to be in danger. I quickly wiped my tears determined.
After few hours I sneaked back to the basement with the keys which I stole from one of those scary man , they were stupid didn't even realize when I sneakily stole the key while bumping into them. I silently unlocked the door and stepped inside, my Bose immediately scrunched up from the disgusting bad smell around the large room and finally fall on Zoya Di laying on the floor. I rushed to get and shook her gently, she was badly injured with dried blood covered in most of her body.
"Zoya Di wake up please." I called helplessly finally she opened her eyes groggily, her eyes fall on me and immediately widened, she tried to sit but failed because of the deep injuries. " Aaliyah What are you doing here, and how did you even enter." She asked shockingly. I showed her the keys." I stole them from Kira Di's guards."
She immediately shook her head," No no You can't be here , she will kill you if you she gets to know anything. Get out from here before anyone notice." She pushed me towards the door but I shook my head. " I am not going anywhere without helping you out of here. They will punish you more and you will be trapped here forever." I stubbornly shook my head.
Zoya Di shook her head," No Aaliyah you are not understanding , You can't get me out of here alone. Do one thing, can you get me a phone." She asked hopefully. I bite my lips I can sneak her one of the servent phone.
"I think I can."
Zoya Di eyes lit up." Please get it to me Aaliyah I need to call Ishaan, he will protect us both. He will get us out of here." She said with a determined voice.
" Who is he, how will he safe us , is he a knight like those stories." I asked confused. I can't drag anymore people in my mess, if he is like those knight strong and powerful then only I will call him.
"Yes, He is like a knight , he will protect us Aaliyah and I make sure that he will protect you also." She coughed with heavy breath and suddenly hugged me." Aaliyah, I safe you, Ishaan will safe us both , He will safe you I make sure of it." She whispered to me with such confidence that I believed her. I broke the hug and immediately run outside.
I will finally get out of here , Asha maa and I will go somewhere far away where no one will be able to find us. I thought with a new hope and sneaked into the kitchen, it only had few stuff Soo it was easier for me to quickly sneak one of their phone laying in the counter. I run back to Zoya Di and she smiled looking at the Mobile.
But soon both of us smile dimmed when the call keep getting rejected. I looked at her fearfully and she too looked worried. " No No Ishaan please pick up the call, I have to safe Aaliyah, please Ishaan I promised myself." She kept muttering but nothing happened.
The call was finally received by Zoya Di's friend but my eyes widened looking at Kira Di standing just behind. I tried to crawl back but I bumped with one of the guards. Pure shiver run down my spine. The painful scream of Zoya Di made me turn my attention back.
The mobile I brought was now laying broken in the corner of the room as She pulled Zoya Di hair harshly and slapped her hard. " You think you are too smart right. That you can save this little bitch, guess what now you will yourself make her life a living hell." She shouted at her throwed her harshly.
She turned to me and I could feel my whole body shaking." I" I my voice shook with fear loud sobs. She harshly grabbed my hair to pull me up and I whimpered from the pain in my sculp.
"Please leave her, she hadn't done anything I forced her. Please leave her she is innocent." Zoya Di shouted but Kira Di was looking at me with a strange smile.
" You think you can outrun me Aaliyah." She titled her head and I shook my head in fear. " To bad because now you will know What exactly I am capable of." She clapped her hands and immediately two men entered holding Asha maa harshly. My eyes widened and Soo did Zoya Di's.
"Please leave Asha maa." I begged her but she only smriked.
"You love your Asha maa right." I nodded. She signalled something and the man holding me freed me, I smiled at her but my smile vanished looking at the gun which was handed to me. I looked at her fearfully. " Shoot Zoya." She simply and all three of us gasped.
I almost dropped the gun but the man behind me made me hold the gun tightly. " Please no don't do this, she is a child please don't involve her in these." Asha maa begged. But the man slapped her harshly.
"Asha MAA ." I shouted and tried to free myself.
"If you don't shoot Zoya then my man will Shoot your Asha ma." She said smiling cruelly and immediately one of her man pointed their gun at Asha MAA temple. I could feel my heart thudding loudly in my chest. I feel naucious I wanted to vomit from this situation. My head was spinning but j didn't dare to close my eyes afraid they will shoot Zoya Di or Asha maa.
"Choose fast Nisha, Only one of them will live , it's either your Asha ma or Zoya. Choose fast or they both will be death." She order and my fingers trembled if not for the man holding my gun tightly to my hand I would have fallen to ground. I shook my head.
No no no I can't lose Asha maa, she... she is my everything, she... she.. she can't leave me..
"Aaliyah no don't this child , I will be fine, Zoya needs to live Aaliyah." Somewhere in a distance background I heard Asha maa's voice.
" Aaliyah don't, You need Asha maa, Shoot me please kill me but don't let that poor soul this punishment of lifetime...." A conversation was going on but my ears only has this buzzing noise I can't hear anything. Why is my vision getting blurry.
Asha maa she can't leave me, she is my mother, she always has been, how will I live without Asha maa.
"Shoot her Aaliyah."
"Aaliyah don't this."
"Shoot her or I kill Asha maa infront of you."
"Aaliyah no You can't do this."
I want to sleep my head is feeling heavy, why is everyone shouting Soo much.
"Aaliyah shoot her."
"Find you won't shoot her right , Guards finish Asha." I my head snapped up when I saw the men ready to pull the trigger.
"No." A choked whisper left me.
The gun slipped from my hands as I saw Zoya Di slumping down. Pool of blood was forming around as she stared at nothing in blankness. I looked at the gun laying on my feet and then run towards Zoya Di. I tried to hold her but I was harshly dragged away by the guards. I looked my hand which now has Zoya di's blood.
Flashbacks end
"I killed Zoya." I whispered to Alisha who now has tears in her eyes. I looked at her with my own bloodshot eyes. " I am the same person Ishaan is searching all his life to take revenge on. I am the same Aaliyah khurana whom Ishaan promised to avenge for Zoya." I breathed out in a choked whisper. The world was a cruel place and destiny was even crueler.
A quick question : have you ever felt this "unexplainable" feelings or connection with someone You can never have? And no matter how hard you try , you can't seem to move on from that connection?
Any thoughts regarding the story ?
Word count: 3098.
Love- Ira ❤️
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