chapter 41
Authors pov
"Ishaan do I really need to get this much expensive dress just for few minutes, and I am not even the centre of attention." Nishn whined for the third time as they walked inside Anna's boutique, it was the most expensive boutique in London and Nisha was sure the prices will be fancy too.
Ishaan took off his shades as Anna approached them with a professional smile." good morning Mr.Singhaniya , Ms.Ahuja , I have few dress ready for Ms.Ahuja as You informed I hope she will like it." She said.
Nisha shoot her eyes towards Ishaan, Informed what the hell." Kya matlab ki Tum mere pit piche shadyanta rach rahe the." She said in her native language Soo everyone wouldn't understand. ( Translation : " What do you mean by that you were conspiracing behind me." )
Ishaan lips twitched but his face remained the usual stone cold." please Escort her to the dress." He told Ana and turned towards her," I will return after making few calls." He told her and walked out.
Nisha gasped at his blatant ignorance, Let him return she thought narrowing her eyes in plot of revenge.
"Ms Ahuja please follow my Assistant, she will show our latest collection." Anna said with a smile gesturing towards one of the girl.
Nisha followed her to a huge room full of breath taking dresses, Being a Fashion designer student, she was in heaven.
Nisha checked each dress and walking through the room when her eyes fall on a petite girl standing cluelessly looking at a red dress, She had gorgeous brownish black hair with slight curls at the end,her face was scrunched in pure confusion and her face screamed innocence from a miles.
"The red one will suit you more." Nisha told her and she jumped hearing her voice.
"Umm sorry." She asked frowning obviously in worry of a stranger.
"I saw you looking confusedly between the two dresses , the red one will suit you more I am also a experienced fashion designing student and trust me you will look gorgeous in it , you can also ask Anna." Nisha told her with her famous friendly smile hoping to put the poor girl into Ease.
"Thank you I was really confused about it , actually I don't have much experience about Western dresses." The girl said with a sweet smile and Nisha almost awwed at her cuteness.
Nisha chuckled," Oh don't worry you look beautiful in traditional and I m sure you will gorgeous in Western also, just keep in mind that you are the best." She said giving her thumbs up and wink and she could practical see the girl sighing in relief.
Before she could further their conversation her Mobile beeped. " Excuse me." She said with a apologizing smile and walked a distance to pick up.
"Where are you Nish, it's been a a hour since you went in search of the dress and I can't even let my guards enter inside." Ishaan's worried voice blessed her ears and she rolled her eyes at his overprotectiveness.
"I am choosing dress not pickup grocery that I can do it in few minutes, let me enjoy my shopping you vampire." She said sarcastically and hung up.
Turning around she walked back towards the girl," I have to go otherwise don't know how many search party will come here." Nisha said with a chuckle.
The girl smiled." It was nice to meet you , I hope we will again meet in future." The girl said in a sweet voice and Nisha really hoped they meet again.
After biding her bye she walked back towards Anna , Choosing a lavender grown with see-through sleeve and stone work, she walked out to see Ishaan standing impatiently.
Ishaan just got to know that Vihaan was there with his family and his school friend Akira, his jaw clenched He never liked Akira, infact he hated her, Akira was the most malicious person you could meet, the girl was a total bully to everyone who even dared to look at Vihaan, and a creepy stalker if you could point it. But Vihaan was a blind in friendship, after losing Veer , Akira was his only childhood friend. For some reason Ishaan didn't wanted Akira to meet Nisha, He remembered how Akira used to bully and humiliate Zoya.
"Let's go ." He said slipping his hand on her waist.
Nisha frowned." What happened." She asked sensing him on edge.
"Vihaan and his family is here , I am not in a mood for sappy family drama and that's a say given Vihaan family is the most extroverted family you will ever come across." Ishaan muttered making her chuckle.
" More extrovert then me." Nisha asked teasingly.
"You are tolarable kind of extrovert." He said his lips twitching into a smile and Nisha laughed.
"I want explore , take me on a date." Nisha said as they walked back to their car.
" I think it will be best if we explore tomorrow, how about I take you to lunch today." He said and she nodded.
They both went to a Asian Restaurant and Nisha scrunched her face in confusion at the menu." Order something for me , I don't know what to order." Nisha told him.
Ishaan ordered Tofu and Veg sushi for her." I think you will like it."
Nisha looked at the chopsticks," how do you eat with this." She asked raising the chopsticks.
"Here let me show you." Ishaan showed her how to hold it, but holding and eating with it another story.
"Arggg forget it ,." Nisha said irritated after her sixth failed attempt.
Ishaan shook his head in amusement grabbed a sushi and held it infront of her lips. Nisha eating it," You are a sweetheart." She said with mouthful earning a blank look from him.
End of Author's pov
Nisha's pov
The past few days have been great in London, our return got delayed as Ishaan caught up in some work. We attended Vihaan's party and I got to know the girl from the Boutique was Vihaan's girlfriend Amaya.
We bonded over many things and she introduced me to her Friend Gia who was a total sweetheart herself. We had fun or as much fun you can have with a talk black suited bodyguard trailing after you like a stalker.
But the most surprising twist was Amaya was not Amaya but her twin sister Aradhaya. Appearantly Vihaan's girlfriend had to leave for her dream of becoming a model and They convinced or I will say manipulated Aradhaya to take her place till she returns.
I blood boils Everytime I think I about Vihaan and his actual girlfriend using Aradhaya for their selfish reason, the girl was too innocent and good for own good.
But I was worried for Aradhaya for a different reason.
I looked at her who was sitting in the corner, her nose buried in some medical books.
I just hope she doesn't end up getting her heartbroken, I thought, I have seen the way her eyes looks at Vihaan and I am all to familiar with that look.
"I am bored." Vidushi Vihaan's cousin sister announced.
It was a Sunday afternoon and We girls were chilling in Aradhaya's room. Ishaan went out with Vihaan for some work.
A idea popped into my head," Let's go clubbing." I said excitedly. I tried to convince Ishaan to take but the guy was a struck ass when it comes to socializing and having fun.
" you really think Nisha that my dear over protective brother would allow me to go to nightclub without sending a two car full of bodyguards who will follow us everywhere like a criminal." Vidushi asked sarcastically.
I twisted my lips it was my problem too but a idea formed into my head and I grinned, I told the girls and they all agreed.
In the evening I made a coffee for Jaiden and sneakily slipped sleeping pills. I walked towards him who was sitting on the couch scrolling through his mobile. He looked when he saw me.
I smiled widely at him forwarded the cup of coffee." I made this for you." I said sweetly.
Jaiden looked at the coffee like it's a poison, no wonder after his last encounter with my cooking he probably thinks it's food poison.
"No Thanks I just had a cup myself." He said clearing his throat.
Damm it , time to play the emotional card.
I purses my lips with a sad expression like someone stole my favorite food." It's okay I know you just avoiding it, I just throw it away, I knew you didn't like my cooking, Ishaan probably threatened you." I said sighing and slowly started turning,
A look of pure horror crossed his face and he gulped , Who thought this cold guy has Soo many expression inside of him.
"No wait." I smriked Internal feeling triumph.
"Nothing like that, I loved your cooking and I can enjoy another cup of coffee." He said taking the cup away from me and gulped it down in one single gulp.
I winced and Soo did he, Guy probably burned his tongue and testebuds.
I clapping my hands happily and took the cup back." Great. Enjoy your time with your mobile Jaiden." I said a little too happily but he was busy trying to regain his testbuds.
I went back to my room and looked through the cloths , I wanted to try something daring today just to rile Ishaan up, I wanted to bring his jealous side up, something about guy's being jealous is too much attractive. I also wanted to push his button after our last intimacy, I wanted him to lose control.
My core clenched thinking about the words he whispered to me that day. Damm who knew Ishaan the cold introverted Businessman was a dirty talker in bed. I shiver run through me imagining the kinds of things he can do if his control snaps , will he be rough or gentle.
Only one way to find.
I thought picking up a white glittering dress which till my midthigh, I just hope my plan works.
Sending a silent prayer, I got ready , I focused on my eyes while doing my make-up and let my hair free. When I stood in front of mirror I was satisfied with my results.
I walked downstairs to see Jaiden passed out on the couch. Damm Vidushi truly has a way with medicines.
I adjusted his head on pillow and drapped a comforter on him." Sleep tight Jaiden, I am sorry but I really need to rile your gentleman boss up." I said ruffling his hair.
I walked out to see Aradhaya, Gia and Vidushi climbed out of their car, each of them looked like a seductress.
We managed to fool the guards, Vidushi was a total sneaky little princess, Within few minutes we were infront of the nightclub without any guards, like a normal group of girls having nightout.
"Wow this feels Soo good." Vidushi explained walking inside the nightclub.
Music with alcohol and smoke blasted on us as we walked through sweaty bodies dancing and having the time of their lifes. It was thrilling, I never went to a nightclub before , oh well the drunk incident from Reyansh club doesn't count, Ishaan was a pain in the ass at that time.
And not during my time in India , atleast not after my accident, I was to busy jungling between my degree of fashion designing and helping Maa financially to enjoy life, and after with Ishaan, well he was too much overprotective and introverted asshole to let me, I didn't really had that kind of friends before, Alisha was more like a good talking friend then fun.
"Let's dance." Vidushi said dragging Gia away to the nightclub, I sat beside Aradhaya ordering two mocktail for us. I kept my eyes on Vidushi and Gia , we had gainned many attention in this club and I didn't wanted Vidushi and Gia to get in any trouble. For one Vihaan would skin me alive and second I didn't wanted any trouble for them.
I was lost in my thoughts when to my surprise I thought I saw His bump into someone familiar....wait is that Andrew.
"Nisha I am worried for Vihaan ji's reaction." Aradhaya's voice gained my attention.
"Don't worry he is too whip...I mean he is too blinded by your innocent face to lash out on you." I told her with wink and cheeky grin and she blushed.
I trailed my eyes back to the place but Andrew was nowhere and Gia was with Vidushi, maybe I am being paranoid.
Vidushi and Gia and returned to us and suddenly the chaotic club was in pin drop silence.
Ah oh, here it is.
I thought just as the crowd parted and Three figures stood with deathly stares , but my eyes stared at the particular calm cold eyes.
Dear God ,if I somehow get roasted alive please forgive all my sins.
I sneakily slipped behind Aradhaya who was scared shitless.
"Kachaa or pakka ." I said loudly to Ishaan and everyone looked at me like I am a runaway mental. ( Translation : " Raw or friend." )
"I mean surely you chew me today just had a confusion are you going to chew me raw or after frying with some spices." I joked nervously smiling but shut up looking at the way his jaw twitched.
He was in front of me in two long strides and had my hand in a firm grip and dragged me towards the entrance in long strides.
I kept my mouth shut as we drove towards the mansion. Ishaan was driving with his jaw clenched. My bravery had flown out of the club the moment he entered.
He went straight to the bedroom and I timidly followed him.
"Ish.." I was cut off as my back collided with the wall. I stared dumbfounded at Ishaan who leaned close that our lips were almost touching but still didn't touch.
"You love to rile me, don't you." He asked in a low dangerous voice which sent a shiver down my back.
Damm I want to kis...
I held my head high ," I was only having fun , I don't need your permission for everything." I told him challengingly.
He leaned down to my ear, his breath fanning my neck and my toes curled in anticipation. I could hardly control my heavy breathing.
" You could have taken one of the guards, but you choice to be a brat , didn't you , Hmm." He hummed nuzzling in my neck dropping a wet kiss on my pulse point
I clenched my eyes shut my breathing turning more rigid and I could hardly control sound of pleasure bubbling in my throat.
Freaking hell , how could he turn me on without even doing anything.
His breath retuning to my ear followed by a light nip." You know what happens with Brats, they get punished." He whispered huskily to my ear.
I eyes snapped open feeling a pressure on my wrist, I looked down to see both of my wrist binded together by his Tie. I looked up shocked at him who had a dark glint in his eyes.
When did he... God why is this Soo Damm hot
" Do you have any idea how much I wanted to tear each and every guys who looked at you, I wanted to do bloodbath, tell me Nisha do you want me to do bloodbath." Ishaan whispered raising my tied hands above my head, our chest were molded together and my nipples hardened feeling his strong muscles.
My face heated up as his breathing raged up, but kept my expression firm." Maybe I liked their Attention." I told him, his face was more dark then the night sky , fury danced in his eyes.
His mouth crushed on my in a brutal kiss, his tongue devoured my mouth like I am his last meal. his hand grabbed the back of neck in a firm grip," You are Mine Nisha, Never ever , I repeat Never ever Talk about Another Man. I am not a nice guy Nisha, I will Bath in their blood." Ishaan whispered on my lips and thighs clenched in need.
I opened my mouth to retort but only a embarrassing moan released when he dropped a wet kiss on my collarbone grazing his teeth lightly, he tongue licked the spot soothing the light tingling.
I struggled my hands to free my myself, desperate to touch him, feel his smooth skin, the sensation he was creating was too much for me.
He trailed his kisses above the swell of my breast,his five-o clock shadow grazed my skin nearly making me lose my mind.
"Is.. Ishaan." I breathed, He groaned in my skin and attacked my lips in a consuming kiss.
"Jump." He ordered, releasing my hand and to support my butt. I wrapped my legs around his waist, the end of my dress has ridden up exposing my Underwear and I could easily feel the evidence of Ishaan's needs pressing against me in a delicious form of pleasure.
"More." I breathed throwing my head back. He untied my hands and immediately buried it in his hairs.
"You like it sweetheart." He whispered in my ears and I nodded with my eyes closed as pleasure hummed through me in his slow rubbing of our clothed core.
"You want to chase the pleasure baby , You want to reach that high."
"God yes."
"But You won't sweetheart."
I snapped my eyes open at his words to see him smriking , He gently set me down on the bed and stepped back trying to hide his amusement.
"What the freak do you mean by that , you asswipe asshole." I shouted, wanting nothing more but kick but my legs were still wobbling from the haze of tingling pleasure.
He raised eyebrow," What, I told you get punished, Did You really think After the stunt You pulled today I will let it go Soo easily." He asked crossing his arms.
I was gaping like a fish to shocked to retort.
"Have a goodnight sleep Sweetheart." He told me winking and walked away.
I will get back at you , Ishaan Singhaniya.
The next morning when I walked in the dining, Jaiden was sitting with a weird look and cup of coffee.
I was way to grumpy and I was glad Ishaan wasn't there or I would have throwed a glass of water on him. I sat down and the caretaker served me breakfast.
I could feel Jaiden cold eyes on me," Jaiden stop with the Weird eye look." I told him, I was irritated with his boss and now him.
He remained silent." I am here for my duty ma'am. I am not supposed to talk with you." He said robotically.
I could feel my guilt rising , okay I shouldn't have drugged him.
"Stop being a guilt tripper. What do I have to do to get you out of your bitchy mood." I asked him with a sign.
"Are you genuinely guilty." He asked cocking a eyebrow.
I purses my lips," Quite being a drama Jaiden tell me what to do."
He forwarded me a glass with a green liquid, " As you made me drink that thing yesterday, drink this as a form of revenge." He said shrugging.
Free advise- Never fall for your friend guilt trap.
Sighing I took the glass,"what is this." I asked smelling the liquid and scrunched my nose at the disgusting smell.
He tried to hide his smugness behind his coffee," Nothing much, just some healthy Bitter gourd juice for you." He said casually sipping his coffee.
My mouth hang open ,Bitter gourd is nightmare for chocolate lovers like me.
"You can't be serious." I said shockingly,
He shrugged," Silent treatment it is then Ma'am." He said like a bitch he was.
I scowled." Fine You asshole , but You have to stop with the Silent treatment." I told him , I pinched my nose close and drank the whole glass In gulp.
My taste buds felt like on poison." I hate you and your boss." I cried.
Ik ik I m alive life took a new change currently in my second year in college and let me tell you CU sucks
Also I m doing my first ever content writing internship.
Wordcount: 3500
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