chapter 38
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Authors POV
The first thing Nisha noticed after opening her eyes is white Wall, it took her few moments to remember what happened, with Widened eyes she tried to get up but a weight on her hand stopped her. She looked towards her side to see a messed up Ishaan sleeping with his head on her good hand.
He looked like a mess with his uncombed hairs , a band-aid on his forehead and cut on his lips, there were dark circles, even with the worry she sighed in relief.
She thought about the accident and almost shivered thinking of the consequences, She knows this is a part of his life but still it will take her sometime to get used to these.
She looked at her other hand which had a casts,
" You fractured few bones, doctor said hopefully it will be healed within a moment but no move and straining until then." She jumped hearing his husky voice next to her, she didn't even realize when he woke up.
" You okay, you are not injured right, did you check with the doctor, What did he say , You......." She was cut off by his lips on her.
She closed her as they lips moved softly and gently, she could feel his anxiety, his panic and everything he felt from the time she jumped out of the car. The kiss wasn't rushed and fast , it was more of a reassuring of bring okay.
They broke the kiss to rest their forehead on each other, their breaths were mingled as Ishaan cupped her face with one hand while the other held held her fingers from the time doctor allowed him with her.
" I was scared." He whispered against her lips and she wanted to say she was too but he needed assurance now.
" I am okay, nothing can happen to me when I am with you." She whispered back opening her eyes, she lightly peaked his lips with smile just as the door opened and they pulled away from each other but he still held her fingers.
Reyansh and The doctor entered, The doctor checked her," I think it will be better if you Avoid Flight journey for a week." The doctor said making Ishaan nod, making Nisha snap her head towards him.
As the doctor left Reyansh caressed her hair," How are you feeling." He asked.
" Fine Reyansh Bhai, But You There." Nisha turned towards Ishaan pointing her finger making him raise his eyebrow.
" What do you mean by that nodding, you have a million dollars company to run , We have Benji there, you cannot get struck here." Nisha lectured him jabbing her fingers in his chest, which he grabbed and kissed the tips, making her blush and Reyansh cough.
" My millions dollars company can fuck itself for all I care, Jenny can take care of Benji and I most definitely going to get struck here and I don't need your approval, infact not only for a week , we are going to get struck here till your caste is removed." Ishaan told making her jaw drop.
"You are not serious."
" Absolutely serious."
She looked at him like a gaping fish as he stood up to make calls for their upcoming stay.
Ishaan returned after making calls with Jaiden to increase the security and to make arrangements for their stay in the Singhaniya mansion.
Entering he saw a helpless Nurse and Irritated Nisha doing debate for dinner.
"Ma'am please have the soup , the doctor strictly told me to feed you this." The Nurse said.
Nisha usual sweet face turned into a scowl," And kindly tell your doctor if he doesn't want to have a viral video of a patient crying for food, then he better serve me something nice." Nisha told her sarcastically making her pale.
This girl Ishaan thought biting his cheeks to stop smiling, putting on a serious facade, he cleared his throat gaining their attention," Ma'am, give me the bowl , I will feed her." He said taking the bowl as the nurse nodded greatfully at him , practically fly from the room.
He sat infront of her, who looked at him cautionly," listen Ishaan, I am not going to have that thing , even if you force me, the last thing you would want is stinky vomit all over you." She warned him eyeing the bowl , god did she hated hospital food.
"What if we have a deal." He said in his businessman mode.
Nisha narrowed her eyes , not at all believing His cunning manipulative businessman mode." What deal." She asked.
" How about in exchange of you eating whatever the doctor suggest with any tantrum and I teach you how to ride my Black Beast and maybe even give him to you for a day." Ishaan said raising a eyebrow.
One day Nisha stumbled in the garage and right in front of Ishaan favorite Black beast Bike. From that day Nisha was hell-bent on riding it on her own.
Nisha gave him a judgemental look," You promise you won't go back to your words." She asked him forwarding her pinky.
"Do I look like I break my words," he asked and she nodded in yes Making him frown as he joined his pinky with her.
After she finished the whole soup, he sat beside her bed while she laid down," Ishaan you here from yesterday night , go get some rest , I will be alright trust me." She told him looking at his worn out face, at this rate he will most definitely get sick.
" In your dreams." He replied adjusting her casted hand properly.
She sighed," At least sleep on the couch you can't spend your another night in this chair." She told him but her gave her deaf ears,
Annoyed, she held his wrist and pulled him beside her," What the fuck are you doing." He asked Making sure she didn't strain her casted hand as she scooted to side making room for him.
" As you are a thick headed stubborn idiot, you are going to sleep right here with me, I am not letting you spend another night there." She said pointing to the chair.
He opened his mouth to argue but she placed her hand on his mouth," one more word about this then , I am to go and sleep in that couch ." She threatened him.
Signing he nodded making her grin, he helped her towards him and gently placed her fractured hand on his chest while she snuggled into his neck , feeling the most secured in the world.
" Ishaan, my hand is fractured not my legs. Put me down." Nisha hissed as he casually walked towards the entrance carrying her bridal style.
"Not a chance in hell." He said walking into a room and gently placing her on the bed.
"I want to explore." She whined but looking at his raised eyebrow and smug expression she realized her words as crimson coated her cheeks.
"The Mansion." She screeched looking at his smrik.
"Sure ," He agreed with a smug expression to which she throwed a pillow at him.
He chuckled looking at her flustered self," Take some rest , I bring you something to eat."
" What are you doing." Ishaan asked looking at her who was standing by the window gazing outside.
She shrugged enjoying the night breezes," I am not feeling sleepy." She said with a almost pout.
"You do realize that you taking medicine and you need proper sleep to recover right." He asked leaning besides her on the wall.
" Do something then." She told him teasingly.
He sighed and picked her up bridal style," Ishaan I was just teasing you , put me down." Nisha laughed, as he placed her on the bed.
"Which one." He asked standing in front a shelves of books he arranged for their stay.
"What." Nisha asked confused, surely he knows that she can't read with one hand.
" I know you have a habit of reading before sleeping, Soo tell me which one." He said going through her romance collection.
"Twisted Love by Ana Huang." Nisha said, the book was a masterpiece and She couldn't stop simping over Alex volkov.
"Twisted Love it is then." He said picking up the book and sitting beside her, She instantly snuggled to his side, looking at his surprised face she raised a eyebrow.
"What, I am sick I need my own snuggle boast of energy." She said muffling her face in his chest to hide the shit-eating grin on her face.
Ishaan cleared his throat and started reading, his voice was deep and soothing making Nisha blush, it created scenarios in her mind.
Stupid Nish she thought closing her eyes , his soothing voice was the last thing she heard before falling asleep.
"Ishaan please no more, my stomach is full." Nisha whined sitting in the kitchen counter as Ishaan feed her.
He gave her a look," You are not moving an inch till you finish all these ." He deadpanned.
She gave him a stink eye ," I should have gotten a golden retriever young Boyfriend." She muttered as he feed her another spoon.
"Too bad you are struck now Nisha , I already warned you but you were to brave." He replied back with sass.
She struck her tongue out at him.
"Ishuuuuuu." She called him knowing Damm well He will get irritated.
Oh for fuck sake Ishaan thought he literally loath that nickname and she uses that Everytime to get on his nerves.
He glared at her, " Say that one more time and I know a seventy nine ways to shut you Up." He threatened shutting her up.
The urge to say make me was high on her nerves but no matter how bold she tried to be , she didn't had the courage, to be on the safe side she compiled with him.
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